Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 62 What does this chapter mean?

"Then what's the good news?"

Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Factory Manager, although those sellers haven't placed additional orders yet, many people from our county have come to the factory to place orders."

"I asked them why, and it turned out that the popsicles we put in the shaved ice place sold very well, and they came here because they saw business opportunities."

As Wu Jianjun spoke, he cheerfully handed over the order form in his hand.

"I've done the math. Although this batch of orders is not many, there are at least a few hundred boxes."

"Hundreds of boxes is not a small amount. After all, those people sell a lot of shaved ice, and the popsicles can only be regarded as a catch. But this also reminds us that we can start selling to our county."

"Old Wu, the distribution plan I told you before can start." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Okay, factory manager, I'll do it now." Wu Jianjun responded immediately.


Zhenghe County is the headquarters of Shanqiu Beverage, Zhao Shanhe has no reason to let go of this market.

In his plan, after the promotion meeting is over, it will be the turn of the comprehensive distribution of goods here and the surrounding counties.

There is no need to check out the popsicles that have been spread for the time being, and they will be paid as much as they sell in a month.

I believe that in this way, the surrounding market will be taken down soon.

"I want Zhenghe County to fully blossom."

A confident smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth, and after raising his wrist to check the time, he walked out of the office, rode on Suzuki King, and rushed to the state-run hotel in the center of the county.

Zhenghe County had many state-owned restaurants in the 80s and [-]s. At that time, state-owned restaurants were the mainstream business model of the Huaxia hotel industry.

Take Zhenghe County as an example. At that time, the public restaurants, ethnic restaurants, Xinhua restaurants, etc. in the county were all catering companies under the jurisdiction of the Zhenghe County Commercial Bureau.

Moreover, in state-run restaurants at that time, all meat, grain, oil and eggs were in limited supply.

If you want to eat in a restaurant, you must not only have money, but also have food stamps, otherwise, you really don't even want to drink a bowl of soup. These are very strict.

That is to say, it is now in the 90s that private restaurants have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, stimulating the service and business models of state-owned restaurants and making them make some changes.

At least for now, as long as you have money, you don't have to hold food stamps.

The place where Zhao Shanhe invited guests tonight was the time-honored Limin Restaurant.

The reason why he chose this place is because Zhao Shanhe remembers that the braised carp in this restaurant is very authentic, and that taste will leave him with endless aftertaste.

It's just that after the urban reconstruction and the demolition of Limin Restaurant, there is no chance to eat again.

When Zhao Shanhe came here, the bosses of the three canning factories were already sitting here chatting.

Chen Jinhua, the director of Lvyuan Cannery, is a man with black-rimmed glasses and a gentle temperament.

If he didn't know his identity, he would definitely be regarded as a teacher at first glance.

Lin Donghao from Donghao Cannery is square and square, with sharp features and a tuft of mustache showing a wild aura.

Huang Zhizhong, the director of Baifo Cannery, is the oldest, and his body is also a little weak. Sitting here, he coughs from time to time.

These three people are the owners of the three canning factories in Zhenghe County. They and Huang Lianshan from Fengfan Canning Factory jointly manage the canning industry in Zhenghe County.

Every decision they make affects the local canning industry.

Before Zhao Shanhe came over, the three of them were chatting.

"What do you think Zhao Shanhe asked us to come here for?" Chen Jinhua raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

"Who knows, but there must be something. If there is nothing wrong, the three of us will not be brought together. Could it be that his Shanqiu Beverage Factory also wants to switch to canned food?" Lin Donghao said with a big smile.


Chen Jinhua shook his head, and said slowly: "Do you know how busy Shanqiu Beverage Factory is now? He just participated in a promotion meeting, and brought back an order of 100 boxes, and the turnover exceeded [-] million."

"One million, do you think he will leave his profitable business behind and come to produce canned food?"


Lin Donghao and Huang Zhizhong looked at each other and sighed in unison.

Although I don't want to admit it, selling canned food right now doesn't make much money from popsicles.

"Then why does he want us?" Lin Donghao asked with a little doubt.

"Hey, let's figure out what's going on, and ask him face to face later!" Huang Zhizhong waved his hand.

Just as he was talking, Zhao Shanhe had already come in, greeted the three of them, and after exchanging a few pleasantries, they were considered to be acquaintances.

You must know that before today, even if Wu Jianhua and the others passed on the message, they would not come to the appointment.

You, Zhao Shanhe, are just a small person, what qualifications do you have to invite us to dinner?

Sitting at the same table with you will lose my share!

But now it is different.

Director Zhao treats guests to dinner, they really have to show face.

"Director Zhao, we don't speak dark words in front of people, but before we move our chopsticks, can you tell us why you invited the three of us over here?"

Lin Donghao's personality was a bit fiery, and he couldn't hold back his curiosity and was the first to ask.

Chen Jinhua and Huang Zhizhong didn't intend to move their chopsticks either, they all looked sideways.

"Boss Lin, you are really impatient. Look at how good the food and wine are, let's talk while eating!" Zhao Shanhe's words were not polite, but he was really attracted by the delicious food and wine in front of him.

Especially the stewed carp in braised sauce, which is delicious in color, fragrance, and taste. Although I didn't eat it, just looking at the appearance will make people appetite.

In addition to this dish, there are mapo tofu, braised pork, beggar chicken, smoked hare, cold wild vegetables, and fried peanuts. How can you live up to such delicious dishes?

"Come, come, three bosses, let me toast to everyone first, thank you for your appreciation!"

Fill a glass of wine, Zhao Shanhe said politely.

"Okay, done!"


Putting down the wine glass, Zhao Shanhe followed suit and said, "Everyone, do as you please."

"Okay, let's talk while we eat."

Huang Zhizhong is a person who has matured and matured. He knows in his heart that if he refuses to eat a bite of food, refuses to drink a glass of wine, and insists on talking about things, no one can keep talking.

After eating and drinking, things will be settled.

After drinking for three rounds, Zhao Shanhe said unhurriedly: "The reason why I invited the three bosses over tonight is actually because I want to join you in a grand event."

Join in the grand event?

Hearing this time, Lin Donghao asked in a daze, "What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is very simple, I want to join forces with the three of you to take down the Fengfan Cannery!" Zhao Shanhe said as he put down his chopsticks and looked around at the crowd.

After hearing this, the three of Chen Jinhua showed astonished expressions. They really never thought that Zhao Shanhe asked them out for this.

If he wants to take down Fengfan Cannery, does he really want to get involved in the canning industry?

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