Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 756 All right, I listen to you!

"Shanhe, in fact, uncle has always wanted to say thank you in person."

As soon as he said this, Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said with a smile: "Uncle, is it because of your cousin? As I said, there is no need to say thank you. We are all a family, so why be polite?" .I did something wrong before, so just don’t be as knowledgeable as me.”

"You kid is just too modest."

Lin Chuntang took a puff of cigarette, choked his throat a little, coughed twice and continued: "Chaoyang is already so big, he will decide his own affairs, I will not take care of it anymore."

"But you know what he was like before, even if I don't tell you. Since you don't want me to mention the past, then I won't mention it, but I still have to say thank you."

"I am your uncle, your elder. If I say thank you, you will have to bear it."

"Okay, okay, you are uncle, you can say whatever you want." Zhao Shanhe said with a helpless smile.

The two chatted like this.

Soon Lin Chaoyang came over and asked them to enter the room to talk. After entering the room, Zhao Shanhe asked about Lin Chaoyang's recent progress.When he heard that Lin Chaoyang was doing well in his career, Zhao Shanhe said a few words of encouragement.

The family is happy.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Chunyan was very happy from the bottom of her heart.After all, this is her natal home. Wouldn't it be a good thing if she could be greeted warmly by her elder brother and sister-in-law every time she came back?And such a good thing was brought by Zhao Shanhe. Thinking of this, she couldn't help being proud of her son.

A group of people were so lively until three or four in the afternoon that Zhao Shanhe and the others got up and went home.

After sending Zhao Shanhe and the others away, Lin Chuntang said to Lin Chaoyang: "In the future, learn more from Shanhe. I found out that you can only learn real skills by following him."

"Dad, I will!"

Lin Chaoyang said with emotion: "I used to be ignorant, which made you and mom worry. Don't worry, I won't do stupid things anymore! I will make good money to honor your elders."

Lin Chuntang immediately cast a gratified look at his son when he heard the words: "This is a comfortable statement, let's go back and make two more drinks."

"it is good!"


The third grade.

Zhao Shanhe and the others went to Yangpo Town, there are no customs to pay attention to here, it doesn't matter what day you can't go out, as long as it is in the first month, you can go to New Year's greetings on any day.

Yangpo Town.

When Zhao Shanhe and the others came, Zhao Yongxin's whole family was there, even Zhao Guoer, who was supposed to stay at her in-law's house, was waiting at home with Shang Wenzhi.

A group of people had a lively New Year's greetings and began to give out red envelopes.In this warm and harmonious atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe said to his grandparents: "Grandpa and grandma, I have already ordered a table of wine and food in the county town. Let's go to the county town to eat this year, so as not to worry about it at home."

"Okay, I listen to you!"

Zhao Xiuwu nodded.

Because Zhao Yongxin had told him about this in advance, so he had no objection, and then a group of people came to Nanjue County in a mighty car.Fortunately, it wasn't too far away, otherwise, this distance alone would be enough to toss.

After everyone sat down, Zhao Shanhe ordered the restaurant to start serving food.

At this time, Zhao Xiuwu suddenly said to Zhao Yonghao: "Boss, didn't you tell your sister? Let their family come over to join in the fun?"

The moment these words were spoken, the box that was bustling just now fell silent.

Everyone looked over.

Zhao Yonghao was silent and did not speak.

"Dad, there may be something wrong with Eldest Sister, so let's not tell Eldest Sister." After Zhao Yongxin noticed that the atmosphere here was not right, he hurriedly made jokes to change the topic.

But who would have thought that Zhao Xiuwu didn't think so.

He stared at Zhao Yonghao closely, without the slightest hint of dodge in his eyes, and said calmly: "I'm not an idiot, I know there is a conflict between you and your elder sister, but I think this conflict is more caused by Zhou Yongjian." Right? You and your eldest sister should be pretty good, so what if it's not good?"

"You can continue to have conflicts normally, but today is the Chinese New Year. During the Chinese New Year, the family should be reunited. This is called the Chinese New Year."

"You said it would be fine if we didn't come to the county seat, but now that we've come, we're eating at the door of your elder sister's house. You don't want their family to come over, isn't that justified?"

"Dad, I have no objection, that's fine."

The old man has already talked to this point, what else can Zhao Yonghao do, he quickly agreed, and then said to Zhao Shanhe: "Call your aunt and let them come over!"

"it is good!"

Just when Zhao Shanhe picked up the big brother and was about to dial out, who would have thought that the door of the box was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and then Zhou Yongjian, Zhao Yongduo and Zhou Angong walked in.

Everyone was stunned when they saw their family.

What do you mean?

We haven't called here yet, so you're here?Do you have the ability to predict the future?Or is it that this matter was originally discussed and was done by grandpa, otherwise how could there be such a coincidence?

"It really is you."

Zhou Yongjian, who was looked at like this, cleared his throat to relieve his embarrassment, and said with a big smile: "I said that what I saw just now seemed to be you, and it really was you, parents, happy new year."

"Happy New Year, since everyone is here, sit down!"

Zhao Xiuwu blushed and greeted him.

Then there was a rush, and three chairs were added.

During this process, Zhao Yongduo kept his head down and didn't speak, he didn't even have the guts to look at Zhao Shanhe and the others.This would have been unimaginable in the past.

Who doesn't know that Zhao Yongduo is the soul of the entire Zhao family, how can he be so cowardly when he is a one-of-a-kind character?

Seeing such a scene, Zhao Shanhe didn't say anything else.Although he said that he is a big man who calls the wind and rain outside, and is the director of several factories, but here he is a real junior.That being the case, just listen to it obediently. As for what is there and what is not, he doesn't bother to get involved.

"Qiuya, eat vegetables."

After the dinner started, Zhao Shanhe has been taking care of Li Qiuya.

This made Li Qiuya feel a little uncomfortable, she touched Zhao Shanhe with her leg quietly, and said in a low voice: "Just calm down! I can pick up vegetables myself!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe chuckled.

Maybe he noticed that the atmosphere here was a bit awkward, or maybe he felt that he should stand up and preside over the overall situation. After two glasses of wine, Zhao Xiuwu swept across the audience, coughed twice and said slowly: "Today is Chinese New Year, don't you all So refraining from speaking. If you don't speak, I will say a few words."

"Can I tell?"

After Zhao Xiuwu finished speaking, he deliberately glanced at Zhao Yonghao and Zhao Shanhe.

"Dad, look at what you said. If you can't say it, who can say it? You say it, we will all listen. The main thing is that we will listen to what you say." Zhou Yongjian raised his head and said with a smile.

"Then I will say a few words."

Who would have thought that these two sentences would change the taste of a good reunion dinner in one go.

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