"Huang Weile, I know you're just a puppet, but since you can't be the master of Sanjiang Trading, let someone who can really be the master come out!"

Just as Huang Weile was looking back, Zhao Shanhe said something amazing.

He didn't give Huang Weile a chance to refuse, so he took two steps forward, stood in front of Miyai Saburo, looked down from a high position and said, "Miyai Sanlang, do you dare to come up?"


Everyone's eyes were immediately focused.

Only then did they realize that this unattractive, chunky man was the boss of Sanjiang Trading.Also, why does this name sound so weird, it seems to be the name of an island countryman? Could it be that Sanjiang Trading is not an enterprise of our country, but an island country?

For a while, people were restless.

Damn Zhao Shanhe!

Saburo Miyai hated Zhao Shanhe to death!

It is true that he is the boss of Sanjiang Trading, but he has never been a man who likes to show off. His favorite thing to do is to hide behind the scenes and command remotely.This can be seen from his continuous investment in shares and acquisitions of other companies.If he said he wanted to show his face, why wait until now?It has long been known.

Even today, he never thought of standing up.

Because he understands better than anyone else that as long as he stands up, the things that were originally leeway will become irreversible.

But Zhao Shanhe actually forced him now!

Being watched by so many people, if he dared not show his face again, the consequences would be even more unimaginable.Don't you see those journalists are jumping up and down?They might report some outrageous news!

The lesser of two evils.

Miyai Saburo, who was thinking like this in his heart, looked at Zhao Shanhe with a stern face.

"Zhao Shanhe, don't go too far!"

"Am I going too far?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to stop the flag at all, he looked over mockingly, and said mockingly: "Miyai Saburo, what I said just now, is there anything wrong?"

"Could it be that I forged all these car accident cases?"

"Could it be that these accidents have nothing to do with the windshield of your Sanjiang Trading Company?"


Miyai Saburo's face was terribly dark.

"Miyai Saburo, I know you are an investor from Dongdao, but I also hope you can remember that this is Huaxia, and since you want to make money from us, you must make it openly. We welcome everyone to invest , but if it is said that some investors have evil intentions, we will definitely not welcome it!"

"Zhao Shanhe, no matter what you say, you can't change the fact that you are competing maliciously here. Let me tell you, your behavior is bad and shameful. I will send you a lawyer's letter regarding today's matter! "Saburo Miyai didn't mean to argue with Zhao Shanhe, and directly concluded the coffin.

"A lawyer's letter?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said fearlessly: "Come on, isn't it just a lawyer's letter? I'll take as many as you come! As long as I can change this bleak reality, I am willing to accompany you to court!"

"But I hope you can remember, stop fooling our Huaxia car owners as fools! You don't care about their lives, I do!"

"Every one of them is the pillar of the family, and the death of each of them, even the injury, is a deep injury to a family. If you Sanjiang Trading say you don't even realize this, there is no need to be here again We are doing business in Huaxia!"


Miyai Saburo glanced at Zhao Shanhe with snake-like eyes, turned his head and left.

He knows that today's matter has been planted, so he must decisively stop the loss in time.Staying here any longer, arguing with Zhao Shanhe, in the end, the only one who will be unlucky is himself, and Zhao Shanhe can only benefit for nothing.

So he has to hurry!

"Miyai Saburo, do you want to leave like this?"

Zhao Shanhe stood on the stage with indifferent eyes.

"What else do you want?" Miyai Saburo turned around and asked in a cold voice.

"As I said, what I want is two justices! I have said the first justice, and I will also say the second justice."

"The second justice I want is regional discrimination and unfair treatment."

Zhao Shanhe swept across the audience and said in a sonorous and forceful voice.

"There may be car manufacturers or car dealers here, so you have to listen carefully, because what I'm going to say next is closely related to you."

"This is Sanjiang Trading. Do you know how much the windshields they sell in the East Island Country are? Six thousand! It's more than 2000 cheaper than the ones sold in our country! Of course, you may say that this is in other countries. It’s only natural that it’s so cheap, if that’s the case, then I’ll tell you one more thing.”

"Except for our Huaxia, Sanjiang Trading sells windshields in all countries in the world at a price of [-] yuan! What does this mean? It means that they are discriminating against us in Huaxia! They are making us suffer unfairly! It's just taking our Huaxia people as a fool! Do you think they are doing this right?"


For a while, the crowd was furious.

They really didn't know about this before, so it's fine if you say you don't know, and you can continue to stay like this in peace.But now that he already knew, how could he tolerate such a thing?

This is what Zhao Shanhe referred to as regional discrimination.


It’s fine if you earn our country’s money, but if you are so heartless and earn black-hearted money, aren’t you afraid that you will have children without assholes?

"Go quickly!"

Kato Noheira noticed that the surrounding atmosphere was getting more and more uncomfortable, so he quickly lowered his voice and said.

"it is good!"

Miyai Saburo didn't say to continue to stay, he didn't even mean to explain, so he turned and walked out.

Huang Weile quickly followed, and there was a burst of curses from the crowd.


"I didn't expect to look like a dog, but it turned out to be a thing that has forgotten its ancestors!"

"A traitor and scum like him should be defeated!"


Seeing Saburo Miyai and the others leave in such a dispirited manner, Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to stop him, but scanned the audience and continued: "Everyone, I really hope that you can pay attention to what happened just now, don't think that I am Be alarmist and don't think I'm trying to purely promote our windshields."

"That's right, I do want to promote the blue bird windshield, but the purpose of my promotion is not to make money, because those who know me should know that I am not short of money."

"The reason why I do this is that I don't want our country's money to be taken away by such people for nothing, and let them do things that hurt us."

"So I'm here to tell you frankly. I held this event to promote my Jade Bird windshield, to make those black-hearted companies have nowhere to go, and to let our drivers in Huaxia use the best windshield. Safe glass."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, the whole scene fell silent.


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