An intense seminar is going on in the laboratory of Jade Bird Glass Works.

Gao Shaoyuan and Wang Houde sat on the side, drinking tea leisurely and with smiles on their faces. Neither of them wanted to interfere, and they just let them quarrel and quarrel.

The few people who were arguing fiercely were so absorbed in it that they didn't even notice Zhao Shanhe's arrival at all.

After Zhao Shanhe gave Gao Shaoyuan a look of ignoring him, he stood in a corner and watched enthusiastically.

"Do you really understand tempered glass? I suspect that you don't know anything at all. You must know that the research and development of tempered glass is a profound knowledge. You may have made achievements in other fields, but in this field, no!"

The first to fire was Wang Houde's favorite student, Feng Botao, who had followed him for many years in the field of tempered glass.He is a man, a bit of a literati, except for Wang Houde and Zhu Zhixiu, he always feels that he is the most powerful, and no one is better than him.

It's not that after knowing that today's exchange meeting is going to be held, he was the first to stand up and directly pointed the finger at Zhang Du and Wei Ming, and fired at them without hesitation.

Although Wang Houde also told him before that if you come, you will be safe, you must abide by the rules here, and obey Gao Shaoyuan's instructions to do things, but he is still somewhat dissatisfied in his heart.

His idea is very simple, let Wang Houde be the boss.

Why can you be the leader of this laboratory when you are so tall, and we can only follow orders?You must know that you are not qualified in terms of age or technology.


Since there is no way to trouble you, then use your subordinates to stand up, it will be no problem, right?Just to let you know that we are not easy to be bullied, and the tempered glass you can develop is also achieved by relying on our research results.You can't, and neither can your team, without the research we deliver.

"So what do you want to ask?"

Zhang Du smiled gently, unmoved in the slightest.

"Then let's discuss. My first question is, if the tempered glass is upturned, what is the reason? And how to solve it?" Feng Botao asked with his proud head held high.


Zhang Du didn't even think about it, and said casually: "The reason why the tempered glass warps up is because when it comes out of the furnace, the temperature of the upper surface of the glass is much higher than the temperature of the lower surface, resulting in uneven heating."

"If the temperature of the upper surface of the glass is too high, the loss will be fast, and the loss will be slow on the lower surface. In this way, the wind pressure at the upper part of the air grille will be lower than the wind pressure at the lower part, resulting in an upward warping phenomenon."

Hearing this, Feng Botao couldn't help but tighten his eyes slightly.

He answered it!

"How to solve that?"

He didn't give up, and still asked relentlessly.


Zhang Duyun said calmly: "To solve the upturning problem of tempered glass, we only need to increase the temperature of the bottom of the furnace and lower the temperature of the upper part appropriately, so that the temperature of the furnace will be in a stable state and this can be avoided. something happened."

"Of course, the pressure of the air grill can also be adjusted, so that the upper pressure is greater than the lower pressure when the height of the air nozzle remains the same."

"Am I right?" Zhang Du was slightly proud.


Although Feng Botao said that he was a little arrogant, but he had to admit that Zhang Du got the answer right.

"It's my turn to ask. What I want to know is, if the center of the tempered glass is gray, what caused it?" Zhang asked without haste.


Feng Botao, like Zhang Du just now, said confidently: "There are only two reasons for this phenomenon. The first is that the edge of the glass is upturned and bent after entering the furnace, which causes the pressure of the lower surface of the glass on the ceramic track. The second is that the surface temperature of the ceramic track is too high and the contact with the glass surface is caused."

"That's it?" Zhang Du asked.

"That's right, that's it, what else can we do?" Feng Botao asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Wang Houde couldn't help shaking his head.

"I'm still a little proud. I can't get rid of this bad habit."

"Old Wang, young people, it's normal!" Gao Shaoyuan said with a smile.

"I think you missed one reason, why don't you think about it again?" Zhang Du said with a smile.

"Say less of a reason? A joke, how could I say less?"

Feng Botao said dismissively: "What I'm talking about is the correct answer. Apart from these two reasons, there is no third reason. Zhang Du, if you say you don't want to admit defeat, just say so. There's no need to be so mysterious."

"I didn't play tricks."

Zhang Du spread his hands, put on a very innocent look, and said slowly: "What I want to say is that after the glass enters the furnace, if the ceramic track swings too fast, this kind of center hair will also appear. A gray phenomenon, don’t you think?”


Hearing this answer suddenly, Feng Botao's face changed suddenly, he slapped his head twice in frustration, and said embarrassingly: "You are right, this is indeed the third reason."

"I lost!"

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Any conditions can be raised?" Zhang Du's eyes lit up.

"Yes, as long as I can do it, you can make any conditions." Feng Botao waved his hand indifferently, he lost even if he lost, and he couldn't say he couldn't afford to lose.

"Then I want you to give me a copy of your research diary. I heard that your diary is a treasure. I have a few questions that I don't understand. I want to find the answer from your diary." Zhang Du said happily.

"That's it?" Feng Botao couldn't help being slightly stunned.

"Yeah, that's it, or that? What conditions do you think I'll put forward." Zhang Du chuckled.

"Ha ha!"

Feng Botao stepped forward, patted Zhang Du on the shoulder, and said boldly: "Zhang Du, you have a temper with me. I gave you my research diary. If you don't understand anything in the future, we can always understand it. Let's discuss."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The first good was called out by Zhang Du, the second good was called out by Gao Shaoyuan, and the third good was called out by Zhao Shanhe.The three good words were uttered almost at the same time, which startled Feng Botao.

"Factory Manager!"

When everyone saw Zhao Shanhe's appearance, they all stood up quickly to greet him.

Wang Houde and Gao Shaoyuan stood at the front.

"Don't be restrained, don't be nervous, everyone sit down and talk."

After Zhao Shanhe greeted everyone to sit down, he said with a gentle smile, "I didn't expect to see such a wonderful show when I first came here. It's very good, such seminars, debates, our laboratory It should be held more often.”

"As the saying goes, the more you argue, the clearer the truth. We who do experimental research should have this kind of thinking and courage to dare to argue. If we don't even dare to do this and only know how to stick to the rules, we will have no future. of."

"You guys, as long as you dare to argue, you can ask for anything, and I will try my best to help you do it."

The moment his words just landed, Feng Botao's eyes lit up, and he was the first to raise his hand.

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