"Boss, you are the eldest son of our family. You will have to stand up and take responsibility for whatever happens to our family in the future, don't you think so?" Zhao Xiuwu squinted his eyes and smoked a cigarette, and said these words slowly.

The moment he said this, Zhao Shanhe's eyelids couldn't help but twitch slightly, but he didn't speak, but looked at Zhao Yonghao as if nothing had happened.

Zhao Yonghao's complexion also changed slightly.

"Dad, you are right. I will take up my responsibilities." Zhao Yonghao said calmly.

"That's right, you should take the responsibility." Zhao Xiuwu nodded in satisfaction, and then said what was in his heart directly without concealing it.

"Look, I heard that your eldest sister's family is not having a good time recently. It is said that An Gong's business is not working, and now you need to borrow money. I think, since your family is doing well now, and you are so rich, you might as well borrow money." Give them some points, and then pay you back after they carry it over."

"It's still borrowing money."

Zhao Yonghao's expression darkened completely.

I thought Zhao Xiuwu called him home because Wang Guizhi really missed him, but now it seems that he still thinks too much.

What Zhao Xiuwu did was to support Zhao Yongduo.But the problem is that since this is Zhao Yongduo's matter, if you don't stand up yourself, why do you let the old couple do this for your sake.

"Dad, I have no money." Zhao Yonghao shook his head.

"Of course I know you don't have money, but Shanhe does!"

Zhao Xiuwu looked at Zhao Shanhe as he spoke, and said with a smile: "Shanhe, do you think I am right? Should you help your aunts and uncles to tide them over? No matter how you say it, you It's a junior, and it's only natural for a junior to help an elder, you think grandpa is right?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became weird.

Everyone looked at Zhao Shanhe in unison.

And Zhao Shanhe, who was stared at like this, didn't mean to panic at all, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Grandpa, I came back this time because you said that grandma was sick and missed us, so we rushed back to see grandma in a hurry. "

"But now it seems that there is nothing wrong with grandma's illness. It is you who have the problem. You are deliberately using grandma's illness to lure us back."

"Spoof? Shanhe, what you said is not right. As a grandson, shouldn't you come back to see your grandparents? It's a good thing, what are you talking about, do you say that?" Zhao Xiuwu frowned. , said displeased.

Zhao Guoer stood by and hesitated to speak.

Shang Wenzhi remained silent.

Even Zhao Yongxin stood aside and did not speak at the moment.

One must know that if this was the case before, when they heard Zhao Shanhe dare to talk to Zhao Xiuwu like this, they would have stood up and satirized in a strange way, how could they be as honest as they are now.

"Talk to the child well."

But when Wang Guizhi saw such a thing, he quickly pulled Zhao Xiuwu's sleeve and said in a low voice.

"How can I talk to him well? Don't forget, I am his grandfather, so is it possible that I still have to say nice things to my grandson? If that's the case, don't I want to call him grandfather?" Zhao Xiuwu was a little annoyed.


Wang Guizhi shook her head and didn't bother, she also knew that she couldn't control Zhao Xiuwu.

In the entire Zhao family, who dares to confront Zhao Xiuwu?no one.For example, when Zhao Yonghao and the others were young, whoever dared to talk back to Zhao Xiuwu would be slapped with a big mouth.


Just when Zhao Shanhe wanted to continue to refute, Li Qiuya shook her head slightly at him, then stood up, looked at Zhao Xiuwu and Wang Guizhi, and said calmly: "Grandpa and grandma, our family is better now, but It doesn’t mean that all the money in our family is blown by the strong wind and dropped from the sky.”

"Do you know how we can have all this now?"

"Your grandson Zhao Shanhe traded cups of shaved ice for it!"

Shaved ice?

Zhao Xiuwu and Wang Guizhi couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Zhao Yongxin's family also looked over in surprise.

"At that time, he got up before dawn to buy goods in the morning, and then started to pack the materials as soon as he came back. As soon as it was dark, he rode our small tricycle to the night market to sell shaved ice. He sold it all night, every day He won't come back until the last person in the night market leaves. What is he doing this for?"

"The purpose is to sell more cups of shaved ice."

"As long as he can sell one more cup, he can make more money. In this way, he worked for three full months before earning his first pot of gold. Do you think it is easy for him to have the current results? He can Don't cherish the current achievements?"

As soon as Li Qiuya finished speaking, Zhao Xiuwu frowned tightly.

"What does this have to do with borrowing money? Besides, it's all in the past. You were suffering a little before, but isn't it much better now? Since it's better, I should help your aunt's family."


Li Qiuya raised the corner of her mouth and said with a sneer: "Grandpa, since you have reached this point, let's talk about helping."

"It's been several years since I married Shanhe and walked into your Zhao family's house. I have experienced two major events during this period. You may still remember them after I tell you. When I finish speaking, you want I still feel that it is wrong for us to do so, so we will do as much as we can, and we will never refuse."

"Which two things?" Zhao Xiuwu asked.

Zhao Yongxin and the others also looked over curiously.

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Qiuya who was calm and composed, and didn't make a sound to stop him.

It's something to say, it's hard for me to say it, it's hard for my parents to say it, but Li Qiuya, the granddaughter-in-law, is easy to say it.As long as what she said stood firm, even if Zhao Xiuwu and Wang Guizhi doted on Zhao Yongduo's family a little, it was impossible to say that they had gone too far.

"The first thing was that my mother fell ill and was hospitalized three years ago."

As soon as Li Qiuya said this, Zhao Xiuwu's face suddenly became a little unnatural.

Zhao Yongxin couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

Even Zhao Guoer, who has always been very unruly, felt a little restless at the moment.

"When my mother was sick and hospitalized, our family had no money, and we spent all the money. You should know how difficult and anxious we were at that time? We were so difficult that we borrowed from everyone who could borrow money. I was so anxious that I even mortgaged all the houses in our village in order to borrow money."

"But before mortgaging the house, do you remember what we did?"

"We have borrowed money from our elder aunt, second uncle, third uncle, and sister-in-law, and we even borrowed money from the two of you, but what was the result?"

"In the end, only the third uncle lent us money, while the aunt, second uncle and sister-in-law didn't lend us a penny. What's even more ridiculous is that the aunt and the second uncle didn't even have a reason for not lending money. I'm too lazy to look for it, just two words, no money!"

Li Qiuya's tone gradually became angry. Thinking of what happened back then, she couldn't help burning with anger.

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