"What? Shouqi has signed a contract?"

Miyai Saburo was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, when he heard the news, the teacup in his hand fell to the ground and shattered.

Regardless of the broken porcelain pieces on the ground, Saburo Miyai walked back and forth anxiously in the room, looking restless.

Since he is in the windshield business, he naturally knows the position of Shouqi in China's automobile field.This status is far from being comparable to that of Zhili Automobile today.It is no exaggeration to say that Shouqi is a banner.

Saburo Miyai can ignore Zhili Automobile, but he cannot ignore the banner of Shouqi.

Where the flag points, followers are like clouds.

Under the ebb and flow, he might be disappointed this time.And if he loses the bet, the compensation of 1000 million is the next priority, and the most important thing is that the blow to morale will be extremely tragic.

"Zhao Shanhe, are you my nemesis?"

Miyai Saburo was burning with anger, clenched his hands tightly, and punched the wall hard, gnashing his teeth and talking to himself.

Afterwards, he turned around and told his subordinates, "Get moving, go find those car dealers right away, and tell them that I have agreed to all the conditions they asked before. As long as the contract can be signed, the conditions can even be re-approved." discuss."


Huang Weile and the others acted immediately.


And when this matter reached Chaoyang Automobile, Shen Dongliu, who heard the news, couldn't sit still anymore.He and Saburo Miyai have the same idea. He can accept the signing of Zhili Automobile and Zhao Shanhe, but he cannot ignore Shouqi Automobile.

"Mr. Shen, I think we should get in touch with Director Zhao." Wang Jiangang said in a low voice.

"Yeah, it's time to get in touch. You can handle this matter."

Shen Dongliu gave the order.


After Wang Jiangang left, Shen Dongliu's face changed uncertainly, and finally he could only sigh deeply.

"Zhao Shanhe, I didn't expect you to be able to hook up with Song Qianqiu of Shouqi. If I had known earlier, I would have known you could do this. Do you think that I would still consume you like before?"


In just one day, several car dealers came to sign contracts with Zhao Shanhe.

When the afternoon activity was about to end, Cai Shishi walked over happily, waved the contract statistics in his hand, and said excitedly: "Director, now we are sure to win."

"Let me see!"


Zhao Shanhe took the statistics book and looked at the numbers on it, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Yes, to have such a result, at least it shows that our bet with Miyai Saburo is invincible. No matter how powerful he is, the car dealers who come here are fixed. Take these, and remove those who cooperate with Shengjia Company, and there are not many Sanjiang Trading left for them."

"Yeah, it's impossible to win us just by relying on those few companies. If there is no accident, we have already won ahead of time!"

Cai Shishi smiled.

"What's more, those companies didn't say that they all signed contracts with him, only Toyota signed. This shows that we can still fight for opportunities to cooperate with those companies. Section Chief Yang is doing this, and I believe there will be news soon of."

"You're right, we're going to get them this time! So what if they're Nissan cars? Doesn't it mean that all Nissan cars should be equipped with Sanjiang Trading's tempered glass? Didn't Dongdao say that there is only one company that makes windshields?" Glass. Even if they don’t sign with us, they can stay neutral.”

Zhao Shanhe said lightly: "Of course it would be the best if we can win over."

"There should be hope. After all, they want to sell cars in our country. We are their biggest market. So can they do it if they don't follow our rules? The biggest rule here is the windshield of the car. They must use Jade Bird's, I believe they will make a wise choice." Cai Shishi said.

"We'll find out tomorrow!"

Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his back, confident and indifferent.


Silent all night.

When the sun rises high in the morning, a new day comes quietly. This is also the last day of the Auto Show Expo and the last moment of the smashing glass event.

Because it was the last moment, more news media came here to report than in the previous four days.

They all came to wait for the outcome of the bet, and they all wanted to see who would win the bet between Zhao Shanhe and Miyai Saburo.Also, today is the last day of smashing glass, will Zhao Shanhe make any big moves?

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Auto show venue.

Under the attention of everyone, Zhao Shanhe and Miyai Saburo led their teams to the venue. What should happen will happen sooner or later, so there is no chance for you to escape.Moreover, Saburo Miyai also had a little luck in his heart, because he hadn't reached the point where he would lose in the end, and he still had a trump card that he hadn't played yet.

As long as he plays it, he may not lose.

"Miyai Saburo, should we talk about the bet?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over with a peaceful expression.


Saburo Miyai raised the corners of his lips, and said disapprovingly: "Zhao Shanhe, you don't think you're going to win me, do you? You don't think you can fight me in court after signing a few contracts, do you?"

"If you think this way, you are completely wrong. Let me tell you, you are useless! I have won this bet, so just obediently hand over the Jade Bird Glass Factory to me!"

"is it?"

Zhao Shanhe said unmoved: "I think we should still rely on the facts. What we are competing for is the quantity of orders. Mine are here, and yours?"

As he spoke, Zhao Shanhe raised the contract in his hand.


Miyai Saburo's eyes were cold, and he looked over with a cold light like a poisonous snake.

"Don't worry, I'm short of one!"

"What do you mean by that?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"The meaning is very simple, that is, I will sign another contract in front of you today. And as long as I sign this contract, Zhao Shanhe, everything in your hand will become waste paper, do you believe it?" Miyai Saburo said proudly.

"Really? Who do you want to sign with? With those brands in your East Island? But as far as I know, they have already signed. Although they said they didn't sign with me, they don't seem to be with you either?" Zhao said. Shanhe laughed.

"Who said I want to sign a contract with a car dealer in East Island? Can't I sign a contract with you Huaxia?"

Miyai Saburo smiled playfully, then looked to the side, and suddenly said to Shen Dongliu: "President Shen, come on, today we will formally sign the cooperation contract in front of everyone."

Shen Dongliu!

Is Chaoyang Automobile going to cooperate with Sanjiang Trading?

The moment they heard this, everyone looked over in unison, with surprised expressions on their faces, looking in disbelief at Shen Dongliu who was slowly walking out.

isn't it?

Is Shen Dongliu out of his mind?

To choose to cooperate with Sanjiang Trading at such a time, isn't this a bet on the reputation of Chaoyang Automobile?Do you know what consequences this will bring to you and Chaoyang Automobile?

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Shen Dongliu and remained silent.

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