Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 587 She is indeed an actress

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Made by Hetu.

Here, as usual, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.The workers started to work, the machines started to turn, and even the leaves on the trees shone brightly in the warm sunlight.

"Where do you say you're going to play after get off work?"

"Have you heard? Master Liu from the third workshop went on a blind date yesterday."

"You said when will the factory manager come back?"

The workers entered the factory in twos and threes, chatting and laughing.

However, at this moment, a van suddenly drove over from a distance, stopped directly behind the gate of Hetu Manufacturing, and a few people got out of the car.As soon as they got down, someone directly pulled up a banner.

The words on the banner are eye-catching: Declare war on the black-hearted enterprise Hetu Manufacturing!

Not to mention, when the banner was pulled up, someone immediately shouted at the workers coming and going with a small trumpet: "You are all made by Hetu, right? Let your factory manager Zhao Shanhe I get out!"

"I don't believe that the world is irrational!"

"Zhao Shanhe, come out to me if you have the ability, and come out to me if you still have a little bit of conscience!"

Harsh shouts resounded all at once.

This made the workers who originally wanted to enter the factory stop on the spot.They looked over subconsciously, with puzzled expressions on their brows, looking at these people as if they were watching monkeys playing a monkey show.

"What are you doing? Do you want to make trouble? You dare to mess around here without even looking at where it is. Hurry up, all of you. If you don't leave, everyone will be arrested and sent to the police."

A worker with a fiery personality scolded him on the spot after seeing this.

"Send the game? Okay, I want to see, who of you dare to do this? I still don't believe it, there is no place for preaching the law in this world." Holding a small trumpet was a middle-aged man in his forties. A young woman, she wears very fashionable clothes, but she does very aggressive things.

Her name is Huang Mei'e.

"well said!"

Almost as soon as Huang Mei'e's voice fell to the ground, two people walked up not far away, one carrying a camera and the other holding a microphone, and they quickly walked through the crowd to the front.

"This lesbian made a good point. There are plenty of places in the world to teach the law. You can talk about it now. If you have any grievances, you can tell them all. If they say that anyone dares to bully the weak, I, Lu Fengning, will be the first to say no." Promise, I will report all their ugly faces." Lu Fengning shouted loudly.

"Are you a reporter?" Huang Mei'e's eyes lit up.


Lu Fengning glanced around, ignored the angry eyes around him, and said calmly, "I'm a reporter. I happened to pass by here and saw this. If you have any grievances, just tell me, and I will report it."

"Great, it's great to meet the reporter."

Huang Mei'e grabbed Lu Fengning's arm exaggeratedly, and said anxiously: "Hello, reporter, let me tell you that we are all workers at Jinyang Machinery Factory in Xianhua City, and the equipment in our factory has always been in line with Jiandu Mining in Handong City is cooperating very well. I originally thought that this equipment bidding will definitely be the same."

"Actually, this is indeed the case. We have already signed a contract with Jiandu Mining. Who would have thought that it would be suddenly and inexplicably stopped."

"We don't know the reason for the suspension, but we know that there must be something strange about this matter. It was supposed to be our order, but it was pried away by Hetu Manufacturing in the end. What does this mean? It means that Hetu Manufacturing is in The ghosts behind it. If it wasn't for them, how could we say we were kicked out?"

Listening to Huang Mei'e's words, Lu Fengning subconsciously nodded.

"You're right. It seems that Hetu Manufacturing is the culprit in this matter. Then, according to your opinion, did this Hetu Manufacturing use some kind of conspiracy to squeeze you away?"

"That's for sure."

Huang Mei'e didn't let go of Lu Fengning's hand, and continued talking cracklingly.

"Let me tell you, as far as Hetu is concerned, there is no lower limit or principle in doing things. For them, as long as they can make money, they don't have to worry about the rest. How can the factory develop into the scale it is today? Isn't this obviously tricky?"

"And their factory director, Zhao Shanhe."

"That's a ruthless person who only looks at the results and never cares about the process. You said, how can anyone with a little conscience do such a thing of stealing other people's business?"

As she spoke, Huang Mei'e took out a stack of documents from her pocket.

"Look, these are the evidences of Zhao Shanhe's crimes that I have collected, how much he has done one by one."

"Let's just say that the river map in front of us is manufactured. Don't look at it as a hardware factory now. Can you go there? It's a cannery. Back then, Zhao Shanhe used improper means to occupy this place as his own. That's not counting. , and forced the former factory manager’s family to leave his hometown, tell me, have you ever seen such a crazy person like him.”

"What? There is such a thing? Show me." Lu Fengning was taken aback.


Lu Fengning flipped through the files and shouted with a changed expression.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect this Zhao Shanhe to be such a person. Come on, you continue to talk, let the big guys listen, and see what kind of person their factory manager is, following this evil man in sheep's clothing When wolves do things, they don't call it work, they call it a thief as a father."

"Okay, I'll continue."

Right at the gate of the River Map, Huang Mei'e and Lu Fengning performed in unison.

In a car not far away.

Watching this scene, Yu Zhonglou's mouth curled up into a playful sneer.

"I didn't expect this Huang Mei'e to be a good actor. Old Dong, which workshop did you find this one from?"

"Mr. Yu, you are really right. She is indeed an actress, but she is not famous." Dong Hui said with a smile.

Yu Zhonglou was dumbfounded.

"What do you mean? She is not from our factory?"

"Of course not. How can there be such a person in our factory. You have to find a professional actor to do this to make it look exciting. Look, isn't this very exciting?"

"But even if she's not from our factory, it's okay, no one knows anyway. Besides, isn't this a matter of your words? You just say she is her." Dong Hui said indifferently.

"Ha ha!"

Yu Zhonglou smiled triumphantly.

"You're right, I just said she is her. Then let's sit here and wait for the show. Today, as long as she, Huang Mei'e, can perform this play well for me, tell her that there are plenty of bonuses."


Dong Hui looked forward and said in a low voice: "Mr. Yu, what do you think Hetu Manufacturing will do? What will those workers think of Zhao Shanhe?"

"I'd love to know too."

Yu Zhonglou was smiling.

And the matter at the gate was immediately passed to the office.

Li Xiangyang stood up awkwardly.

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