Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 743 I have made up my mind, stop talking

"Brother, you can't listen to Zhao Shanhe, who is he, who can manage our Jinyang Machinery, he..."

"To shut up!"

Before Yu Zhonggu finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Yu Zhonglou. He looked over indifferently and said in a cold tone: "From now on, you are not allowed to speak!"


After Yu Zhonggu touched Yu Zhonglou's piercing eyes, he curled up his neck and dared not make another sound.

"Zhao Shanhe, Yu Zhonggu can make an apology, what about the rest?" Yu Zhonglou asked coldly.

"Second, I want you to stop the demolition project of the commercial street immediately." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.


Yu Zhonglou agreed without thinking.

Zhao Shanhe and Hou Dedong were a little surprised to agree so quickly. In their view, Yu Zhonglou had to resist if he didn't say anything. How could he agree so quickly?

Or is it something else weird?

But it doesn't matter, as long as Yu Zhonglou nods, this is a good thing after all.

"Is there any more?" Yu Zhonglou asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, don't you think that I should be compensated mentally for such a big fight tonight?" Zhao Shanhe said casually, he would definitely not miss the opportunity to gouge out the flesh.

"How much?" Yu Zhonglou gritted his teeth and said.

"Just one hundred thousand! Take it as a small punishment!" Zhao Shanhe said casually.

The moment Yu Zhonggu heard this number, he couldn't help but want to curse again.It's only [-] for the Nima?You said it so reluctantly, is it possible that one hundred thousand is a small number?

Zhao Shanhe, you are cruel enough!

Not only are you asking for face, but you also want money. Why do you take advantage of all the good things?who do you think You Are?Do you really think you can be so unscrupulous in Xianhua City?Do you really think my brother will compromise?my brother he...

"it is good!"

Yu Zhonglou nodded calmly, and then Yu Zhonggu was dumbfounded on the spot.

What do you mean?

Yu Zhonglou is willing to give this kind of money?

how could it be possible?

At this moment, even Yu Zhonggu, who was not very well-developed, was keenly aware that the whole thing was wrong. Could it be that there was really something hidden in it?Otherwise, why would Yu Zhonglou swallow his anger like this?

"Okay, just these three things, if you do them all, the story of tonight will be changed." Zhao Shanhe said casually.


Yu Zhonglou turned around and looked over and ordered sharply.


After Yu Zhonggu realized something was wrong, he didn't say any more about resisting and struggling, and obediently apologized.

"This is a check for [-] yuan. You can take it to the bank to exchange it at any time. As for the demolition of the commercial street, don't worry, all the shops don't need to be demolished. Zhao Shanhe, if there is nothing else, we will leave!" Yu Zhonglou said after handing over a check.

"Good to go!"

Zhao Shanhe watched Yu Zhonglou and the others leave.

As they left, Hou Dedong also stepped forward and asked the reporters to disperse. He was going to appease the reporters. After all, he had found these people, and he had to deal with the aftermath.

Now only the peak designer is left in the Banished Immortal Hall.

Yang Qianfeng was a little embarrassed at this moment, he really didn't expect to encounter such a thing, and when he thought about why Xia Wu came here because of himself, would Zhao Shanhe misunderstand and hate himself because of this, He was a little anxious.

"Director Zhao, what happened tonight..."

"I don't want to mention what happened tonight." Zhao Shanhe raised his hand to interrupt him.

"Yes, don't worry, I will never mention it again." Yang Qianfeng said hastily.

"Also, Yang Qianfeng, right?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over and said with cold eyes: "From now on, Xia Wu will no longer be the one designed by your summit."

"What do you mean?"

Yang Qianfeng was a little dazed.

"What I mean is very simple, Xia Wu has resigned!" Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

Xia Wu, who heard this, was stunned and soon relieved. She looked at Yang Qianfeng, and said calmly in the other's anxiety: "Mr. Yang, my brother-in-law is right, I have decided, To resign from Summit Design, I will go to the company to go through the handover procedures tomorrow.”

"Don't tell me, you did a good job, why did you resign? Xia Wu, you also know that our Peak Design is a good advertising design company, and it has the right to speak in the advertising industry of our Xianhua City. You are also the backbone here, if you have any opinions on the company, you can raise them at any time."

Yang Qianfeng tried to persuade him anxiously.

He didn't want Xia Wu, a capable minister, to leave like this. It would be his loss if she left.

"I've made up my mind, don't say any more." Xia Wu said lightly.

"Mr. Yang, let's leave it at that."

Zhao Shanhe made the final decision, and just when Yang Qianfeng wanted to say something, Hou Dedong walked in.After seeing him coming in, Yang Qianfeng could only swallow the words obediently.

"Then let's see you at the company tomorrow."

Yang Qianfeng turned and left after speaking.

After realizing that the atmosphere in the private room was a bit strange, Hou Dedong glanced at Yang Qianfeng's back, and said thoughtfully: "What? This Yang Qianfeng is looking for trouble too?"

"No, I just asked Xia Wu to resign. An advertising design company like him doesn't matter." Zhao Shanhe said.

"If you don't wait, don't wait. Yang Qianfeng doesn't have a good reputation in the industry. If you don't talk about anything else, just talk about what happened tonight. How dare he say he doesn't know anything?"

"Even if you really don't know anything about it, but do nothing after seeing this, it's clear that you are Yu Zhonggu's accomplice. Such a person, it's better to stay away from him." Hou Dedong said dismissively.

"Boss Hou is right, Xia Wu may still trouble you in the future." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Director Zhao, are you kidding me? With a brother-in-law like you around, why do I need to worry about her affairs? But since you've said this far, I'll tell you the truth. If it is an advertisement, we will definitely entrust her with the advertisement of our tassel food." Hou Dedong said, patting his chest.

"Did you hear that? Hurry up and thank you, Mr. Hou." Zhao Shanhe looked over with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Hou." Xia Wu said quickly.

"Haha, it should." Hou Dedong waved his hand.

"Well, Xia Wu, you and Chen Ju go to the car outside and wait for a while, and I will have a word with Mr. Hou." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"it is good!"

Xia Wu and Chen Ju turned around and walked out of the box. The place was still full of people just now, but it became quiet all of a sudden.

After the two sat down, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Mr. Hou, thank you for tonight's incident. If you hadn't arrived in time, this incident might have turned into something."

"Director Zhao is too far-fetched for saying that. What's the relationship between us? Besides, I have long wanted to clean up the bell tower, the bird, I really thought he was the god of Xianhua City." Hou Dedong was furious.

"Speaking of this, have you seen that Yu Zhonglou agreed to my second condition without saying a word, is there something weird about it?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"That's it..."

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