"Actually, what I want to ask is, do you think the self-rescue of Hongxing Machinery Factory will be successful?"

Save yourself?

Zhao Shanhe's eyes moved slightly.

"Leader Yang, are you talking about the Hongxing Machinery Factory annexing the Changzheng Machinery Factory and building their new production line there to produce new products?"

Yang Shoucheng nodded: "Yes, that's it."

"I don't dare to say this casually, because I don't know anything about their cooperation with the United States." Zhao Shanhe shook his hand and said.

"Then look at this."

As Yang Shoucheng spoke, he picked up a document from the table and handed it over.

Zhao Shanhe took the document curiously: "What is this?"

"This is the new development plan submitted by Hongxing Machinery Factory to the city. It contains some basic information about the American company they are cooperating with, and there is also general information about the production line. You can read it first, and then tell me about you. Views."

Yang Shoucheng was very generous.


Hearing what Yang Shoucheng said, Zhao Shanhe immediately felt something was wrong, and he looked up.

"Leader Yang, it seems to be against the rules to do so?"

"You misunderstood, these materials are not as serious as you imagined, they are just things that everyone knows, I let you read them, just to hear your views on this matter, not to let you study the contents .” Yang Shoucheng smiled and said casually.


It seems that I was thinking too much.

As Zhao Shanhe spoke, he flipped through the documents. There were not many documents, only three or four pages, and he quickly read them all.After reading it, he had a suspicious expression on his face.

"Leader Yang, this matter is a bit weird."

"Tell me!"

Yang Shoucheng looked over with interest.

"This document states that the reason why Hongxing Machinery Factory introduced this new product line is because the Covenant Group, which sells the production line to them, said that the United States needs this kind of auto parts, right?"


"Then here comes the question. If this is the case, why can't America's own factory produce? Do you have to travel thousands of miles across the ocean to come to our country to produce? Isn't this a little bit of a distance?" Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

"I know this. Jim Mingjian told me about this. He said that the representative of Covenant Group in the United States said that they want to transform and develop other products, so this production line is useless and they want to sell it. "

"In the United States, this production line is not uncommon, but for our country, even if this production line has been around for some years, it is still of high value. If it can be installed and debugged for production, The products can meet the market demand of our country and can also be exported abroad.”

Yang Shoucheng paused and said, "That's why Ji Mingjian wanted to take it down!"

"Even if there is no way to export it at that time, our country will be able to digest it."

"Can it really be digested?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head solemnly, and said with some suspicion: "I don't think it's that simple. First, why does Ji Mingjian dare to say that our country can digest the products they produce? Second, how can he guarantee these products?" Can the products be exported abroad? Third, why must this production line be installed in the Changzheng Machinery Factory?"

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe picked up the document.

"Fourth, it is also the part I don't understand the most, because it is mentioned in the document that this production line has been producing the most proud town factory products of the Covenant Group for 30 years, so I am surprised that a 30-year-old The previous production line, that is, the production line that started to be equipped in [-], can the products produced still have a market now?"

"You are right, this is what I doubt the most, but Jim Mingjian said that the representative of Covenant Group assured him that this production line is 30 years old, but it is updated every year, so Regardless of age, the technology is actually very advanced." Yang Shoucheng said with a smile.

"is it?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, still feeling like something was wrong.

"Leader Yang, I think it's better to be more cautious about this matter. After all, a production line 30 years ago costs 40 US dollars at the opening, which is not a small amount of money. It's not that I underestimate Red Star Machinery, because of their current strength , I guess it’s enough to take it out at once. Even if it can be taken out, I’m afraid it will hurt the bones.”

"Take a step back, even if it's really hurt, it's not a big deal. What I'm most afraid of is that what I bought back is a useless production line. If that's the case, it's not only a burden for Hongxing Machinery It's cumbersome and doesn't do any good to the city."

"You must be careful." Zhao Shanhe reminded cautiously.

"You're right, I'll tell Ji Mingjian about this." Yang Shoucheng thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with being careful." Zhao Shanhe said.

Yang Shoucheng rolled his eyes: "Then do you want to go and see this production line with me?"

"The production line has already been pulled over?" Zhao Shanhe was even more surprised, this was the first time he had heard of this.


Yang Shoucheng nodded with a smile and said: "Because there are many people staring at this production line, the Covenant Group has already shipped the production equipment to our country. Now that we know that Hongxing Machinery Factory wants it, we signed a contract with us, so It is said that it has been shipped. If there is no accident, it will be installed and debugged this week."

"So fast?"

This was somewhat beyond Zhao Shanhe's expectations.

He originally thought that if the production line was still under negotiation, he might find something tricky on his side, and then he could stop it in time.

But what should I say now?You have already shipped the production line, and you have to install and debug it. You have done everything, so what's the point of asking me to find faults?

"You can't hurry up. The Red Star Machinery Factory is waiting for the rice to go to the pot. Ji Mingjian told me about this. He said that he wanted to install the production line as soon as possible, so that it can be put into production as soon as possible and open up the market with products as soon as possible." Yang Shoucheng said.

"If so..."

After pondering for a while, Zhao Shanhe said slowly: "Leader Yang, it doesn't matter if I go or not?"


Yang Shoucheng smiled lightly.

"The production line has been pulled over, but it has not been fully installed. If you say that you can find some problems at this time, we can still take the initiative."

Are you picky?

Zhao Shanhe was stunned.

This is to let him find faults, and then he can bargain with the Covenant Group.If it is said that the price can be reduced by 40 US dollars, even if it is reduced by [-] US dollars, it can be regarded as a gain.

"Okay, then I will accompany you to the Red Star Machinery Factory." Zhao Shanhe readily agreed.

"it is good!"

While the two were discussing this matter, Liu Yunze was also talking with a foreign devil in a hotel in Handong City.

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