Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 65 Do They Have a Choice?

What trick was he using?

It's simple: Combo set sales.

Customers only need to spend six yuan, not only can buy a bag of popsicles, but also a bottle of canned food.And you must know that such canned food usually costs at least four yuan if you buy it alone.

Popsicles sell for five yuan a bag.

What now?

You can buy both of them for six dollars, saving you a full three dollars.

Ordinary people, who can't figure it out?Anyone can figure it out, so naturally they are happy to buy it.

Some spend extravagantly, and even buy whole boxes, buy one box and get ten bottles free, which is a good deal no matter what.

For a while, this wave of purchasing was blowing up in the streets and alleys of Zhenghe County.

Inside the Zhenghe County Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

"Sister Liu, bring me a bottle of Fengfan canned food." A woman in her thirties said after entering the door.

"Xia Li, do your children like to eat popsicles?"

Sister Liu, the salesperson who is perming the more fashionable wavy curls, asked with a smile.

"I like it. He likes to eat popsicles these past two days. Not only him, but our whole family also likes to eat them. Sister Liu, speaking of which, do you still have popsicles? If you have any, bring me two." Xia Li nodded head.

"I said Xia Li, if this is the case, don't buy two sticks. Now Shanqiu Beverage Factory is holding an event, as long as you buy a bag of popsicles, you will get a bottle of canned food."

"In this way, you will have popsicles and cans." Sister Liu pointed to the back and said.

"Is it free?" Xia Li blinked and asked.

"It doesn't count. The package price of the two together is six yuan, which is three yuan cheaper than the original single sale."

Sister Liu raised three fingers and said.

Xia Li asked with some surprise: "Why is it so cheap? Could it be that the quality is not good?"

"How is it possible? You're overthinking it. This is why the Shanqiu Factory specially organized this event to thank the people in our county for their support."

"You, just eat it with confidence. All popsicles and cans are purchased directly from the factory, and the quality must be fine."

Sister Liu followed up and said: "Let me tell you, my family bought a whole box! Ten bags of popsicles, ten bottles of canned food! Enough for the elderly and children to eat for a while! If you want to buy it, hurry up, or it will be out of stock in a few days. "

"Sister Liu, hurry up and bring me two bags, no, five bags, five bottles of canned food for five bags," Xia Li said quickly, reaching out her hand.


"That's five bags!"


Scenes like this appeared everywhere in Zhenghe County.

The common people are really stimulated by this sales method, and they are all scrambling to buy. Looking at this posture, it seems that whoever does not buy will suffer a loss.

Green Park Cannery.

Chen Jinhua walked back and forth in the office, anxiously waiting for news.

Although he said that he was very appreciative and satisfied with Zhao Shanhe's plan, after all, everything on paper must be tested by practice.

Who dares to say that this kind of combined package sales will definitely be successful?

If it is not successful, the Green Garden Cannery will be in trouble.

You must know that in order to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe's plan this time, the three cannery factories in Lvyuan have kept the price of each can very low. The current combined price is barely higher than the cost price.

The plan was successful, and the quantity of cans sold went up, and they could make a small profit.

But if the plan is unsuccessful and the backlog of inventory cannot be sold, it will definitely lose money.


Just when Chen Jinhua was hesitating whether to make a phone call to inquire, a man excitedly opened the door and rushed in, shouting loudly.

"Director, the sales are crazy! Our canned food and popsicles are selling like crazy!"

"Really? Hurry up and tell us about the situation!" Chen Jinhua also asked excitedly.

"It's true, in the supply and marketing cooperatives and canteens in the counties around us, almost all the combination sets have just been placed, and they will be sold out soon."

"Just now, I received a call from Shanqiu Beverage Factory, telling us to prepare another [-] boxes of canned food quickly!"

"it is good!"

Chen Jinhua waved his fist excitedly.

This battle won a good start!

As long as it can occupy all the markets around Zhenghe County, Fengfan Cannery will completely lose the qualification to compete.

Who made Huang Lianshan's main sales market be Zhenghe County and surrounding counties, and he has no sales channels outside the province.

So what if there is such a sales channel?

If those sellers knew what happened in the county, would they abandon the combination set and insist on asking for canned sails?

Totally impossible.

Businessmen are after profit, and with such a large profit in front of them, they will definitely make the most sensible choice.If so, his canned food will be able to usher in a blowout period.

"Old Feng, is it only our canned food that sells well, or does Baifo and Donghao's also sell well?" Chen Jinhua asked.

"The two of them are also selling very well, the factory manager, if this continues, no one will buy Fengfan cans again!"

"It's better not to buy!"

Chen Jinhua waved his hand and said hastily: "Hurry up and move out the goods in our warehouse, and distribute all the goods according to the route arranged by Shanqiu Beverage Factory."


"I also told the workers to act quickly. We must produce canned food as soon as possible, and we must seize the market before Baifo and Donghao."


The same scene was played out in Donghao Cannery and Baifo Cannery.

You must know that Lin Donghao and Huang Zhizhong are not stupid. After they saw that the sales of the combination suits were so hot, they didn't take Huang Lianshan seriously.

They knew that Huang Lianshan's failure was inevitable.Then they must quickly increase their market share on the basis of this necessity.

We should take advantage of this opportunity to sell more goods and earn more money.

The day passed so quickly.

When he was about to get off work, Li Xiangyang walked into the office and said with a smile on his face: "Shanhe, this day is really lively. The combination suits we launched are selling too well."

"Now as long as you walk outside, almost everyone will talk about our combination suits and our Shanqiu popsicles. What kind of advertisement is there, and the advertisement is not as popular as this one."

"Come on, Xiangyang, sit down and talk!"

After Zhao Shanhe handed over a cup of tea, he sat down on the sofa and said with a smile: "I remember when I told you about this, you didn't like it."


Li Xiangyang rubbed his head and smiled coyly.

"At this time and at that time, didn't I agree with you when you brought out the plan? I just thought it was unreliable when you first said it. After all, no one has done it before."

"Besides, if we do this, it means that we and the three canneries will have to give up a lot of profits, and they may not agree. Who would have thought that they would all agree."

"Shanhe, what do you think Chen Jinhua and the others think? They don't know about this combination suit. In fact, they are making our popsicles famous in the end. After all, they are taking the lead."

"Do they have a choice?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"They don't have any choice. Do you think they don't know that it's more about making a name for us than selling cans?"

"They are very clear! But what if they are clear? Compared with the money you can make from selling canned food, this so-called worry is worthless."

"What's more, if there is no such thing, they will definitely be defeated by Huang Lianshan within a year, so they have to do it if they don't want to. At least there is a chance of survival if they do it. If they don't do it, they can only sit and wait for death."

"This can be regarded as a win-win situation!"

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