Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 64 The Battle Horn Blows

"Don't worry, I have the numbers."

Zhao Shanhe put down his teacup and asked with a smile, "Qiuya, don't you want to know what I talked about tonight?"

"In no mood!"

Li Qiuya said very seriously: "Shanhe, you are the head of our family, so you don't need to tell me everything."

"Besides, what you are doing now must be a big deal. As a little woman, I don't know how to do it, and I don't want to ask more questions."

"Qiuya, you are so kind!"

Feeling Li Qiuya's frankness, Zhao Shanhe grasped her hand subconsciously with both hands, and said softly: "Don't worry, I will do a good job and I won't let you down again!"

"En!" Li Qiuya nodded.

The two chatted casually, and while chatting, Zhao Shanhe suddenly asked, "Qiu Ya, did your brother borrow money to do that business?"

"Probably not!"

Faced with Zhao Shanhe's question, Li Qiuya's face changed slightly, she bit her lower lip, and said with some uncertainty: "When I went back last time, Mom said he didn't have any money, you said he didn't have money, take Why invest in business?"

"It's better like this."

Zhao Shanhe really didn't want Li Qiucheng to go on fooling around like this. If he could really change things, he didn't mean that he couldn't help him, after all, he was Li Qiuya's younger brother.

"You have to pay attention to this, don't let him fall into the pit." Zhao Shanhe instructed.

"okay, I get it!"

After the two talked for a while, Zhao Shanhe washed up and got ready to sleep.

He wasn't drunk, but he was a little tired from being busy these days.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe falling asleep, Li Qiuya sat by the bed and remained silent for a long time.


the next day.

After Zhao Shanhe got up and had breakfast, he went to the hotel to get the car, and then came to the factory refreshed.

Not long after sitting down in the office, Li Xiangyang and Wu Jianjun walked in with excited expressions on their faces.

"Director, good news, good news!" Wu Jianjun said excitedly.

"What good news?" Zhao Shanhe asked calmly.

"Our Bangbang is on fire. All the suppliers who ordered before called and said they wanted to place additional orders. That's not counting. Even Yongxing Department Store is doing the same, and they also placed additional orders."

"As of now, the number of orders we have counted has reached [-] boxes!" Wu Jianjun said with two fingers raised.

"Oh, Yongxing Department Store also added an order?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.


Wu Jianjun nodded and said: "The call was made by Yang Duo, the manager of the purchasing department of Yongxing Department Store. He said that he will add an order of [-] boxes first. As for the specific situation, he will call you personally."

"is it?"

At the same time that Zhao Shanhe's voice fell to the ground, the phone on the desk rang. After he connected, it was indeed Yang Duo who called.

When Yang Duo heard that the person who answered the phone was not Zhao Shanhe, he didn't say anything else. After all, he was looking for only Zhao Shanhe.

Wu Jianjun is not enough weight.

"Director Zhao, your Shanqiu popsicles have received a very good market response. I have placed an additional order of [-] boxes. How about keeping the price this time?" Yang Duo said with a smile.

"Manager Yang, if I were you, I would order another [-] boxes, because my order here has already increased to [-] boxes. If you say it's only [-] boxes, I'm afraid it won't be enough to sell by then."

Zhao Shanhe opened his mouth and announced a confusing number.

Thirty thousand boxes?

Li Xiangyang and Wu Jianjun looked at each other, our factory director really dared to say anything, and he just opened his mouth.

This is deliberately setting smoke bombs on Yang Duo!

But if this amount is for Yongxing Department Store, it shouldn't be too difficult.


After hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, Yang Duo pondered for a while and said straightforwardly: "Director Zhao, you are very right, don't run out of stock at that time."

"In this way, I will add another 20 boxes. The price will still be the same as I said before. I will make a deposit of [-] today. The rest of the old rules are cash on delivery. Do you think this will work?"

"Okay, no problem!" Zhao Shanhe responded readily.

"That's it. Remember to do our best with our production first. As for the contract, I will ask the person in charge of Handong City to sign it with you!" Yang Duo continued.

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe smiled at the two of them.

"See? I said it before? I said that as long as our popsicles can open up the market, they are not afraid of being unsalable."

"Now it's just our eastern province. After a while, it is estimated that orders from all over the country will come."

"National orders!"

The two couldn't help breathing quickly, which was something they didn't even dare to think about before.

Even in their dreams, they dare not imagine that an ice factory on the verge of bankruptcy, just in the hands of Zhao Shanhe, is brought back to life, and now it is even more glorious.

"Then we have to quickly expand the scale!" Li Xiangyang said.

"Yes, it is necessary to expand the scale, but the most urgent thing is the workers' problem. Xiangyang, have you solved this problem?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Factory Manager, it's been resolved. According to what you said, all [-] workers have been recruited. Today they will all come for interviews and then conduct training. If everything goes well, they will be able to start working officially tomorrow."

Li Xiangyang smiled.

"Very good, come like this!"

Zhao Shanhe picked up a document on the table and handed it over.

"Xiangyang, keep an eye on this matter, and follow up if necessary."

"what's up?"

Li Xiangyang took over the information, and just glanced at it, his face couldn't help being shocked.

"Is this what you said about the plan to attack the Sail Cannery?"

"That's right!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "This old thief Huang Lianshan has started poaching our corners, so there is no need for us to hide and dodge, we just have to fight head-on."

"I've already talked with the directors of the other three canning factories. This time I will take the three of them to declare war on Huanglian Mountain, and it will be a fair and honest declaration."

"How to declare war is all in the plan."

"What you have to do is to fully cooperate with this matter. We have to do the order, and this thing has to be done. If everything goes well, maybe within a week, we can expand the production scale. The progress lost now can all be made up. .”

"Okay, then let's fight with Huang Lianshan! I will arrange for our popsicles to be distributed. With these orders and the previous distribution, at least in Zhenghe County, we can give Huang Lianshan a lot of money." hit."

Li Xiangyang said excitedly.

"Then let's get started!"

"it is good!"


For two days, Zhao Shanhe was making arrangements to declare war, and two days later the battle horn sounded.

At the same time as the sound was blown, a huge disturbance was set off in the canned food market in Zhenghe County.

No one thought that Zhao Shanhe's move would be so sharp and effective.

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