Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 715 Just hit the muzzle of the gun

Immediately, the entire venue erupted into appalling cheers.

The people present may not have high education, or may not have a good job, but they are all descendants of Yan and Huang, descendants of the dragon, and the blood of the Chinese nation is flowing in their bodies.They have an innate belief in unity, they believe in what Zhao Shanhe said, and they are willing to cheer for what he said.

"I've seen this short and fat man displeased for a long time, but I dare say they are earning black-hearted money!"

"No matter what you say, I won't buy a car with a Sanjiang Trading windshield anyway!"

"Don't talk about buying, I don't even want to sit down!"


Amidst the thunderous cheers, someone suddenly asked Zhao Shanhe a question.

"Director Zhao, if you say that about Sanjiang Trading's windshield, is your Jade Bird glass really good?"

After this question was asked, almost everyone in the audience looked over at the same time.

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly when he met these fiery expectant eyes.

"Of course!"

"I dare to say this, and I dare to assure you that the windshields manufactured by our Qingniao Glass Factory are up to standard in terms of quality and other aspects. Take the broken slag that you are most worried about. Say it won't break, even if it breaks, it will turn into a harmless round slag."

"If any of you don't believe it, you can come up and try it! Just try it! Our activities will continue!"

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but get excited again.Yes, the blue bird windshield is right in front of you. If you want to know something, you can try it for yourself.

Moreover, what the Qingniao Glass Factory produces are not just one or two pieces of specially made glass, but many pieces, which are universal.As long as it can be proved that the glass is not broken, it is safe after being smashed.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's do it quickly!"

The glass smashing activity that had just stopped started to be staged in full swing again.

A corner of the venue.

Standing here are the three of Wei Hong and the others, who watched the whole incident from beginning to end.

To be honest, when Saburo Miyai went crazy, they sweated because of Zhao Shanhe, but they didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would make such a strong comeback.

"Now I suddenly have confidence in Zhao Shanhe again!" Fang Shijun said.

"What? Didn't you still think that he would lose the bet between Zhao Shanhe and Miyai Saburo? You changed your mind after just a while?" Wei Hong looked over with playful eyes.

"Before was before, now is now."

Fang Shijun raised his head and said: "I found that this Zhao Shanhe really suits my appetite. It is really courageous to dare to confront Saburo Miyai so openly!"

Luo Fenghua immediately took over the quarrel: "It is a good thing to be courageous, but sometimes it will cause trouble for yourself. You say that he does this, can Miyai Saburo swallow this bad breath? Of course not, Miyai Saburo is Absolutely will fight back. If he doesn't fight back, the whole windshield industry will go down."

"And if he said to fight back, how should Zhao Shanhe respond?"

"Anyway, Sanjiang Trading's windshields have many cooperative manufacturers. As long as those manufacturers do not change their cooperation, Zhao Shanhe's bet this time will still fail."

Luo Fenghua glanced at Wei Hong and Fang Shijun, and said pointedly: "And Zhao Shanhe must not fail. If he fails, everything he is doing now will be meaningless. Maybe it will be given to him." Others make the wedding dress."

"Yeah, what you said makes sense, so what should we do? Just do it and watch?" Fang Shijun asked anxiously.

"Old Wei, what do you think we should do?"


Wei Hong looked at Zhao Shanhe standing on the stage in high spirits, and shook his head with a wry smile: "I introduced Shen Dongliu of Chaoyang Automobile to Zhao Shanhe, but you also know how Shen Dongliu did it and what conditions he offered, so I There is nothing I can do now, I can only pray for him silently, there is no other way for me."

"You don't have me!"

Fang Shijun gritted his teeth.

"Do you have it? What can you do? Tell me." Wei Hong immediately looked over with interest.


After Fang Shijun revealed his solution, Wei Hong and Luo Fenghua looked at each other, laughed and said, "Old Fang, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply that you still have this relationship. All right, just do what you said Do it, as long as you can accomplish this, I guarantee you that Zhao Shanhe will definitely thank you!"

"Good talk!"


Backstage of the venue.

Guo Kaiduan and Yang E stood on both sides, looking at Zhao Shanhe with a calm expression, hesitant to speak.

"I said you two just talk if you have something to say, what are you doing so hesitantly?" Zhao Shanhe glanced at it speechlessly.

"Director, then I'll just say it straight."

Yang E took a deep breath and said frankly: "What you said just now is very exciting and hot, but I always feel a little uneasy, and I always feel that something will happen if such a high-profile is so high-profile. You said that if Saburo Miyai really sued us, what should we do?" manage?"

"Do you think I'm afraid that they will sue? Tell you, I'm not afraid that he will sue, what I'm afraid of is that they won't sue!"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said calmly: "We are short on time and have heavy tasks, so we want to achieve the goal in the shortest possible time and win the bet. Do you think it is okay to publicize step by step? Can it be done?"

"That's enough!" Yang E shook her head.

"Is it? You also think it's embarrassing, so we can only take a slant, and we can only do this. Actually, I thought Miyai Saburo wouldn't come over at first? If he doesn't come, I have to find a way to get him He messed with me. Now it’s good, he came and hit me with a gun, and this matter was ignited immediately!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"Just wait and see, this war will only get hotter and hotter."

"And as long as the war is intensified, our goal will be achieved. As for the complaint, isn't this just the icing on the cake for us? Sue and lawsuit, we are still afraid that they will fail? Just by filing a lawsuit The lawsuit can also create a sense of existence."

"That's right!"

Guo Chuan said with a smile: "I said long ago that our factory manager is the leader in publicity and sales. Now you see, it really is, right? It's hard not to cause a sensation because of our factory manager's handling of this matter. I dare Let’s just say, those reporters don’t need to tell us, they will definitely report this matter desperately after they go back.”

"By then, the safety of our Jade Bird Glass and the danger of Sanjiang Trading Glass will be headlines at once."

"At that time, if anyone dares to purchase the glass of Sanjiang Trading, it will be against the public opinion! I want to see whether those so-called car manufacturers care about the cooperative relationship with Sanjiang Trading or their own Benefit."

"Wait for this matter to ferment!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Then we still proceed as planned for these two days?"

"keep going."


Unlike Zhao Shanhe's composure, Saburo Miyai, who had just walked out of Liunianhe Square, was furious.

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