Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 707 Two Different Concepts

"My condition is that every piece of windshield sold to us Chaoyang Automobile will be half cheaper than what you sell to others." Shen Dongliu said slowly.

"Half the price?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being slightly stunned, thinking he heard it wrong, so he immediately asked: "What does this mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. I know that the windshield you sold to Lao Wei's car dealership was [-] yuan. If this is the case, if you sell it to us, it will be [-] yuan! I think even at this price, you can't make a profit. I paid for it, right?" Shen Dongliu said calmly.

Two thousand and five dollars!

Zhao Shanhe's face couldn't help but sink.

Wei Hong also frowned slightly.

The price is a bit too low!

You must know that whether it is Sanjiang Trading or Shengjia Company, the windshield sold at least costs seven or eight thousand, and Zhao Shanhe's price of five thousand is already three thousand cheaper, which is definitely a conscience price.

But you're lucky, the lion opened its mouth and asked someone to make it half cheaper and sell it at two thousand five, so what profit does Zhao Shanhe have?

Let me just say that there is no such thing as a good thing in this world.

Car manufacturers and car dealers are two completely different concepts. They will rely on their own family to make a fortune, so they bully material dealers unscrupulously.In their eyes, you are begging them, and they are all masters.

Of course, Zhao Shanhe had no objection to Wei Hong.

If it were not for Wei Hong, he would not have known Fang Shijun and Luo Fenghua, nor would he have had the chance to know Shen Dongliu.As for Shen Dongliu doing this, it has nothing to do with Wei Hong.

Zhao Shanhe, who knew it well, smiled slightly.

"Mr. Shen, it's no problem if you want me to lower the price. I can agree to your condition. Even if you don't say it, I will take the initiative to lower the price. After all, the demand for automobile factories is very large."

"But the price you offered is really low."

"How about this, I will give you another five hundred for each piece of glass, that is to say, I will give you four thousand and five yuan, what do you think?"

"Four thousand five?"

Shen Dong shook his head repeatedly, and said arrogantly: "The price of four thousand and five is still a bit high, I still stick to the price just now, two thousand and five yuan!"

"And if I say that the purchase volume is large, I hope that the price can be further reduced, preferably [-] yuan. Director Zhao, this is my condition. You can go back and discuss it without answering me. Say more."

"Okay, then I'll go back and discuss it."

Zhao Shanhe didn't say anything dead, after all, Wei Hong was still here to save him.

"Then let's continue drinking tea."

After 15 minutes, Zhao Shanhe got up and left.

After Zhao Shanhe left, Wei Hong looked over speechlessly, and said angrily, "I said, Old Shen, haven't you taken advantage of it enough? It was the same as it was before, and it's still the same now, it hasn't changed at all."

"Why is it taking advantage? Let me tell you, I just want to see what the bottom line of this Zhao Shanhe is. Buying and selling, don't you have to negotiate? If he thinks the price I offered is inappropriate, he can just counter-offer. "

Shen Dongliu said indifferently, with a kind of arrogance in his brows.

He said so, but he didn't take it seriously at all in his heart.

Chaoyang Automobile has a lot of partners. Since you, Zhao Shanhe, have asked us, you have to follow my rules.Can squeeze your value, why should I not squeeze it?Not only do I want to suppress, but I also want to suppress to death, making you spit out all the profits.

As for Wei Hong's face, is it very important?

I am a businessman.

Of course, business must be put first, and friendship and the like must stand aside.

"Even if it is an offer, there is no such offer as you."

Wei Hong stared at him speechlessly, and said earnestly, "Old Shen, let me tell you that Zhao Shanhe's tempered glass is indeed of very good quality, and Sanjiang Trading's tempered glass cannot compare with his. You Chaoyang If the car wants to go further, I suggest that Zhao Shanhe should be considered."

"I will consider it." Shen Dongliu said casually.

"As you please!"

Seeing this, Wei Hong secretly sighed, stood up and walked out.

Shen Dongliu shouted from behind: "Old Wei, what time do we have at noon? We haven't seen each other for a long time anyway."

"talk later!"

Wei Hong left without looking back.


After Shen Dongliu watched Wei Hong disappear from his eyes like this, a cold snort of disdain came out of his nasal cavity.

"If you want me to buy Zhao Shanhe's tempered glass without any benefit, don't think about it!"

"Dong dong!"

At this moment, secretary Wang Jiangang suddenly knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Shen, Huang Weile from Sanjiang Trading is here. He wants to meet you."

"Huang Weile?"

Shen Dongliu couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there, let's go, let's meet this Huang Weile."


After leaving from Shen Dongliu, Wei Hong quickly found Zhao Shanhe, sat in his car, looked at Zhao Shanhe, and said with some embarrassment: "Director Zhao, I did this a little recklessly. I didn't expect Shen Dongliu to say such words and set such exorbitant conditions, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

"Mr. Wei, what are you talking about? This matter has nothing to do with you, Mr. Wei. It is too late for me to thank you if you can introduce Mr. Shen to me." Zhao Shanhe said hastily.

"But who would have thought that this matter would not be accomplished." Wei Hong said regretfully.


On the contrary, Zhao Shanhe looked at it very openly, and said lightly: "Chaoyang Automobile is a big factory after all. For this kind of thing, you have to find the most suitable price. I don't have any opinion on Shen Dongliu's approach. In this matter, I will not say that I will give in easily, because I think I am already sincere enough."

"Yes, your sincerity is full, but Shen Dongliu has a bit of a big appetite." Wei Hong sighed.

"He, he will regret it sooner or later. But if he says no here, I think you will be embarrassed by other car manufacturers."

"After all, they all have their own regular partners. It doesn't make sense to say that if you suddenly intervene, they will buy you. Even if you are cheap, there must be a process of adaptation." Wei Hong said in a puzzled way.

"Yes, I know this. I thought of this kind of thing before I came here. But it doesn't matter. I believe that as long as our blue bird glass can show the quality and price, there will be people who know the goods and cooperate with us."

"After all, businessmen are after profits. With such a huge profit in front of them, they have no reason to say that they can't see it." Zhao Shanhe said confidently.

"You're right. Businessmen are after profit. As long as there is profit, they will do anything. But how are you going to do this? You can't just go to them one by one, can you? Even if you do, they won't I believe it." Wei Hong asked curiously.


Zhao Shanhe smiled mysteriously.

"Tomorrow you'll find out."

"Really? Then I'll wait and see."

After parting with Wei Hong, Zhao Shanhe returned to the Hilton Hotel, and soon knocked on the door one by one and walked in.

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