Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 553 Don't look at the fun now, be careful about making lists in the future

Li Xiangyang walked up to Liu Yunze, waved his hand towards the door, and said in a deep voice to Liu Yunze: "Please go back, Director Liu."

Liu Yunze was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to do things so terribly.

On his side, he was just expressing his attitude, but on his side, he unceremoniously issued an order to evict the guest.

But this is nothing to worry about. Anyway, I will have no chance to cooperate with Hetu Manufacturing in the future, so why should I care too much about these side details.As for whether to take the opportunity to provoke Zhao Shanhe, Liu Yunze glanced at Li Xiangyang and the others, decisively put away such silly thoughts, turned around and left.

"What the hell! If we hadn't made Hetu pity them, would they have survived that?"

"Now that the wings are hardened, they dare to come to us to negotiate terms."

"I think he did it on purpose to piss us off."


"There is no need to be serious with him. There is a saying that says, don't look at the fun now, be careful about making lists in the future. This is about Hongxing Machinery, and it is about people like Liu Yunze."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said casually.

"Director, shall we just forget about this matter?" Guo Chuan asked.


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"You have also heard that our contract with them has expired. In this case, it is reasonable for them to say that they will not cooperate with us. In fact, Liu Yunze made a mistake in saying something. It is not that he will not cooperate with us, but that we From now on, we will no longer cooperate with Hongxing Machinery."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips.

"Cai Qian, you are in charge of public relations, then you should issue an announcement immediately, saying that from now on, Hetu Manufacturing will no longer cooperate with Hongxing Machinery Factory in any form."

"Yes!" Cai Qian respectfully accepted the order.

"Even if we cooperate again, it will be after we swallow up the Red Star Machinery Factory!"

Zhao Shanhe suddenly said something surprising.

All the people who heard this were suddenly very excited after being slightly stunned.


Hongxing Machinery Factory.

After Liu Yunze came back here, he immediately came to see the factory director Ji Mingjian.After he reported what he had done in Hetu this time, a serious look flashed across Ji Mingjian's face.

"Do you think we have gone too far this time?"


Liu Yunze waved his hand indifferently.

"What's so excessive about it? It's a matter of time. Since sooner or later you have to have a showdown with Hetu, it's better to say it earlier than later."

"Let's talk about the factory manager, you are just worried about whether Zhao Shanhe will hate us, and whether he will continue to cooperate with us in the future. Actually, you don't have to worry about this, as you have seen, we will get a big order soon. With such a large order, the orders from Hetu Manufacturing are simply not enough."

"So it is very wise to suspend cooperation with them early, so that there is no need to worry that Zhao Shanhe will hold grudges against us. Because whether he remembers grudges or not, we don't need to bother."

"Okay, I hope you're right."

Ji Mingjian pondered for a moment, heaved a sigh of relief, waved his hands and stopped thinking about Zhao Shanhe. After all, there was a bigger order, and what he had to do was to get the order as soon as possible. Compared with this, Zhao Shanhe's idea was obviously not So important.

"Long March Machinery Factory, you have to act quickly, reach a purchase agreement with Mr. Tang Jiedun from the United States as soon as possible, and install and debug the production line we need. In this way, we can start production as soon as possible." Ji Mingjian said.

"Yes, I'm going to see Mr Tangerton now."



Two days later.

Zhao Shanhe was called to Handong City by a phone call, and the person who wanted to see him was Yang Shoucheng.Looking at Zhao Shanhe who was sitting in front of him respectfully, Yang Shoucheng smiled gently.

"Do you know why I called you here?"

"Leader Yang, tell me." Zhao Shanhe leaned forward slightly and listened carefully.

"Two things. The first is to praise your Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea's ten-dollar Hope Project donation. I heard that you have already built three Hope Primary Schools, right?" Yang Shoucheng asked.


Zhao Shanhe nodded and said with a smile: "Leader Yang, this matter is true, and I have been watching it personally. Our Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea's dime Hope Project Fund, all the money is spent wisely .The three Hope Primary Schools are just the beginning, and we will donate money to build more primary schools and even secondary schools.”

"good very good!"

Yang Shoucheng said excitedly: "If all entrepreneurs can have social morality like you, our Handong City will have developed a long time ago, and those children can also go to school."

"This is what I should do." Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to take credit for himself.

"This matter should be praised for your Shanqiu Food. Don't worry, there will be an explanation in the city. Now I will tell you the second thing. In fact, I don't know how to tell you about this matter. I just I want to hear your opinion on this matter." Yang Shoucheng paused slightly.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It's about the Hongxing Machinery Factory."

"Red Star Machinery Factory?"

The moment Zhao Shanhe heard the name, his eyelids twitched slightly, and he asked calmly: "Leader Yang, I don't seem to have any say in this Hongxing Machinery Factory, right? Even if I do, I don't want to say anything. This matter , please forgive me."

"You, are you emotional?" Yang Shoucheng smiled.


Zhao Shanhe did not hide it this time, but nodded calmly and said calmly: "Leader Yang, I believe you know about our Hetu Manufacturing and Hongxing Machinery Factory."

"Just say, did we do something wrong?"

"In the most difficult time of the Red Star Machinery Factory, we Hetu Manufacturing gave them the opportunity to continue to maintain, but how do they do it now? Isn't this just revenge? I have seen white-eyed wolves, but like them It's the first time I've seen a white-eyed wolf who doesn't talk about any rules, and it really amazes me."

"This matter, Hongxing Machinery Factory is indeed not bright enough. But you have to understand them. After all, they are also a large factory. If they have the opportunity to develop independently, they will not miss it. What's more, Ji Mingjian He also told me that he is very grateful to you for helping them back then."

Yang Shoucheng said with a haha.


Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows.

"Hehe, that's why he thanked us so much? Leader Yang, don't say good things about Ji Mingjian. I have nothing to do with the life and death of his Red Star Machinery Factory. But if you want to ask me something, I'm sure He will know everything and say everything.”

Zhao Shanhe expressed his attitude directly.

He expressed this attitude on purpose.

Because Zhao Shanhe knew very well that Hongxing Machinery Factory was the darling of Handong City, and the city would definitely take care of it.But no matter how you take care of it, you have to know that what Hongxing Machinery Factory did is not open enough, and it is sorry for Hetu Manufacturing.

So no matter what decision the city is going to make on this matter, please think twice before acting, at least not to harm the interests of Hetu Manufacturing.

"I'm relieved with your words."

Yang Shoucheng didn't dwell on this topic, but said slowly: "Actually, what I want to ask is what do you think..."

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