Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 747 Who can blame this?

"Brother, what do you need from me?"

Zhao Shankai sat on the sofa, picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip, smiling all over his face.

Looking at this cousin who has been tempered, a satisfied expression appeared on Zhao Shanhe's face.

One must know that among his cousins ​​of the same generation, Zhao Shankai is his favorite.

The kid was honest, frank but not rigid.

Whatever you arrange for him, he can do well.

"Today is New Year's Eve, have you bought New Year's goods for your family?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I've bought them all. Actually, I don't need to buy anything. My parents bought them all. By the way, my dad asked me to tell you that during the Chinese New Year this year, you must go to my house for dinner with your sister-in-law." Zhao Shankai laughed.

"Okay, let's talk about it later."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, and after talking about his personal affairs, he looked at Zhao Shankai and asked nonchalantly, "How is the situation with the transportation team recently? Can you dispatch it? Is there any difficulty?"


Zhao Shankai smiled and said: "The current vehicles of our transportation team are sufficient. Whether it is Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing, or even the Jade Bird Glass Factory, they are all no problem and can be dispatched."

"It's good if it can be dispatched. I called you here to discuss something with you and to hear what you mean." Zhao Shanhe said.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shankai asked curiously.

"I want to separate out the convoy."

Zhao Shanhe said slowly, the moment he uttered these words, Zhao Shankai couldn't help being startled.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple. You see, as our stalls are getting bigger and bigger, we need to use more and more transportation. In this way, the importance of transportation is reflected. Let your transportation If the team continues to hang under Shanqiu Food, it will be inconvenient to do many things, and it will be a little stretched."

"So I was thinking, can I list a transportation department separately. This transportation department has become a new company, and the thing to do is also very simple, that is, to serve several of our factories."

"Of course, this is the case in the early stage. If the transportation business develops better and better in the later stage, you can also take additional orders."

When Zhao Shanhe said this, he found that Zhao Shankai was listening very seriously, and continued: "I dare say that in the future, logistics and transportation will definitely become a crucial industry, so we must start planning now, starting from the grassroots. start."

"What do you mean?"

"Brother, I'll listen to you." Zhao Shankai smiled shyly.

"Don't just listen to me, but also tell me your opinion." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Okay, then I will say a few words."

Zhao Shankai rubbed his head and said awkwardly: "I don't know what the future transportation will be like, and I dare not guess wildly, but as far as we are concerned, it is indeed very important. Although it is important, when dispatching, Some things have to be scrupled."

"For example, for the products that should be transported, if there is a conflict between Qingniao Glass and Xiang Piao Piao Milk Tea, even if Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea is not the most important thing, we have to give priority to the transportation of Xiang Piao Piao Milk Tea. The reason is very simple, because we The transportation team is under the name of Shanqiu Foods."

"Things like this don't mean that it happened once or twice, but have happened many times. I have thought several times, if the transportation team proposes it alone, at least it can be done. It is allocated according to needs. Whoever is most urgent should be given priority, and it is not possible to say that it is as scruples as it is now. If we do it now, there may be nothing to do in a short period of time, but if it takes a long time, it will easily cause major problems. "

Zhao Shanhe slapped his thigh suddenly: "You are right, this is one of the reasons why I want to do this. Now that you are aware of this problem, then this matter is settled like this! After a year, I will Put forward the transportation team separately, and then set up a new logistics and transportation company, and you will be in charge."

"I have only one request for you, to ensure that all products can be shipped in the shortest possible time and in order of priority."


Seeing Zhao Shanhe's decision, Zhao Shankai immediately became happy.

"In this way, when you go back in these two days, you can make a list to see how many transport vehicles the transportation department needs to add, how many drivers need to be recruited, and what needs to be paid attention to. Organize all these and then give it to me. "

"Yes!" Zhao Shankai nodded vigorously.

Seeing Zhao Shankai's energetic appearance, Zhao Shanhe laughed again, and waved to him: "Then go!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shankai walked out enthusiastically.

Just as he was walking out, Li Xiangyang walked into the office passing by him, and after greeting Zhao Shanhe, he asked in surprise, "What's wrong with Shan Kai? What's the matter so happy?"

"It's like this. I told him that a new logistics and transportation company will be established, and the company will be handed over to him at that time. Didn't I tell you about this before? I think it's time to put it on the agenda Already." Zhao Shanhe handed over a cigarette and said calmly.

"That's it!"

Li Xiangyang took over the cigarette, but held it in his hand and didn't light it.

"Let me just say, no matter how you look at Shan Kai's mouth, it's almost grinning to the ears. However, this logistics and transportation company will definitely not be small. Let Shan Kai be in charge like this, can he?"

"I believe in him!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "He used to be able to play well, and he can definitely do it now. Of course, you are right, but relying on his words, the strength and lineup are a bit weak. After all, before doing anything, Shanqiu Food is in front Stop it, he needs to think about it by himself in the future."

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe lit a cigarette and took two puffs.

"Then transfer Han Chunming to work with Shan Kai. I believe that with the two of them, the logistics and transportation company can be developed. What do you think?"

"I have no objection." Li Xiangyang nodded.

"Then this matter is settled like this. If Han Chunming is there, you can go and say it."

"no problem."

After seeing this, Li Xiangyang sat up slightly and said slowly: "Director, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe raised his legs.

In front of Li Xiangyang, Zhao Shanhe has always been very relaxed.Although he also said that he treats everyone equally.But he knew in his heart that he could treat everyone equally in attitude, but he had to be inclined emotionally.

No matter what, Li Xiangyang is his starting team.

The two are still buddies.

Can you be like everyone else?

If it wasn't for Li Xiangyang's care and the ice cubes that Li Xiangyang gave him at the beginning, he might not have been able to make shaved ice, nor would he have been able to earn his first pot of gold, let alone his subsequent development.

So as long as it was what Li Xiangyang said, Zhao Shanhe would not refute it under normal circumstances.

"What I want to say is..."

When Li Xiangyang said this, Zhao Shanhe's eyes narrowed slightly, two cold lights shot out from the bottom of his eyes, the corners of his mouth slanted up, and he said casually: "Who can blame this?"

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