Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 721 Is This Your Choice?

"Shen Dongliu!"

Surprised, Chen Jingwei looked over with a look of contempt.

"Shen Dongliu."

A thoughtful expression appeared on the corner of Song Qianqiu's mouth.

But none of them spoke aloud, they just watched quietly.


Wei Hong let out a disappointed sigh, and looked over with helplessness.He knew that Shen Dongliu was a person who likes to pick chestnuts out of the fire, and he was the most decisive in doing things, but he would never have imagined that on such a big issue of right and wrong, he would still treat it as a business and use shopping malls to do things.

"This Shen Dongliu is really speechless." Fang Shijun said.

"Is there a possibility that he will sign a contract with Zhao Shanhe?" Luo Fenghua asked.

"hope so!"

Under everyone's gaze, Shen Dongliu came over, stood in front of the two of them, and looked at Miyai Saburo with a gentle smile.

"Mr. Miyai."

"Mr. Shen, we had a good deal yesterday, shall we sign the contract now?" Miyai Saburo said.

"it is good!"

Saying a good word immediately put Shen Dongliu in the center of the vortex. Everyone looked at him with a kind of contempt, looking at him like looking at an enemy.

"Mr. Shen, is this your choice?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Shen Dongliu expressionlessly and asked calmly.

"Director Zhao, I don't want to choose this way, but you don't give me a chance."

"I talked to you yesterday, and I said, as long as you agree to my conditions, then Chaoyang Automobile is willing to cooperate with you and place an order with Jade Bird Glass. But you rejected me, so I can only be We will continue to cooperate with Mr. Miyai!" Shen Dongliu said casually.

Miyai Saburo's expression became unnatural after hearing these words.

Well, you Shen Dongliu, I dare you to think of us as a spare tire. It is Zhao Shanhe who did not agree to your conditions, so you will cooperate with us.Your move is cruel enough, but forget it, who told me to ask you now, let's wait and see later.

"Accept your conditions? Mr. Shen, forgive me for the conditions you set for me, it is really hard to agree!"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corner of his mouth.

"Everyone, do you know what conditions he offered me?"

"What is it?" Someone asked subconsciously.

"The price of each windshield is 3000 yuan!"

Zhao Shanhe said with a calm expression: "Do you think I can agree to the conditions he offered? To be honest, the prices I offer to all the friends who signed the contract are about the same, and they are all [-] to [-] yuan. One thousand yuan, this is the psychological bottom line price I can afford, at least it is affordable now."

"But Shen Dongliu asked for three thousand for opening his mouth, and he didn't mean to let go at all."

"How do you say I promise?"

"Three thousand yuan? Shen Dongliu, your heart is too dark, right?"

"How much do you pay for the windshield of Sanjiang Trading? Seven thousand! It's not enough for the factory manager Zhao to sell you four thousand, but you want three thousand when you open your mouth. You are clearly not human enough to swallow an elephant!"

"I want to know now, if you sign a contract with Sanjiang Trading, what price will they give you?"

"Yes, how much is it, do you dare to tell us so we can hear it?"

The car dealers standing around looked at him with a look of disdain, and they all raised their arms and shouted.

Shen Dongliu's face was gloomy.

Miyai Saburo was in a restless mood.

This shouldn't be like this. I'm going to use Shen Dongliu as my hole card to defeat Zhao Shanhe. What's the matter with you people?You don’t even sign a contract with me, and you’re still making noise here. Isn’t this a deliberate provocation?

There is still a price of [-] yuan!

Shen Dongliu, you are really black-hearted!

Really, if I give you such a price, Zhao Shanhe is still earning a fart!Fortunately, you didn't offer me such a low price, otherwise I would never have cooperated with you.

"Yes, Mr. Shen, I also really want to know, how much is the signing price between you and Sanjiang Trading?" Zhao Shanhe looked over calmly.

"Business secrets, I'm sorry to tell you." Shen Dongliu said coldly.

"Trade secrets?"

Zhao Shanhe laughed, and said calmly: "This is some kind of business secret, you don't know it? Yesterday when your secretary Wang Jiangang came to talk to me, he already told me."

"Actually, I'm wondering."

"I would like to ask Mr. Shen, why do you put my high-quality and cheap Jade Bird glass and don't place an order, but you insist on signing a contract with Sanjiang Trading, which is not good in quality? What's more, the price they offer is still [-] yuan!"


Shen Dongliu was stunned for a moment, then when he looked at Wang Jiangang, his eyes were fierce.

How can Zhao Shanhe cheat you out of such a price for something that is not enough for success but more than failure?


Wang Jiangang is also hard to argue with now.

You don't know the scene yesterday, I was surrounded by several of them asking questions, digging one hole after another, and I just jumped into it in such a daze.

Now I regret it so much that my intestines are green.

"What? Six thousand yuan! I'll go, Shen Dongliu, is your head squeezed by the door? You don't want such a cheap one, but you insist on signing such a high price. What do you think?"

"Do you dare to make such a decision? You want to take Chaoyang Motors into the ditch."

"I seriously suspect that there is an improper transaction in it!"


A group of people shouted with righteous indignation.

Illegal transaction?You think too much, am I the kind of person who would do that kind of thing?Let me tell you, I just can't swallow this bad breath.

I was already ready to compromise yesterday, and I wanted to bow my head, but Zhao Shanhe still didn't give me any face and insisted on insisting on that price. You say that I am such a proud person, how can I be humiliated by him like this?

Besides, our Chaoyang Automobile has always cooperated with Sanjiang Trading, who said that if Zhao Shanhe came to promote, we must change partners?Who stipulated that it must be like this?

You want to rely on public opinion to blackmail my will, dreaming!

I, Shen Dongliu, do not accept your threats.

"Is this Shen Dongliu too much? What do you think? Don't choose such a good price, but do it this way."

"Don't he know that this kind of thing can be big or small. If someone uses it to promote and attack, not only will he be unlucky, but even the Chaoyang Automobile behind him will be caught in a storm of public opinion." Fang Shijun whispered .

"Don't think about it, this matter will definitely be caught and made a fuss, especially those car dealers who signed contracts with Zhao Shanhe. After all, the domestic car market is so big. If we can squeeze out a Chaoyang Automobile, one less person will share the cup Soup, after all, is a good thing." Luo Fenghua said.

"Oh, you don't need to talk about it, Shen Dongliu chose the path himself, just let him walk on it." Wei Hong said lightly.

"But the problem is that this is not Shen Dongliu's own path. It is related to the future of Chaoyang Automobile. Do you think Chaoyang Automobile will allow him to do this?" Luo Fenghua asked slowly.


Almost at the same time Luo Fenghua asked this question, Saburo Miyai spoke up.

It's okay if he doesn't speak, but when he speaks, the audience is instantly enraged.

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