Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 746 It's Purely Chance

"Director Zhao?"

"It's me, I'm Zhao Shanhe."

"Hello, Director Zhao, I'm Cai Heda, the director of our Xianhua City Investment Promotion Bureau."

Director of the China Merchants Bureau?Cai Heda?

Does this have anything to do with you?

While muttering in his heart, Zhao Shanhe didn't stop talking, and said with a smile: "Hello Director Cai."

"Director Zhao, is it convenient for you now? Can we meet?" Cai Heda asked.



After pondering for a moment, Zhao Shanhe slowly said: "Yes, you can tell me the address, and I will go there."

"Then let's meet at Qingfeng Tea House next to People's Square on Dongfeng Road in half an hour."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, just as Zhao Shanhe wanted to talk, Li Qiuya said with a smile: "Let Chen Ju go with you, it's important, I'll just take my parents back."

"It's okay. If you're not in a hurry, I'll come back to pick you up when I meet you." Zhao Shanhe put his hands on Li Qiuya's shoulders and said gently.

Li Qiuya smiled sweetly: "Okay, then you go first!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe took Chen Ju away like this.

Li Qiuya went out with Xia Wu and talked about some things that should be paid attention to when starting a company.

Here, only Tian Lihua and Tian Lirui are left.After sitting down respectively, Tian Lirui said with emotion: "Sister, you said that Shanhe was not good here and there, but now look, such a good son-in-law can't be found with a lantern."

"Who said my son-in-law is not good, my son-in-law is very good." Tian Lihua said immediately.

"Ha ha!"

Tian Lirui laughed out loud.

"I know you're stubborn and don't want to admit it, but you have to be nicer to Shanhe in the future. It's hard to find a son-in-law as good as Shanhe. It's dangerous if you are missed by those gorgeous women outside in the future. So you hurry up and ask Qiu Ya to have a child with him, by the way, do they have any plans to have a child?"

"Hey, do you think I'm not in a hurry? I get worried when I mention this matter. I've already urged them several times, and it will be annoying." Tian Lihua frowned and said worriedly.

Tian Lirui looked disapproving: "That has to be said."

Tian Lihua nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, I know."


Qingfeng Tea House.

In the elegant room here, Zhao Shanhe met Cai Heda, the director of the Xianhua City Investment Promotion Bureau. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the two sat down and drank tea respectively.

"Director Cai, if you have something to say, just say it. To be honest, when I answered your call just now, I was about to go back to Handong City, so if you have something to do here, just talk about it. If there is nothing to do, I will go back Pick up the family." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"In that case, I'll just say it straight."

Cai Heda didn't hesitate when he heard this, and said happily: "I came to you to talk to you about attracting investment. I wonder if Director Zhao is interested in investing in our Xianhua City?"

"Xianhua City?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't open his mouth to veto it, but asked ponderingly: "If I say I want to come, what kind of preferential policies does Xianhua City have?"

There is a play!

Cai Heda suddenly became excited.

To know that he would find Zhao Shanhe, it was purely luck.

He also heard about what happened at Linxian Hotel last night, and only then did he know that Zhao Shanhe had come to Xianhua City.With such a big boss, how could he, as the director of the China Merchants Bureau, say he missed it?Naturally, we want to meet each other and try our luck.

Of course it would be best if we can negotiate.

Even if they can't negotiate, they can be familiar, right?

But now that Zhao Shanhe didn't veto it, let alone change the subject, but directly asked about the preferential policies, he felt that there was something interesting about it, so he immediately spoke happily.

"Our Xianhua City welcomes any investor who comes to invest in the construction with both hands. I have a document here for the specific policy. Director Zhao can take it back and have a look."

"But generally speaking, not only do we have the necessary policies, but we also offer more favorable policies. Tax reductions and exemptions are three years for others, but we can relax them to five years..."

Cai Heda explained concisely.

Zhao Shanhe slowly flipped through the documents.

About ten minutes later, when Cai Heda finished speaking, Zhao Shanhe just finished reading it. He slowly closed the document, smiled and said modestly: "Director Cai, your Xianhua City is really sincere. But for now , I really can’t find a project that I want to invest in and build.”

"Well, we've gotten to know each other today, and I'm here to explain to you that if we want to invest in construction in the future, we will definitely give priority to Xianhua City. At that time, I have to ask Director Cai to take care of it."

"Okay, then I'll wait here for Director Zhao's welcome!"

Cai Heda didn't say he had to force Zhao Shanhe, he just went as far as he wanted.After the two drank a few more cups of tea, Cai Heda suddenly said slowly: "Director Zhao, the conflict between you and Yu Zhonglou last night has nothing to do with the great investment attraction environment in Xianhua City. Please understand a little bit."


Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly.

"Yu Zhonglou is Yu Zhonglou, Director Cai is Director Cai, and Xianhua City is Xianhua City. I won't confuse them! Even if Yu Zhonglou can cover the sky with one hand, I believe he can't represent the will of Xianhua City."

"That's for sure. Please rest assured that we will investigate the matter of Yu Zhonglou. If it is found that he has committed a crime, we will definitely punish him severely!" Cai Heda said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Neither Cai Heda nor Zhao Shanhe thought that they would meet again in the near future.And when they met again, everything they said this time would actually be put on the table.

After half an hour.

Zhao Shanhe and Cai Heda said goodbye.

After he returned home to pick up Li Qiuya and the others, Hutouben started heading towards Handong City.Seeing Hutouben disappearing from his eyes, Xia Jiangcheng turned his head to Xia Wu and said, "Xiao Wu, since you are going to start a company, you should do it well. If there is anything you don't understand, you should ask your brother-in-law. At least you have to be fair. The money they took out!"

"I will!"

Xia Wu's eyes were firm and persistent.


After returning to Zhenghe County, Zhao Shanhe began to devote himself to the methodical work.The end of the year is approaching, and all work is mainly focused on maintaining stability and summarizing, and he doesn't have to waste his mind on other things.

Shanqiu Foods continues to take Yile chewing gum and Xiangpiaopiao milk tea as its flagship products, and in combination with the upcoming Spring Festival, it has launched corresponding Spring Festival gift box products.

The non-ferrous metal solder manufactured by Hetu is still being produced as usual, and Whale and Mining Pumps are working overtime to catch up with the progress.

Zhao Xiaobai Winery is also developing steadily and orderly.

The most prosperous is the Qingniao Glass Factory.

After all, with so many orders from Nan Province, it is impossible for Jade Bird Glass Factory to complete it anytime soon.And none of the workers had any complaints. After all, as long as you work overtime, you will get overtime pay. Zhao Shanhe also said that if the work efficiency is high, the New Year's bonus will also be paid more.

No one has trouble with money.

And this is what they deserve, earning clean money.

Everything is going in the best direction.

Today is the 23th of the twelfth lunar month.


Zhao Shanhe called Zhao Shankai to the director's office of Jade Bird Glass Factory.

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