Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 718 The eyes of the masses are sharp

"Old Wei, where are you? Hurry up! Hurry up and watch the show." Luo Fenghua's hasty voice came from the phone.

"Watching a play? What kind of play are you watching?" Wei Hong was a little dazed.

"Of course it's watching the signing drama. You can't imagine how many people are waiting in line to sign with Zhao Shanhe. Hurry up, if you don't come, the show will be over." Luo Fenghua said anxiously.

Hearing this, Wei Hong was refreshed: "Where is it?"

"Flowing River Square."

"Here we go."

Wei Hong hung up the phone while talking, and said to Shen Dongliu: "Did you hear that? Zhao Shanhe is queuing up to sign the contract. I'll go over and have a look now. You, hurry up and make up your mind. Sign the contract. If you want it, it should be sooner rather than later, if you don’t, then you can continue to cooperate with Sanjiang Trading!"


Shen Dongliu hesitated to speak.

Wei Hong had already turned and left.

Good words are hard to persuade ghosts who want to die, I will tell you what should be said and what should not be said.If you, Shen Dongliu, say that you have to go all the way to the dark, then I am the same.

"Mr. Shen, what shall we do? Are we really going to bow to Zhao Shanhe?" Wang Jiangang said in a low voice.

"Bow your head?"

Shen Dongliu snorted coldly.

"Who said I want to bow my head? I will never compromise on this matter. Don't worry, hasn't Zhao Shanhe already signed a contract with Zhili Automobile? Let him sign it. I still don't believe it. He finally Can you bow your head to us?"

"What I'm talking about is that the cooperation between Sanjiang Trading and us has always been stable. It makes no sense to say that because a newly emerged Jade Bird Glass will not cooperate with others."

"If it gets out, it will appear that Chaoyang Motors is always in trouble." Wang Jiangang said following Shen Dongliu's words, and the reasons he gave made Shen Dongliu feel at ease.

"You're right, that's the reason." Shen Dongliu immediately gave Wang Jiangang a look of approval.

"If Zhao Shanhe says he wants to cooperate with us, then he will cooperate. If he says he doesn't want to, it's not because of us, it's because he didn't want to seize the opportunity!"

"Then shall I continue to stare at Zhao Shanhe?" Wang Jiangang asked.

"Look at it!"

Shen Dongliu raised the corners of his lips.

"Tomorrow is the last day of the auto show. Don't forget that Zhao Shanhe and Miyai Saburo still have a bet. If it is just a Zhili car, the order quantity is not enough anyway, and it is impossible for Zhao Shanhe to win. And if Say Zhao Shanhe lost, what do you think Zhili Automobile will do then?"

"So, in this matter, don't be the first bird."

"Let's continue to wait and see."



Miyai Saburo was also stimulated by the news that Zhao Shanhe signed a contract with Zhili Automobile. He was assigning tasks to Huang Weile at the moment, and he was stunned on the spot when he heard the news.

"What? You said that Zhili Auto signed a contract with Zhao Shanhe?"


The person who came to report hurriedly said: "They have announced to the outside world that this is absolutely true. When I first came here, I saw that many car dealers had already gone to Liunianhe Square. Mountains and rivers."


Miyai Saburo was really anxious now.

When you said that when you smashed the glass, Zhao Shanhe didn't give himself face, Saburo Miyai got angry when he was angry, but he didn't worry much.Because he has absolute confidence, he can crush Zhao Shanhe.

But now Zhili Auto's unreasonable play of cards disrupted all his plans at once.

If you want to know anything, you are afraid of being the first one. As long as the first one sets an example, then others will follow suit immediately.And if that's the case, it's hard to say who will win the bet with Zhao Shanhe.

"This damned Chen Jingwei, I have been in touch with him, and I have been talking nice things to him, but I didn't expect him to turn around and cooperate with Zhao Shanhe." Huang Weile shouted angrily.

"Now is not the time to say that."

Miyai Saburo shook his head, and said calmly: "Come on, follow me to meet the other car dealers in East Island Country. No matter what, as long as we can win them this time, Zhao Shanhe will be defeated! By then, The Jade Bird Glass Factory is mine, and I want to see what else he uses to make windshields!"



Flowing River Square.

The glass smashing activity is still going on, and the place is still crowded and airtight.From time to time, someone would burst into shouts of excitement, and then leave happily waving 1000 yuan.This kind of picture is the best catalyst, and you don't need to spend a lot of money to promote it, everyone will continue to wait here.

At the second event site, it was temporarily arranged as a signing platform.

All manufacturers or car dealership owners who are interested in the Jade Bird Glass Factory sign contracts here.And now the place is crowded with people, all the car dealers came over and signed contracts with Zhao Shanhe with smiles on their faces.

They had already recognized Zhao Shanhe in their hearts, who made the Jade Bird windshields so good and cheap!

They didn't come here before, they just had scruples in their hearts. Now that the auto show is counting down, they don't hesitate any more and come directly to sign the contract.

"See? This is already the ninth one! How many car dealerships are there in total? Counting the three of us, twelve have already signed contracts with Zhao Shanhe!" Fang Shijun pointed to the front and said.

"Yes, the eyes of the masses are discerning."

Luo Fenghua nodded, and suddenly asked: "What is this Shen Dongliu waiting for? Does he still want to be exhausted?"

"who knows!"

Wei Hong shrugged his shoulders helplessly, curled his lips and said, "I've explained everything to him so clearly, it really doesn't matter if he doesn't listen to me. I don't care about him, as long as Chaoyang Automobile doesn't cooperate with Sanjiang Trading."

"Then what if Shen Dongliu cooperates with Sanjiang Trading?"

Luo Fenghua's slow words stunned Wei Hong and Fang Shijun.

That's right, they just thought that Shen Dongliu would not cooperate with Sanjiang Trading, but don't forget, this was just their idea.After all, Chaoyang Automobile has always cooperated with Sanjiang Trading.

If Shen Dongliu chooses to continue to cooperate this time, the bet between Zhao Shanhe and Miyai Saburo will definitely lose.Losing the bet doesn't count, Zhao Shanhe will definitely hate Shen Dongliu.

Shen Dongliu, could it be that you can't think of this?

Or you think about it, but you don't care about Zhao Shanhe at all.

"I really hope that Shen Dongliu can make the most correct choice, otherwise he will definitely become Zhao Shanhe's enemy. As far as I know, as long as he is Zhao Shanhe's enemy, none of them will end well."

"He, Shen Dongliu, shouldn't think that he is the deputy factory director of Chaoyang Automobile, so he can have no scruples. If he thinks this way, he will pay a terrible price sooner or later."

Wei Hong said with deep eyes.

"Yeah, I hope he can make the right choice."

Luo Fenghua nodded.

"Look at it!"

At this moment, Fang Shijun's eyes suddenly lit up, pointing to the front, his tone a little hasty.

"Look who that is!"

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