Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 588 Absolutely Unreasonable!

"I didn't expect it to be guessed by the factory manager. This Yu Zhonglou really has another moth."

Li Xiangyang slapped the table violently, his face full of anger.

"Yeah, our factory manager is really good at predicting things. Wang Fugui's framing is fine, but I didn't expect that he even guessed what Yu Zhonglou would do." Cai Qian said with a smile, without seeing him at all. to nervous.

"The factory manager originally said that he wanted to wait until the inspection report from Jiandu Mining came out before doing anything, but he didn't expect that Yu Zhonglou couldn't wait for this time, and he couldn't wait to pour dirty water on us."

"It's okay to slander the newspapers before, but now they have come up with such a play. Anyone who reads it will know that those two people are playing a double reed." Li Xiangyang sneered and said dismissively.

"It is estimated that Yu Bell Tower has not chanted mantras anymore, so it's time for us to go out." Cai Qian took a sip of tea, put down his teacup and said with a smile.

"You have always been responsible for this matter, so you should come forward and solve it."

Li Xiangyang said casually: "Also, the factory manager said, remember to tell him after we have settled the matter here. If there is no accident on his side, we will formally sign a contract with Jiandu Mining today."

"it is good!"

Cai Qian stood up and walked out after speaking.

"The general trend is mine, I will let Yu Zhonglou cry to death."

"Go ahead and let Yu Zhonglou know that it's not his turn for an outsider to show off in Zhenghe County." Li Xiangyang said, picked up a document from his desk, and followed Cai Qian out.

main entrance.

Huang Mei'e's performance here has come to an end. She has finished what she should say according to the script book she got before, and the rest is up to the performance on the spot.

"This reporter, you must make the decision for us! Now I seriously suspect that the whole thing is because Zhao Shanhe did some shady tricks behind the scenes to make this happen."

"He is a challenge to our Jinyang Machinery Factory and a humiliation to our [-] employees in the whole factory. If he can't tell us an explanation, we won't leave."

Huang Mei'e raised her arms and called out, "Do you think so?"


"More than 500 of us came to Hetu to manufacture with our families, and let Zhao Shanhe take care of us eating and drinking."

"You can't be so shameless!"

"This is trying to smash our jobs directly. If we can't eat, we can only sleep with him!"


During the fanning of these people, Lu Fengning's emotions also seemed to be stimulated, reaching a climax, his face flushed, and he pointed at the gate made by Hetu angrily and yelled.

"I have never seen such a shameless factory in my life!"

"Zhao Shanhe, if you said that you got the order with real ability, I have nothing to say. But you actually used despicable means behind your back to do such shameful things, you are shameless, you are not worthy of being the director of this factory , you should get out of Hetu Manufacturing, get out of Zhenghe County! get out of Handong City! get out of Dong Province!"

"Come out if you have the ability, and let's face it! If you don't dare, it means you have a guilty conscience. I will report this matter in its entirety. Just wait to accept the flames of anger from the people!"

"And you!"

Lu Fengning turned around and glanced around, and said affectionately: "I know you were all deceived by Zhao Shanhe, you are here just to work and earn money, but do you see that? Your factory manager is like this, What is the future of working with such a factory manager? You should stand up and condemn him!"

The workers around looked at him with a kind of cold sarcasm, looking at Lu Fengning was like watching a clown jumping around.


A man in his fifties who was standing in front of him looked indifferently and said mockingly, "If you really want to condemn, you are the ones who should be condemned."

"What I'm talking about is that you are the ones who should be blamed the most. You are so full that you have nothing to do, and you come to our factory gate to spray dung. Are you crazy?"

"I said have you said enough? If you have said enough, get out of here, we still have to go to work."

"It's really ridiculous, do you think we are all fools? I can't see that you are talking about cross talk."


Talk about cross talk?

Lu Fengning paused.

Huang Mei'e's proud smile froze on the spot.

Say cross talk?Who are you talking about cross talk?We sweated profusely and shouted desperately for a long time, but you people were so could it be possible?Shouldn't you hate the rich?Shouldn't Zhao Shanhe be the capitalist you hate the most?When we set fire to each other, you must light up this flame.

But how can you be so calm?

You don't hate Zhao Shanhe at all?

It doesn't make sense at all!

"I said you are all right? Didn't you listen to a word of what I said? Didn't you see that these people were all bullied by Zhao Shanhe, and they were about to lose their families? Do you just believe in Zhao Shanhe?" Lu Feng Ning asked anxiously.

"Nonsense, we don't believe Director Zhao, does he believe you?"

"Can you pay us?"

"At first glance, you are a villain. You are messing around with Director Zhao here. I say you guys get out of here. If you don't leave, be careful and we'll beat you up with a board!"



Lu Fengning was really speechless.

Seeing this scene, Yu Zhonglou couldn't help being dumbfounded: "What's going on? Why are all these workers talking for Zhao Shanhe? Is the corporate culture created by Hetu so strong? Is the cohesion so strong?"

"Yeah, it's quite powerful. I've never seen such a powerful corporate culture. No one of them believes in everything we do. From the beginning to the end, we seem to be playing the role of a clown!" Dong Hui also shook his head and said embarrassingly.

"Mr. Yu, what should we do now? This matter seems to be a bit tricky. Why don't you let them withdraw. If you withdraw now, it will be over. I'm afraid that if you don't withdraw again, it will be difficult to end later."

Dong Hui was a little worried.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. I still don't believe it. We set up the stage like this, and we still can't sing? You know, Zhao Shanhe is not here. If he is not here, we can't do it." This matter. Then how can you be his opponent, isn't this flattering him?" Yu Zhonglou's eyes were stern.


Sensing Yu Zhonglou's anger burning, Dong Hui followed his words, but the look in his eyes was still worried, and his intuition told him that this matter was going to die.

"What should we do now?"

Huang Mei'e saw the workers around pointing and pointing at them, saying accusations that they were overthinking their abilities, she felt anxious, so she asked Lu Fengning in a low voice, was she really nervous.

It is true that she is an actor, she can act, but this is beyond the scope of acting.

She panicked.

"What are you afraid of? We are taking up morality right now. You can act according to my wink."

Lu Fengning took a deep breath, looked around and said in a cold voice: "You are all deceived by Zhao Shanhe, I don't blame you, it's time for you to wake up, you..."

"What's wrong with them? They're doing the right thing. I think it's you who should wake up?"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Following the sound, Lu Fengning's expression changed drastically.

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