Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 617 The most difficult bone to crack

"Remember the Zhao Xiaobai we drank last night?"

"Remember, that wine is selling very well, especially the cultural creation is simply amazing. As I told you, the person who can produce that kind of cultural creation must be a big boss in the advertising industry."

Wang Jiangchuan spoke vigorously, but just after he finished speaking, he subconsciously froze.

"You don't want to tell me?"

"Yes, I just want to tell you that Zhao Xiaobai is also from the mountains and rivers, and those cultural creations are also from his hands." Lin Chaoyang said calmly, as if this should be the case.

But Wang Jiangchuan was dumbfounded!

Shanqiu food!Made by River Map!Zhao Xiaobai Winery!

Take out one casually, it is enough to toss for a lifetime.But now these all belong to Zhao Shanhe alone, and they are all national brands created by him from scratch.

"Admiration, admiration, I now understand why Zhao Shanhe dared to come here alone, and wanted to talk to my father, so he has the confidence!"

Wang Jiangchuan was filled with emotion.

"Is that so? That's why I told you, you have to believe in Shanhe. Even if you doubt Mr. Wang, you should believe that Shanhe can solve this matter. As long as he is involved, nothing can't be done. You don't believe it." If so, just wait and see. Maybe, you can get some unexpected surprises." Lin Chaoyang smiled all over his face.

"An unexpected surprise?"

While Wang Jiangchuan was muttering to himself, the door opened from the inside, and Wang Houde personally sent Zhao Shanhe to the door, and then the two shook hands, Wang Houde said with a smile: "Then this matter is settled."

"Okay! Goodbye, Mr. Wang." Zhao Shanhe also had a happy face.


Seeing this scene, Wang Jiangchuan was completely dumbfounded.

no?That's it?Zhao Shanhe, what did you tell my father?What kind of ecstasy drug was given to him to make him like this?Why did I say that just now, he still looks like he wants to fight or kill.When I came to you, I not only greeted you with a smile, but also delivered it to you personally.

You must know that not everyone can be sent off by my father!

"Mr. Wang, goodbye."

Zhao Shanhe raised his arms with a smile.


Wang Jiangchuan watched Zhao Shanhe and the others leave in a daze, and walked into the room in a daze, without even sitting on the sofa, he asked anxiously, "Dad, how are you talking?"

"The negotiation is over." Wang Houde said slowly.

"What does it mean to have a deal?"

Wang Jiangchuan was full of doubts.

"The negotiation means that my research results have been sold to Zhao Shanhe at a price of 20 yuan." Wang Houde said calmly.

"What? 20 million?"

Wang Jiangchuan couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this figure, and said anxiously, "Dad, isn't this a bit cheap? According to my estimation, it can sell for an extra 5 yuan."

"You! You really fell into the eyes of Qian. I doubt it now. Are you really suitable to be a teacher?"

Wang Houde took a deep look, and continued while Wang Jiangchuan hesitated to speak: "In addition to the money, Zhao Shanhe agreed to arrange all the original people in our research institute to his glass factory laboratory. I will pick the head and be responsible for the establishment. You said, can this be compared with a mere 5 yuan?"

"What? Zhao Shanhe actually agreed to this condition?"

This time Wang Jiangchuan was shocked.

"Dad, hurry up and tell me what's going on here?"

"It's like this..."

After Wang Houde described the matter succinctly, he said to Wang Jiangchuan: "I will take them to the Eastern Province to explore the way first, and if the environment there is good, I will transfer you there as well."

"it is good."


Hilton Hotel.

As soon as he got back to the room, Zhao Shanhe dialed Gao Shaoyuan's phone and said excitedly, "Old Gao, now we are done, I have taken down the most difficult bone of tempered glass!"


Gao Shaoyuan put down all the experiments in his hand and asked in surprise: "Are you sure that the research results you have seen can solve thermal stability? Are you reading it right? Tell me quickly."

"I'll talk about the specifics when I get back. I'll formally sign the transfer contract with Wang Houde tomorrow, and then you'll know whether I'm right or wrong." Zhao Shanhe rolled his eyes slightly when he said this.

"Also, you need to make some preparations. It's best to let Xiangyang free up a few dormitories. It's very likely that after two days, a group of experts in the field of glass will come over. They will continue to do scientific research with Wang Houde."


This time Gao Shaoyuan was really surprised.

"Director, you don't want to tell me that you not only got the research results, but also abducted a group of researchers along the way?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled wickedly.

Gao Shaoyuan knew right away that he had guessed right.

"You are really good enough."

Gao Shaoyuan could only sigh with emotion.

"Old Gao, I simply looked through the information of these people, and none of them are incompetent. It is a good thing that our laboratory can recruit so many researchers at once. This team has grown, and it will be easier for you to conduct experiments in the future, right? , so that you don’t have to do it yourself all the time.” Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

Gao Shaoyuan was also full of joy: "You are right, I am waiting for them to come."

"Is there nothing wrong at home?" Zhao Shanhe asked casually.

"There is nothing wrong with the glass factory, but I heard from Xiang Yang that there seems to be a small problem at the Shanqiu Food Branch, but he should be able to solve it." Gao Shaoyuan said.


Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly, but didn't think much about it.For him, as long as Li Xiangyang is there, let alone the branch factory, even if something happens, it can be easily settled.

"I see, that's all."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe stretched comfortably, and when he was about to do something, Yang E suddenly knocked on the door and came in.She also knew about Zhao Shanhe's victory over Wang Houde, so she came here to congratulate her.

"I didn't expect to solve this matter like this." Yang E sighed.

"Actually, it's normal to think about it. We took the first opportunity. It was Wang Jiangchuan who notified us first. Otherwise, if this matter escalated, it would be impossible to solve it so quickly. But always For the most part, this matter is resolved. We can also have fun, tell me, is there any place you want to go?"

Zhao Shanhe asked leisurely.

"Do you want to take me to Wucheng?" Yang E looked over unexpectedly.

Zhao Shanhe nodded: "Not only you, but also Chen Ju and Lin Chaoyang, it's rare to come here, so it's a celebration trip."


Yang E pursed her lips and said with fingers: "Actually, I have many places I want to go. I want to go to the Yellow Crane Tower. I want to take a ferry to swim the Yangtze River. I want to go around the campus of Wuhan University. I also want to go to the streets. I eat hot and dry noodles and spicy crayfish in the alley, I still want to..."

Zhao Shanhe just watched quietly, watching Yang E crackling and talking about a lot of things.When she stopped, Zhao Shanhe picked up the leather bag on the sofa and walked out.

Yang E was taken aback: "Where are you going?"

"Yellow Crane Tower."

"Wait for me!"

The two chatted and laughed like this, and walked out of the Hilton Hotel with Chen Ju and Lin Chaoyang. When they were visiting Wucheng, the Shanqiu Food Branch in Nanjue County ushered in a small catastrophe.

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