"Mr. Miyai, I want to ask, this Nanjue Cement Plant is about to go bankrupt, why do we still have to buy shares to support it? Are you not afraid of losing money?"

Lin Chaotai was full of doubts.

"Losing money?"

Saburo Miyai raised the corners of his lips, and said proudly: "I tell you, it is because he is about to go bankrupt that we are going to sell. How do you think we took down those factories we took down before? So! As for bankruptcy, do you think the cement factory will go bankrupt with our financial support?"

"Understood!" Lin Chaotai suddenly realized.

This daring is to take advantage of your illness to kill you.


The Zhao family in Zhenghe County.

After a week of busy work in Nanjue County, Zhao Shanhe finally returned home.After having dinner with Li Qiuya, he suddenly said: "Tomorrow is the weekend, and I just don't have to go to work. You can come home with me."

"go home?"

Li Qiuya was a little surprised.

"Is something wrong at home?"

"No, the family is fine. It was my dad who asked us to go to Yangpo Town. He said that grandma was sick two days ago and missed us, and wanted us to go back and have a look." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Ill? What's wrong? Is it serious?" Li Qiuya asked hastily.

"It's serious, but it's not serious. Dad said that grandpa didn't tell him what the disease was. He just said that grandma missed us. Maybe when people get older, they want to have family members by their side when they are sick."

"That's good, that's fine, let's go buy some presents now, and we'll have them tomorrow."

"it is good!"

the next day.

Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya drove the tiger head to Zhaojiazhai first, picked up their parents and then drove to Yangpo Town.While on the road, Zhao Yonghao suddenly talked about Zhou Angong borrowing money.

"Dad, won't auntie come to our house again?" Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly, a little displeased.

"I've been here before, but I haven't come since then." Zhao Yonghao shook his head.

"Although they didn't come to our house again, they went to Nanjue No. [-] Middle School. You don't know, they bought a lot of food and drink for Xiaolin and Shanchuan, which made the two children very uncomfortable. I told your aunt not to do this in the future, but she said it was right. "

"What should it be? Why haven't I seen her go to school to see the two children once?"

Lin Chunyan's tone was a little indignant.

One of the biggest characteristics of her personality is that she doesn't like extravagance, especially for Zhao Lin.Zhao Lin is now in her third year of high school, and she will take the college entrance examination in June next year. At this time, she should not be stimulated by the external environment.

Can you, Zhao Yongduo, not know about this?You don’t go to school once in 800 years, and you do it like this when you go, what will you do to your children?

"Mom, maybe Auntie just wants to visit Xiao Lin and Xiao Chuan, it's fine." Li Qiuya comforted.

"Is it really?"

Lin Chunyan patted the back of Li Qiuya's hand, and let out a cold snort.

"It's not that I don't know what she thinks. It's just that she wants to continue borrowing money. But Shanhe has rejected this matter countless times. Why doesn't she give up?"

"I don't care. I'm going to make it clear to her anyway. If she dares to go to school to find two children in the future, I will go to her house and talk to her about it."


Zhao Yong took a good look at Lin Chunyan, but didn't say anything else.

No one made him feel that Lin Chunyan was right.

It is unreliable to not burn incense and hold Buddha's feet temporarily.Many things are like this, and the maintenance of family affection is no exception.

"Mom and Dad, it's okay, just tell Xiao Lin and Xiao Chuan not to want it in the future." Zhao Shanhe laughed.


Lin Chunyan was still angry.

The family talked like this, and soon came to Yangpo Town.

And when they got out of the car, everyone was shocked by the scene before them.They never expected that the second uncle Zhao Yongxin, who has always been proud and arrogant, would bring his whole family to welcome him.

Not to mention, his precious daughter Zhao Guoer and son-in-law Shang Wenzhi should be in the county at this time, but who would have thought that they would also return home.

"Brother and sister-in-law, you are here, let's go, let's go home."

Zhao Yongxin smiled with a gentle expression.

After Zhao Yonghao was slightly stunned, he smiled and said, "Okay."

"Hello, grandpa and aunt."

Zhao Guoer also pulled Shang Wenzhi forward with a smile on her face, and greeted him proactively. Such a thing was impossible in the past.Don't say they are smiling like this, you must know that they even seldom call people.

Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya looked at each other, understanding.

"it is good."

Zhao Yonghao also dealt with it casually.

"Brother, sister-in-law, you are tired from the journey, let's go, let's go home quickly, I have already made tea, let's drink some to relieve fatigue." Zhao Guoer stepped forward, took Li Qiuya's hand and said charmingly .

"Yes, then let's go home." Li Qiuya smiled.

A group of people walked into the house like this.

Thinking of the last time he came here, it was his grandfather's birthday, and the big commotion that happened at that time is still fresh in his memory, Zhao Shanhe showed a feeling of emotion on his face.Obviously this is the home of my grandparents, but why I always feel out of place every time I come here.

"Mom, how is your illness? What's wrong with you?"

After Zhao Yonghao entered the door, the first thing he did was to go over and hold his mother's hand to inquire about her condition. After all, he came back because of this incident.

"I'm fine!"

Wang Guizhi sat on the grand teacher's chair, looked at Zhao Yonghao and the others, and said with a smile on his face: "This is an old problem of mine. It's your father who insisted on being so nervous and insisted on asking you to come back. I've said it all, you guys Everyone has their own work to do, and they are all too busy, why do you have to let the children come back, you say yes, Shanhe."


All eyes turned to Zhao Shanhe at the same time.

Although no one is willing to admit it, everyone knows that from the moment Zhao Shanhe's identity was exposed, his status in the Zhao family has become completely different from before.

In the past, it was Zhao Yongxin who had the final say, but now even this little accomplished second uncle would subconsciously become cautious when looking at Zhao Shanhe.

No way, who made those things you did before disgraceful.

If Zhao Shanhe doesn't care about you, it's his generosity. If you really care about it, what do you think the so-called second uncle status will do.People will say, now that you think about it, you are my second uncle, what was it before?

Realizing that everyone was looking at him, Zhao Shanhe's expression did not change. He smiled lightly and said in a calm tone: "Grandma, look at what you said, your illness is a big deal, so what if you have a job? You must come back You are our family's Dinghaishenzhen, our family's treasure, you can't do anything wrong."

"Ha ha!"

Wang Guizhi laughed sincerely when he heard this.

"Listen, my eldest grandson is very good at what he says. Come on, Shanhe, here, here are the dried persimmons I dried myself, you can eat one!" Wang Guizhi said and picked up a persimmon from the plate on the table and handed it over.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe started to eat.

The atmosphere in the room also became very relaxed and easy-going.

But this kind of relaxation didn't last long, and was quickly broken by Zhao Xiuwu's few words.

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