Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 561 A very important hurdle

"This Hutou Ben is a bit too conspicuous, you just park near the No. [-] Middle School, and I will go there by myself."

It was because of this.

Chen Ju was relieved quickly.

He understood that Zhao Shanhe didn't want to be too ostentatious, after all, you came to hold a parent meeting, not to show off.Really, if those parents or teachers saw you driving a tiger head, it would definitely bring Zhao Lin a lot of unnecessary trouble.

And this is exactly what Zhao Shanhe doesn't want to see.

Study quietly.

Take the local college entrance examination steadily.

Finally got into a university of my choice.

This is the small goal that Zhao Shanhe set for Zhao Lin, and it is also what he hopes Zhao Lin will do step by step. Besides, anything that may affect her college entrance examination must be avoided.

"This is Nanjue No. [-] Middle School."

Looking at the school with some history in front of him, Zhao Shanhe had a feeling on his face.I think he should have studied here at the beginning, but later he followed Zhao Yonghao to study in Zhenghe County.

So even though he is from Nanjue County, he has never studied in Nanjue No. [-] Middle School for a day.

But this does not prevent him from knowing the status of No. [-] Middle School in the education circle of Nanjue County.

"Brother, here!"

When Zhao Shanhe first appeared, Zhao Lin raised her hands with joy and shook them vigorously.

"Why did you come out so early?" Zhao Shanhe came over and asked in surprise.

"I'm afraid you don't know the way, so I'm waiting for you here." Zhao Lin smiled.

"I really don't know each other. If you don't come out to pick me up, I don't know which classroom I'm in. Let's go and take me there."

"it is good!"

The two brothers and sisters had just walked out a few steps when a joking voice suddenly sounded from the playground.

"Zhao Lin, didn't you tell me to call you the parent? Who is this? Is this your parent? Haha, if you say that there is no parent, tell me, and I will find someone for you."

Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

Zhao Lin's face darkened abruptly.

The two brothers and sisters looked over, and it was a tall, burly boy who said this. He was playing with a basketball in his hand, and his long hair was left on purpose, dripping with sweat.

"Wang Zhitao!"

Zhao Lin looked angry.

"He has conflicts with you?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly.

"He is the worst scumbag in our class. He knows how to play without studying all day. He often bullies his classmates because of how much money he has at home. However, his family seems to have some connections, and the school has never dealt with him. No one cares about him." Zhao Lin said in disgust.

"What I'm asking is why would he target you?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"He wanted me to be his girlfriend, but I refused." Zhao Lin said reluctantly.


Zhao Shanhe looked over with displeasure.

"Now is the most important third year of high school. Falling in love is the most delayed study. He doesn't want to take the exam. That's his business. You can't be blamed for him. Wang Zhitao, right? I remember the name Don't worry, I'll take care of this."

"Brother, don't mess around." Zhao Lin hurriedly grabbed Zhao Shanhe's hand.

"Don't worry, brother knows." Zhao Shanhe stroked Zhao Lin's head and said.

"That's good."

The normal actions of the two brothers and sisters, in Wang Zhitao's eyes, made him jealous.

He already liked Zhao Lin very much, no one could wish for it.You can't say it, but now Zhao Lin is so intimate with a strange man, and the natural physical contact between the two has crazily stimulated his psychological endurance.

He's going crazy.

"Brother Tao, who is that person? Why is he so close to the top student in our class?"

"Yeah, it's also the first time I've seen an iceberg beauty like Zhao Lin treat a man so well. She's the class flower of our class."

"Didn't she say that she doesn't think about falling in love before the college entrance examination?"

"This kind of woman is too hypocritical. Don't let our brother Tao have such a good condition. What kind of eyes do you have to go to find that kind of uncle! You are really out of your mind. Brother Tao, don't worry about this kind of person. .I will introduce you to the class flower of our class another day, she has liked you for a long time."



Hearing these babbling words, Wang Zhitao was so angry that he grabbed the basketball and threw it out, then turned around and walked towards the classroom.

"Don't fight, go back to the classroom."

"Brother, this is our classroom, and the parent meeting is held here. When you go in later, just find a place to sit." Zhao Lin pointed to the classroom and said.

"Then what about you?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"We are not allowed to hold the parent meeting, we are here to study by ourselves." Zhao Lin pointed to the classroom next to her.

Zhao Shanhe nodded and said, "Okay, I'll find you after the parent meeting later."


There are already many parents sitting in the huge classroom, and they are all chatting in small groups.

And the classrooms of this era are different from those of later generations.The tables, chairs and benches here are not the kind of single table for one person, but several tables put together, and sometimes two tables have to seat three students.There are piles of textbooks on the table.

There is a huge blackboard at the front and back of the classroom. On the front blackboard are written the seven characters "Parents' Meeting of Class [-], Senior High School", and on the back blackboard are blackboard newspapers.

There are several pots of green radishes on the windows on both sides.

The arrival of Zhao Shanhe caused a little commotion, after all, there was no parent as young as him in the entire classroom.Basically, it was either the father or the mother who came, so his arrival made many parents subconsciously stop talking, and then looked up curiously.

Of course, they just took a look, and they all started whispering again.

Zhao Shanhe scanned around and found that there were only seats in the last row, so he walked over and sat down on the stool near the wall at the back, then picked up a political book and flipped through it.

"What do you say this parent meeting is going to say?"

"I know this, it's a meeting to mobilize for the college entrance examination."

"Are you going to prepare for the college entrance examination so soon?"

"Is it too soon? It's already November, and the college entrance examination will be a few months after the new year. Let me tell you, this college entrance examination must be taken seriously, otherwise the child will not be able to enter a good school, and his whole life will be ruined." Obsolete."


Hearing these words, Zhao Shanhe was very touched.

We must know that no matter what age, the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination is undoubtedly the most convenient way for a group of children from poor families to get rid of poverty.As long as you can enter a university, no matter how good or bad the university is, it is better than staying in the village farming all your life.

Every parent sitting here, who doesn't hope that their children will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes?

Unlike the expectations of the parents, these children sitting in the classroom are living the most boring life.The third year of high school is the hardest for them, because apart from the college entrance examination, nothing else is so important in their lives.

All rights to play and entertainment were taken away.

Of course, as long as you can get through it, you have passed a very important hurdle in your life.

Just when Zhao Shanhe was deeply moved, a voice suddenly came from his ear, which immediately made him excited.

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