Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 744 Said, do you know you made a mistake?

"There should be a reason for this, but I don't dare to say what the reason is. Maybe it has something to do with a rumor I heard recently. I'm afraid he compromised with the bell tower because of this."

Hou Dedong frowned slightly.

"Oh? What's the wind?" Zhao Shanhe raised his brows and asked curiously.

"It seems to be that the city is dissatisfied with Zhonglou's actions against your Shanqiu food and Hetu manufacturing, and some people want to rectify Jinyang Machinery Factory over this matter." Hou Dedong said.

Is that so?

Maybe it's really because of this.

Zhao Shanhe smiled suddenly and waved his hands indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, our goal has been achieved. I believe that even if Yu Zhonglou wants to continue to target us in the future, he will be restrained. Our future cooperation will be whatever we want."

"Haha, that's right."

The two chatted for a few more words before parting.

Hou Dedong rushed to the next wine bureau.

Zhao Shanhe went home.


Yu's study.

"Brother, why did you agree to Zhao Shanhe's conditions? After all, this is Xianhua City, and it's not his territory. What are we afraid of him doing?" Yu Zhonggu asked anxiously.


Yu Zhonglou slammed the table, looked over with hatred, and said angrily: "Yu Zhonggu, you still have the face to say it here. If what happened tonight wasn't for your misconduct, why would I be so passive? "

"Do you know, if I don't do this tonight, if I don't bow to Zhao Shanhe, what will happen to me? What kind of danger will Jinyang Machinery Factory face?"

"What? Brother, what's the matter?" Yu Zhonggu couldn't help but asked in a hurry.

"Someone is eyeing our Jinyang Machinery!"

Yu Zhonglou glared hard, then sighed and said: "Some people in the city are dissatisfied with us and think that we should not target Zhao Shanhe's products like that. They think that Zhao Shanhe is a businessman with great potential, and they should try our best to make He attracted us to invest in Xianhua City. If we do this, it will directly hinder their idea. That's why I will do this."

"If I don't bow my head, do you think you'll be able to escape? Do you think we'll be able to deal with the demolition of the commercial street? Impossible! The water here is very deep, and if we're not careful, we may all be submerged."

"What do you think our two brothers rely on to be able to control the wind and rain in Xianhua City? Isn't it relying on the Jinyang Machinery Factory? If we are cleaned up, can you still have all this? Don't be ridiculous!"

"so serious?"

Yu Zhonggu shrank his neck in fear.

"But if that's the case, how can we turn to Saburo Miyai? After all, it was his order to suppress Zhao Shanhe's products, so we can't go against it, right?"

"This time and the other."

Yu Zhonglou shook his head.

"This matter will be handled like this for the time being, and I will explain to Miyai Saburo."


Yu Zhonggu lowered his head angrily, and said unwillingly: "I almost ruined Zhao Shanhe's reputation, just a little bit! Who would have thought that it would become like this. But brother, I will not let this matter go, as long as I give If I have a chance, I will definitely touch Zhao Shanhe, whoever asked him to trouble us."

Yu Zhonglou kept knocking on the table, and said earnestly: "I didn't say I won't let you move, but I just want you to be careful when you move, and you can't be full of flaws like today."



Xia family.

Before entering Xia's house, Zhao Shanhe called Xia Wu to stop, and the two stood under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village, watching the cars coming and going on the road and talking.Before speaking, Zhao Shanhe handed over the 10 yuan check.

"Give you!"

"give me?"

Xia Wu took it over in a daze, and asked in confusion, "Brother-in-law, what do you mean?"

"Xia Wu, that's what I think. Didn't I ask you to resign? I think since you love advertising so much, there's no need to stay in Peak Design. A boss like Yang Qianfeng is not worth your life for him. You can consider starting your own advertising company, even if it’s small at first, you’re not afraid, and you’ll just grow bigger and stronger in the future.”

"This 10 yuan is your start-up capital."

"I hope you can take this money and start an advertising company of your own. After you become stronger in the future, maybe I still need your help."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and expressed his thoughts.

Xia Wu was stunned on the spot.

Zhao Shanhe actually thought so!No wonder he asked me to resign. It turned out that he had designed a path for himself from the very beginning, and Xia Wu didn't have any aversion to such a path.

It has always been her dream to start her own advertising company, but she has never made it because of various troublesome things these years.

But now the opportunity is right in front of my eyes, the dream is so close to me for the first time, within reach.

"Brother-in-law, do you trust me that much?"

"Just say you want it or not?"

"I am willing."

Xia Wu nodded quickly, holding the check tightly.

"Brother-in-law, I've wanted to start an advertising company for a long time, but I never got it done. It's just that the money is yours, so wouldn't it be bad if I just took it away? And can I really get it done? What if there is no way to maintain the company after starting it? I don't have much confidence in myself, I..."

Xia Wu kept talking, her face was changing uncertainly, she had never been so nervous like now.Just thinking about it made her heart surge.

"You, you have to believe in yourself."

At this moment, a chuckle came from behind Xia Wu. She turned around quickly and found that Li Qiuya had already stood beside her, looking at her with a bright smile.


Xia Wu grabbed Li Qiuya's shoulder and shook it coquettishly.

"Sister, did you hear everything?"

"Yes, I heard that." Li Qiuya smiled.

"Then what do you think?"

"My idea is very simple, you have to believe in yourself. No one is born to be a boss and start a business. If you don't take the first step, you will never know how great your potential is."

"So you should listen to your brother-in-law, take this start-up capital, do what you want to do, and realize your dreams." Li Qiuya said softly.

"Then I'll give it a try?" Xia Wu's heart skipped a beat.

"Try it, it won't hurt."

Li Qiuya lifted Xia Wu's wind-blown hair.

"Go, talk to little uncle about it, I think they will definitely support you."

"I'm going right now."

Xia Wu nodded vigorously, took the check and walked into the house. After she disappeared in front of her eyes, Li Qiuya stepped forward, raised her hand and twisted Zhao Shanhe's ears, looking over with a coquettish look.

"Say, do you know what's wrong?"

Is it wrong?

Zhao Shanhe was stunned for a moment, and looked over with some aggrieved eyes.

"Qiuya, what is your mistake? Did I lend the money to Xia Wu without asking for your opinion?"

It was good not to say this, but the moment he said it, Li Qiuya lost her temper.

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