Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 723 Domestic products should be self-improvement!


Saburo Miyai lost a crushing defeat.

The bet with Zhao Shanhe, even if he had Chaoyang Motors as his hole card, he couldn't turn over.Zhili!Shouqi!Shanghai Automobile!Just these three car companies are enough to crush him into pieces.

He also thought about defaulting.

But I thought that if I really did that, I would not only lose the tempered glass industry, but also affect other investments.If that's the case, he will be dealt with when he returns to the Sakura Club in the future.

So he had to decisively stop the loss, just hand over the 1000 million cash check, and finally leave with a livid face.

Facing Miyai Saburo who left, Zhao Shanhe's mouth slowly curled up playfully, then raised the check in his hand, and said calmly: "Everyone, I won this through a bet with Sanjiang Trading, but this I will not keep the money for myself."

"I am now announcing that the 1000 million will be used to set up a fund dedicated to helping those families facing difficulties due to car accidents."


After hearing this, everyone present couldn't help applauding, and they looked at Zhao Shanhe with admiration and admiration in their eyes.How big is this pattern, so that 1000 million can be smashed out without blinking an eye.

And these words also reached the ears of Saburo Miyai who had just walked to the door. The moment he heard this, he couldn't help but bleed.

It's all my money!

Zhao Shanhe, you use my money to pretend to be a good person, you are shameless!

"Mr. Miyai, are you alright?"

Seeing Miyai Saburo's swaying body, Huang Weile hurried forward to support him, and asked cautiously.

"I'm fine, let's go!"

Miyai Saburo waved his hands, suppressing the anger in his heart, and strode out.

He feels very angry now!

All the applause is a mockery of him!

He doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

There was also someone embarrassing at the scene.

He is Shen Dongliu of Chaoyang Automobile. He thought that with his trump card, Miyai Saburo could win anyway, who would have thought otherwise!Not only did Miyai Saburo not win, but he lost so badly.

What can I do with this?

Looking at the radiant Zhao Shanhe, Shen Dongliu could only suppress the annoyance in his heart, turned around and left quickly.

"Director Zhao, congratulations."

Chen Jingwei stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen, thank you for your trust. Don't worry, I will deliver the goods on time according to our contract." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"it is good!"

After Chen Jingwei finished speaking, he turned and left.

Song Qianqiu came up next, and he also congratulated Zhao Shanhe for winning the bet.

"But I don't think Miyai Saburo is a person who will let it go. You have to be careful with him in the future. If you need my help, just say it." Song Qianqiu said.

Zhao Shanhe nodded and said, "I will keep an eye on him."

"That's good!"

After Song Qianqiu finished speaking, he turned and walked towards his booth.

"Director Zhao, congratulations!"

Xu Guanjun from SAIC also stepped forward.

Looking at the factory manager, Zhao Shanhe thanked him sincerely.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for today's matter. If you hadn't been the finale, what would have happened?"

"Stop talking about these extravagant things, I've told you what I need to say, and then it's up to you. Remember, no matter what, you must ensure the quality of the blue bird glass." Xu Guanjun said calmly.

Zhao Shanhe immediately said seriously: "Don't worry, I will never lose face to our domestic products."

"That's good!"

After Xu Guanjun also left, the reporters came rushing forward. They couldn't wait to know what happened from Zhao Shanhe, and wanted to ask him how he did this.

In the face of these reporters' inquiries, Zhao Shanhe was very calm.

"This matter is not as complicated as you think. If you insist on asking me to give a reason, all I want to say are these words: domestic products should be self-improving!"

Domestic products should be self-improvement!

Just five words ignited the excitement of the reporters.

"Director Zhao, do you mean that the manufacturers who signed contracts with you are all promoting our domestic products? Those who have not signed contracts are boycotting?"

"What do you think about Chaoyang Automobile doing this?"

"Will you cooperate with Chaoyang Auto in the future?"


Faced with these sharp questions, Zhao Shanhe didn't say anything to avoid them, but after pondering for a while, he said slowly: "I have no opinion on the choice and decision of Chaoyang Automobile, after all, this is their freedom and right. "

"But there is only one thing I want to say. If we say that we don't even believe in or support domestic products, how do we expect others to believe us?"

"Thank you, let's end today's interview!"

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he turned and left.

The reporters at the scene became quiet at once. No one chased after Zhao Shanhe and continued to ask questions like before, because they could see that when Zhao Shanhe said this, the expression on his face was tragic.

"Director Zhao is right. If we don't believe in domestic products, who else can we expect?"

"From now on, I will support domestic products!"

"Chaoyang Automobile is really disappointing. It seems that I can't buy Chaoyang Automobile in the future!"


When the atmosphere was lifted, the few people who were watching at the Chaoyang Auto booth also turned their heads and left.They walked resolutely, without the slightest intention of staying.

"Boss Fu, didn't you say you wanted to buy a car? Don't read any further?"

"Buy a fart's car, buy your Chaoyang's, and support the East Island? Fuck yours!"

Boss Fu said, turned around and left.

The booth of Chaoyang Automobile was deserted in an instant.

And this is just the beginning.

Shen Dongliu never dreamed that because of his wrong decision, what kind of disaster would be brought to him and Chaoyang Automobile.And when the disaster started, the people who came to buy cars in an endless stream disappeared without a trace.


Seeing such a scene, Wei Hong couldn't help shaking his head speechlessly.

"Shen Dongliu, Shen Dongliu, you are calling yourself self-inflicted!"

"Where is this, old Wei, just wait and see, there will be times when Shen Dongliu will cry." Luo Fenghua said contemptuously.

"I said, have you two heard?"

At this moment, Fang Shijun came over and said out of breath.

"What did you hear?"

"Just now, car dealers like us have made it clear that they will no longer cooperate with Chaoyang Automobile. That is to say, those car dealers will never sell a Chaoyang Automobile again. They Chaoyang Automobile is not a bull. Are you coaxing? In the future, I will produce and sell it myself." Fang Shijun said after taking a breath.


Wei Hong and Luo Fenghua looked at each other, and they subconsciously looked at the back of Zhao Shanhe leaving.

"Is Zhao Shanhe trying to ruin a car factory by himself?" Luo Fenghua murmured.

"Old Fang, Lao Luo, don't say anything, I guess Zhao Shanhe is going to go back, I'll go back with him, I'll help keep an eye on your affairs."

Wei Hong started to leave after speaking, he wanted to catch up with Zhao Shanhe.

He has something to say.

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