"Director Zhao, are you planning to go back?"

Wei Hong asked with a smile after catching up.

"Mr. Wei, don't you need to accompany Mr. Fang and Mr. Luo?"

Zhao Shanhe glanced behind.

"No, they don't need me to accompany them."

Wei Hong smiled casually, looked around, and said in a low voice, "Director Zhao, let's go over there and have a chat."

"it is good!"

After the two walked to a remote corner, Wei Hong took out a pack of cigarettes, handed over one, lit one himself, took two puffs and said slowly: "Director Zhao, you just told the reporter If you say that, it's in my heart. But have you ever thought that if you do this, you will offend Chaoyang Automobile to death. Are you not afraid that Chaoyang Automobile will retaliate against you?"


Zhao Shanhe shook his head indifferently, and said lightly: "Since I dare to say it, I am not afraid of being retaliated. Besides, what I said is right, and something like these must be said."

"As for what Chaoyang Automobile will do, I don't care. If they want to do something to me, I will follow suit."

"But then, I hope they don't do this, because if they really do this, it will not be as simple as being ashamed. Chaoyang Auto may be dragged into the abyss of disaster."

"Okay, since you know what's in your heart, I won't say more."

After Wei Hong noticed Zhao Shanhe's firm belief, he smiled lightly: "But you are quite courageous enough. If you want to take out 1000 million, you can take it out. Believe it or not, because of this, your blue bird glass will definitely be pushed on." Hot search."

Zhao Shanhe shrugged, and said indifferently: "I just did what I was supposed to do. It was donated by Saburo Miyai anyway. I just took it out to do something good."


After the two chatted for a few more words, Wei Hong saw Guo Kaiduan and Yang E walking towards this side, so he got up and said goodbye.After the two came over, Guo began to say happily: "Director, our trip to Shenglong City has been very fruitful, and now the reputation of Jade Bird Glass has been completely established."

"This is just the beginning."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips.

"Our Jade Bird glass can not only be used as a windshield, but we will focus on the development of the construction field. For example, building decoration and home decoration all need glass. If we can win this market, it will be true. Stand firm."

"Yes, we must continue to work hard." Guo began to laugh.

"Make arrangements, after today's auto show is over, we will leave for home tomorrow." Zhao Shanhe said.


After Yang E nodded, she asked softly, "Then, will our activities at Liunianhe Square continue?"


Zhao Shanhe looked up towards the direction of the square, and said gently: "We said that we will not end until the auto show is over. Since we have said everything, we have to count. The auto show is not over yet, so let's continue. "

"Hey, then I'll make some noise." Guo Kaiduan suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"I want to give Sanjiang Trading some eye medicine."

After Guo started to say what he was thinking in a low voice, Zhao Shanhe looked over speechlessly.

"Old Guo, Saburo Miyai will hate you to death if you do this."

"You can hate it, anyway, we have already been hated by him, it doesn't matter." Guo Chuan said with a smile.

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands helplessly: "Go for it!"


Guo began to happily walk towards Liunianhe Square.

"Yang E, sort out all our orders and contracts, and then prepare to go home."




Miyai Saburo threw everything on the table to the ground, picked up the teacup and smashed it hard against the wall. Amid the splashes of countless fragments, his face was ferocious like a ghost.

"Ok you Zhao Shanhe, I want you to die!"

A sense of humiliation of failure completely enveloped Saburo Miyai.

He had never been humiliated like this!

Since he came to Huaxia on behalf of the Sakura Club, I can't say that everything he has done has gone smoothly, but at least there have been no difficulties.

But what is this now?

Falling down in Zhao Shanhe's hands again and again, how can you make him feel so embarrassed?

Forget about what happened before, but now not only did he lose this time, but he also lost so badly.A total of 1000 million yuan in compensation, this figure alone is enough to make his liver hurt.

And because of this incident, he even faced punishment within the family.If those people were a little more ruthless, he might even be directly transferred out of Huaxia.

This is absolutely intolerable to Saburo Miyai!

Huang Weile stood beside him, not daring to say a word. He subconsciously looked at the translator Lin Chaotai, and found that this one, like him, did not say a word, and kept his head down in silence.

"Huang Weile, go buy a plane ticket, let's go back right away."

Miyai Saburo said with a sullen face after venting.


"When I go back, I will have a good arm wrestle with Zhao Shanhe, and I will definitely kill him!"

Saburo Miyai looked crazy.


Flowing River Square.

Although it is already afternoon and the event will end soon, there are still crowds of people here.

Apart from wanting to smash the glass, these people stay here because they also know what happened at the auto show. After knowing that Zhao Shanhe won the bet, not only did they not take the 1000 million all by themselves, but It is all used to set up a support fund.

It was this incident that made them instantly have a good impression of Zhao Shanhe.

When each of them mentioned Zhao Shanhe, all of them had extremely admiring expressions on their faces.

"1000 million, just took it out without blinking an eyelid, I definitely can't do it."

"That's right, Zhao Shanhe is really a great hero and a great philanthropist!"

"In the future, when buying glass, I will buy the Blue Bird brand!"


In this enthusiastic atmosphere, the time quickly came to the end, and there was only half an hour before the end of the event.At this time, Guo began to come out. He stood on the stage, looked at the crowd in front of him, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Everyone, our glass-smashing activity is coming to an end. In order to show our strong support for the old and young of our southern province during this period, our factory manager Zhao just announced something."

"whats the matter?"

Someone asked in a joking manner.

"This thing is, from now on, all the glass here will be replaced with the windshield and building glass produced by Sanjiang Trading, for you to come and smash!"

Guo began to announce with a gentle smile.

And when his voice fell to the ground, the audience was silent for an instant.

Everyone looked over in disbelief, and then there was a shocking cry.

"Haha, if they are all replaced by Sanjiang Trading's glass, isn't that equivalent to giving us money for nothing?"

"This man Zhao Shanhe is really interesting!"

"Blue Bird Glass, it's simply invincible!"


At this moment, Zhao Shanhe was completely famous in Shenglong City.

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