Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 560 Breaking the bones and connecting the tendons

"Have you heard? The Cherry Blossom Club in the East Island State wanted to invest in us and let our Hetu Manufacturing expand its scale of operation, but we did not expect to be rejected by our factory manager Zhao."

"It's a good rejection. How can we cooperate with the islanders? The islanders don't have a good thing."

"If you want me to say that, I can't say that. Although the islanders don't have a good thing, we don't have to make trouble with money. What do you think? Take their money and do our business, how good it is."

"Just save yourself, what do you think you can think of, but the factory manager can't think of it?"

"I just think the factory manager was a little too impulsive this time, and he should look at it more rationally."


Discussions like this suddenly spread in Hetu Manufacturing.No one knows who spread this kind of gossip in the first place. They only know that when it spread, it had already aroused a lot of discussion in the factory.

And when Zhao Shanhe knew about it, he was about to leave work.

Seeing the workers in twos and threes talking about this matter, Zhao Shanhe's eyebrows flashed a touch of solemnity.In his opinion, this kind of thing is understandable, and there is no need to discuss it like this.

But now it seems that I was wrong.

This trend of public opinion must be stifled as soon as possible.

So when he was about to get off work, Zhao Shanhe called the senior executives of Hetu Manufacturing into the conference room, and talked about Miyai Saburo's investment in front of them.

"That's how things are. I also know that some people in the factory are discussing this matter. They can say anything. I respect everyone's right to speak, but I don't want such discussions to continue to spread and cause any irreversible turmoil. .”

"You just need to know one thing, whether in the past, now, or in the future, as long as Hetu Manufacturing is still mine, I will not accept any form of foreign capital injection. At least until Hetu Manufacturing has not achieved a major transformation, this Don’t even think about that kind of thing.”

"And even if you really want to accept capital injection, you have to go through strict screening. So..."

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience.

"Your next task is to stifle this kind of public opinion for me, and let every worker know that the capital injection of the Cherry Blossom Club is purely a scam, and it is a conspiracy created by the Cherry Blossom Club to occupy our Hetu."


Everyone took the lead in unison.

"Director, what if someone is still obsessed with their obsession and cheers for the Cherry Blossom Club?" Cai Qian asked softly.

"If there is such a person, it means that he runs counter to the philosophy of our Hetu. In this case, if we disagree with each other, we will send an order to the Human Resources Department to expel him on the spot!" Zhao Shanhe said lightly, his eyes widening. There was an aura of killing and decisiveness.


Cai Qian immediately understood how determined Zhao Shanhe's attitude was.

After everyone left, Zhao Shanhe kept Li Xiangyang, and said to him seriously: "Xiangyang, do you think this matter is not easy?"

"You mean to suspect that someone is doing something secretly? Working for the Sakura Club?" Li Xiangyang said.


Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said slowly: "Not long after Miyai Saburo and the others left, this incident began to spread in our factory. You said that if no one spread rumors and secretly fueled the flames, would this kind of thing happen?"

"You're right, there must be someone behind this."

Li Xiangyang's eyes were cold.

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me, I will definitely find out this guy who eats inside and out."

"it is good!"

After arranging this matter, Zhao Shanhe went home from get off work, and Li Qiuya had just returned home not long ago, and was busy in the kitchen.Seeing Li Qiuya's back swaying under the light, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help staring at her against the door frame, fascinated.

"What are you looking at? They belong to old couples, what's there to see?" Li Qiuya couldn't help but feel a little hot on her face when she noticed it, and immediately gave her a blank stare.


Zhao Shanhe came forward with a smile, and said to Li Qiuya through the window: "I just can't get enough of you, and I can't get enough of you in this life, so you should be prepared to be watched by me for the rest of your life."


"Jingle Bell!"

Just then the phone rang in the house.

"I'll answer the phone."

Zhao Shanhe rushed into the room in three steps at a time, picked up the phone, and just yelled hello, Zhao Yonghao's voice came from his ear.

"Shanhe, have you eaten yet?"

"No, Qiu Ya is doing that."

"Well, let me tell you something, Xiaolin is going to hold a parent-teacher meeting tomorrow, and your mother and I have something to do, can you go?" Zhao Yonghao said with a smile.

"Open parents?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being taken aback, but soon understood.That's right, Zhao Lin is in her third year of high school now, so there will definitely be a parent meeting.After all, every minute and every second is extremely precious to them now, and the school held such a parents' meeting to allow the family to help the school and better understand the situation of each student.

"Okay, then I'll hold a parent-teacher meeting for Xiaolin tomorrow, what time will it start tomorrow?"

"The notification is to arrive at the school at ten o'clock in the morning."

"I've made a note, you go and do your work."

After saying this, Zhao Yonghao obviously paused, and then hesitantly said: "Shanhe, has your aunt ever looked for you?"

"My aunt?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said, "No."

"If your aunt is looking for you, you can help as much as you can. Anyway, it's your kissing aunt, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons." Zhao Yong said earnestly.

"I see!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't say much, Zhao Yonghao said a few more words and then hung up the phone.

"what's up?"

Li Qiuya came in with two dishes.

"My dad asked me to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Xiaolin tomorrow, will you go?"


Li Qiuya shook her head, said while laying out the bowls and chopsticks: "I have something to do tomorrow, and I'm going to Zhongzhou City."

"What are you going to do in Zhongzhou?" Zhao Shanhe picked up a piece of sausage with his chopsticks and asked.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm going to have a meeting and meet Chen Xiao by the way to talk about contract renewal." Li Qiuya said.


That's right, the contract I signed with Chen Xiao was for one year, and now it's about to expire, so it's time to renew the contract.Of course, it's better to plan ahead for this kind of thing, and you can't just wait for Chen Xiao to bring it up.

"Okay, then you can go and do this. As for Chen Xiao, it's okay to give her a proper raise. After all, Chen Xiao has run a lot in the past few months. "

"I see!"

After dinner, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya went out for a walk, half an hour later, they came back and took a rest.The next day, Li Qiuya took a car to Zhongzhou City, while Zhao Shanhe went to Nanjue County.

When it was still some distance away from Nanjue County No. [-] Middle School, Zhao Shanhe suddenly called to stop.

"Director, what's the matter?"

Chen Ju asked puzzledly.

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