Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 659 Do You Really Have No Temper?

"Are you saying that the Huang family's factory really can't hold on?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and said calmly: "If Huang Dashan's factory can really hold on, why would Huang Yingying come to us to borrow money?"

"You also know that Huang Yingying is such an arrogant woman, if it wasn't because she really couldn't hold on, how could she bow her head to us? So, Huang Dashan must be in danger this time."

"Hmph, the danger is self-inflicted. You can stay out of it, but you insist on helping Zheng Nanrun deal with us. It's best for him to die, and Zhou Angong, I guess we should cry now." Li Qiuya said with a pouted mouth.

"Cry and cry, it doesn't interfere with our business anyway, let's go, I will take you to work, and I have to go to the glass factory." Zhao Shanhe smiled and touched Li Qiuya's face.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe knew that this was just the beginning.

Under the wave of market economy in the future, it is unknown how many small factories like Huang Dashan will go bankrupt.Not even his family's, like Zheng Nanrun's cement factory, will fall down a batch.

This is just the beginning, you, Huang Yingying, can't sit still anymore, so you start borrowing money. Wouldn't you be even more surprised if you knew that the cement factory would also go bankrupt?

It's just that none of this has anything to do with me, and I won't retaliate with virtue.

Have a revenge!

You were the ones who apologized to me first. I don’t need to be a philanthropist. After all, the so-called good people in this world will not end well. I don’t want to live a good life and be implicated by this reputation.


The Zhou family in Nanjue County.

Huang Yingying didn't go back to the factory directly, but came here directly after telling Huang Dashan that she couldn't borrow any money.What she promised Huang Dashan was that she would definitely borrow money. Since she couldn't borrow money herself, she could only do it through Zhao Yongduo.

Anyway, Zhao Yongduo is Zhao Shanhe's aunt.

You, Zhao Shanhe, don't need to take me seriously, but you don't dare to say that about your aunt, do you?

And now Zhou Angong is also at home, anyway, staying at the factory is annoying, so it's better to just rest at home.As for Huang Yingying's failure, he had already expected it.

Do you really think that Zhao Shanhe has no temper?

My side has become a traitor, it would be strange if Zhao Shanhe wasn't angry at all.And how did you treat others before, can you have no idea in your heart?You have done that, and now you still think that someone will give you a chance and lend you money, it is really whimsical.

"Mom, this is the case. My dad said that as long as An Gong can borrow money, he will give him 20.00% of the shares in the factory. As you know, that is a lot of money. So I think, for us For our small family, I think this must be done so that our family can live comfortably in the future, don’t you think so?”

Huang Yingying set out conditions as soon as she came up.

"20.00% of the shares?"

After hearing this number, Zhao Yongduo couldn't help his eyes light up, but after pondering for a moment, he still shook his head and said in embarrassment: "Yingying, it's not that I don't help you, it's really because it's not easy to do."

"You may not know that Zhao Shanhe came to our house two days ago, and there was an unpleasant disturbance at that time, so I think this matter, or you can ask your father to find someone else to borrow."

"If other people have money, I don't want to do it."

Huang Yingying shook her head helplessly. She, who was always proud, had to lower her head now, and said with a wry smile, "Mom, I'll leave this to you."

"It can be done!"

Just when Zhao Yongduo was hesitating, Zhou Yongjian said straight to the point: "But there are conditions."

"Dad, tell me!" Huang Yingying hurriedly asked when she heard that the tone of the old couple was a little loose, and she dared not hesitate.

"If we can borrow money for you, I want your father to give An Gong 30.00% of the shares." Zhou Yongjian raised three fingers, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes.

"30.00%? Impossible!"

Huang Yingying stood up from the sofa at once, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and shouted: "Dad, you are taking advantage of the fire, the lion opened its mouth! Impossible! This is too much! My dad I won't agree!"

"Isn't it? You'll only know after you ask."

Zhou Yongjian slowly put down the newspaper in his hand, and said casually: "I just want 30.00% of the shares, and I don't want too much. I believe that if Huang Dashan is smart, he should agree."

"What's more, I want him to transfer this share to An Gong. It must be transferred to An Gong himself, and no one else is allowed to get involved!"

"Dad, what do you mean by that? Are you guarding against me?" Huang Yingying's face turned cold.

"You're thinking too much. I'm just discussing the facts. Huang Dashan will find a way to borrow money if he agrees to us. If he doesn't agree to this matter, it's as if we didn't say anything!" Zhou Yongjian picked up the newspaper again.

"If that's the case, I'll have to discuss it with my dad."

Huang Yingying stood up and walked out as she spoke. When she reached the door, she stopped suddenly and asked Zhou Angong, "Aren't you going with me?"

"No, I still have something to do." Zhou Angong said lightly.


Huang Yingying glared fiercely, turned her head and opened the door and walked out.

When there were only three people left, Zhou Angong looked at his father suspiciously and asked, "Dad, I know it's for my own good that you did that, and I also know that Huang Dashan will probably be very angry, but he should agree in the end. But the money? If he really agrees, where did we get so much money?"

"Where? Where are you talking about? Of course I'm looking for Zhao Shanhe! Otherwise, do you think our family can have so much money?" Zhou Yongjian gave a blank stare.

"Looking for Zhao Shanhe?"

Zhou Angong's heart turned cold when he heard it, and he said dejectedly: "Didn't you hear what Huang Yingying said? She said that Zhao Shanhe rejected her, and what she said was ugly. I want to borrow money from Zhao Shanhe , is choking enough, almost impossible!"

"Who said it's impossible?"

Zhou Yongjian looked at Zhao Yongduo, smiled and said, "Daughter-in-law, it's up to you now, you have to help our family An Gong finish this matter, as long as it can be done, Huang Dashan's factory will be ours from now on."

"Me? What should I do? Do you think Zhao Shanhe will lend me money?" Zhao Yongduo shook his head and said with a wry smile, "It's useless. It's not like you haven't seen what he did at our house last time."

"That has to be tried. In this way, you can talk to him first. If you say no, let's go back to our hometown and ask the old man to come forward. I don't believe that Zhao Shanhe dares to be disobedient if the old man comes forward. After all, you I also know that the old man loves you the most, and he also loves An Gong the most." Zhou Yongjian said with a smile.

"Then I'll try it?" Zhao Yongduo couldn't help but hesitantly said, his heart fluttered.

"Try it!"

Just when the Zhou family thought so, Zhao Shanhe also came to the Jade Bird Glass Factory, and saw a scene that surprised him.

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