"Director Li, if you want me to say this, Xu Weidong did this because he wanted to disgust us. He clearly didn't want to make it easier for us. I was wondering, he is also the director of the cable factory after all, how can he do things? So dirty? Is this too tasteless? I have never seen such a shameless villain like him."

Zhao Shankai's face was full of anger, like an angry little leopard.

"Don't be impatient."

Li Xiangyang glanced at him, waved his hand and said.

"Chunming, what do you say?"

There is another person sitting in this office, and he is Han Chunming.

Although the current Han Chunming has been transferred by Zhao Shanhe to be in charge of administrative affairs, no one can surpass him when it comes to mastering the situation of the branch factory.So after knowing this, he was immediately called over by Li Xiangyang.

"I think Xu Weidong didn't just want to disgust us this time. He wanted to get rid of our transportation team once and for all, so that there would be no future troubles."

Han Chunming narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

"What? He wants to destroy our transportation team? Director Han, is it so serious? Isn't it just a matter of putting a few nails in? Isn't it?" Zhao Shankai asked suspiciously.

put nails?

That's right, the reason why the three of them sat here to discuss things was because of the trouble the transportation team encountered during this period.

I don't know how it happened, the trucks driven out by the transport team are often punctured.You said once or twice is fine, but it happens every time, which means there must be something wrong.

According to Zhao Shankai's secret investigation, it was Xu Weidong's people who did it.Although he said that he didn't catch the current situation, this matter is almost certain.

That's why Zhao Shankai felt disgusted.

You said that you, Xu Weidong, are also the head of a factory after all, so can you stop being so nasty in your work?Although my transportation team has forced you to have no market, and your current transportation team is almost a decoration, but you can't use this kind of rotten trick to toss me, can you?

But even so, Zhao Shankai didn't think too much about it, not thinking that Xu Weidong wanted to eradicate his transport team.

Hearing Han Chunming say this now, he was surprised.

"Quite so."

Han Chunming tapped his fingers on his knees, and said slowly: "Xu Weidong's transportation team has been cleaned up by you, and all the liberation trucks are parked there all day long, just like decorations. You are equivalent to ruining his fortune. Can't say enough?"

"This..." Zhao Shankai was speechless.

"Also, as long as people in the Nanjue County business district know that Xu Weidong and Zheng Nanrun are good enough to wear a pair of pants, and I believe you all know the relationship between Zheng Nanrun and our factory manager Zhao. So I think this Behind the scenes, Xu Weidong may not be the only one doing it, it is very likely that Zheng Nanrun is also supporting him."

"They just used nails to sabotage as a test. If there is no response from our side, or if the response is not large, they will definitely have a more insidious next move. So just for this, we must not Take it lightly."

Han Chunming looked serious.

"Director Li, I suggest that a crisis response team be set up immediately to conduct a close investigation into the nail-piercing incident."

"I agree!"

Li Xiangyang nodded.

"Chunming, what you have to do from now on is to collect evidence that Xu Weidong and Zheng Nanrun partnered with us."


"Shan Kai, find a way for me to find out who put the nails in. It's best to make this matter real. As long as we have evidence in hand, we won't be afraid of making a big fuss. The bigger the trouble, the more we will be Favorable." Li Xiangyang ordered.


Zhao Shankai respectfully accepted the order.

Li Xiangyang looked serious, and glanced at the two of them sharply: "I hope this matter can be resolved before the factory manager returns, otherwise, the factory manager will think that we are all incompetent after returning, do you understand? "



at the same time.

In a tea house in Nanjue County, Zheng Nanrun was talking to Xu Weidong, and what they were talking about was putting nails into tires.Speaking of this, Xu Weidong couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"Old Zheng, you still have a lot of tricks. With just a few nails, this matter was done. The trucks of the Tianshan Autumn Food Transport Team are no longer running as happily as before, and many trucks are lying on the ground. You said you knew it earlier. If that’s the case, I’ve done it a long time ago, and I wouldn’t say that I’ve been forced by them to be cornered now.”

"You are too kind, but if you were more ruthless, this matter would have been done long ago."

Zheng Nanrun picked up the teacup, drank the tea slowly, and said with a smack, "Let me tell you, putting nails into the tires is only our first move, and this move can completely disrupt Zhao Shankai's transport team and make all his The trucks have become frightened birds, and they can only curl up in the factory and dare not drive out."

"It's a good move, now it's time for the second move."

"Then what is this second move?" Xu Weidong asked anxiously.

"Steal customers!"

Zheng Nanrun slowly put down the teacup, and said with a slightly cold look in his eyes: "Old Xu, you have to pry all his clients away while he is dying of illness and when all of Zhao Shankai's trucks can't drive out." , win him over to your side. In this way, even if we can't continue to put nails, he will be completely useless."

"Yes, this is a god-given opportunity, I must seize it." Xu Weidong slapped his forehead and shouted in surprise.

"Yeah, as long as you can seize this opportunity, this will happen."

Zheng Nanrun stroked the teacup, and said as if he was winning: "We just want to completely destroy the transport team and let Zhao Shanhe know who is in charge of this Nanjue County."

"It would be best if he is obedient. If he is not obedient, hehe, doesn't he want to run that bankrupt glass factory? Let's grab all his raw materials and see what he will do later."

"It's high, it's really high, now Zhao Shanhe has to bow down to us."

Xu Weidong's eyes lit up, and he raised his teacup excitedly.

"Old Zheng, come, I'll replace the wine with tea, and I respect you!"




The four of Zhao Shanhe and the others played hard for a day, and did not return to the hotel until it was dark. After the four of them separated, Zhao Shanhe returned to the room, washed up briefly, and then dialed Li Qiuya's phone.

After the two chatted affectionately on the phone for a while, Zhao Shanhe thought of what Gao Shaoyuan had said about the Nanjue branch factory, and asked casually, "What did Xiangyang go to the Nanjue branch factory to deal with? How is it going? Has it been resolved?"


Li Qiuya's originally relaxed tone suddenly became serious when talking about this matter, and she said in a low tone: "Shanhe, something happened over there."

"What happened?"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes were slightly tight, and two rays of light shot out of them.

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