Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 55 patents must be filed

As the saying goes, a crying child gets milk.

It was you who said you would solve our difficulties, how could I let it go?

Besides, the corporate income tax rate is indeed a bit high, as high as 40.00% in this era.

That's right, I won a turnover of 100 million at the promotion meeting.But if this means removing the mess and paying corporate income tax, there will be very little left.

There is such an opportunity to gain policy support, why miss it.

"Okay, okay, I just passed by your beverage factory to take a look, not to listen to your complaints. But these problems you mentioned, I also know, I will give you an explanation after I study it later. You just Hurry up and produce, don't delay the progress."

"Changbei, let's go!"

After speaking, Du Jingming waved his hand, turned and left.

Gu Changbei followed closely behind.

"I'll send off County Magistrate Du."

Zhao Shanhe personally sent Du Jingming to the car and watched them leave.

Only then did Li Xiangyang and the others dare to heave a sigh of relief, and looked over in amazement.

"Factory Manager, you are so courageous that you dare to talk to County Magistrate Du like this." Chen Jianfei said a little astonishingly.

"What's this?"

Zhao Shanhe shrugged indifferently, and said calmly: "Magistrate Du is so approachable, I have nothing to be afraid of."

"Besides, it was Magistrate Du who said to solve our difficulties for us. I can't help but cooperate, right? If that's the case, wouldn't it be disrespectful to Magistrate Du. You guys, learn from it in the future."


Li Xiangyang and the others looked at each other, speechless.

Our factory manager has a really thick skin.

But if this can be done, hehe, it will be beneficial to our beverage factory, and it will be of great benefit.

After all, thinking of the high corporate income tax, they all panicked.

"Okay, everyone go to work, Xiangyang, come with me, I have something to tell you."

Zhao Shanhe turned and walked towards the office.


Kong Jie and Chen Jianfei went to do their own business.

Li Xiangyang followed, and as soon as he entered the office, Zhao Shanhe picked up a document from the table and handed it over.

"Xiangyang, do you know this?"

"Is this a patent? Are we going to apply for a patent?"

Li Xiangyang flipped through the documents in his hand, and couldn't help but raise his head and ask.


Zhao Shanhe nodded and said, "I just want to apply for a brand patent for our popsicles. After all, you know that the manufacturing technology of this popsicle is not too difficult."

"Once it becomes popular, other manufacturers will imitate it in the future. If we don't apply for a patent right now, we will be in trouble when those people imitate it."

Of course, even if this is the case, Zhao Shanhe also knows that there will definitely be people who imitate it.

After all, in China, copycats are a kind of magical technology. As long as there is enough profit, any product can be imitated in the shortest time.

But as long as you apply for a patent, it is always beneficial.

"You're right. Isn't your shaved ice so that you can't make money after being imitated? Our popsicles must not repeat the same mistakes."

"Okay, I'll take care of this right now, and get the application early so you can feel at ease." Li Xiangyang nodded and said.

"Okay, hurry up and do it!"

Zhao Shanhe still believes in Li Xiangyang's ability to handle affairs. He is mature and prudent, and as long as it is an account, he will handle everything properly.

The next morning.

Yang Duo, the Purchasing Manager of Yongxing Department Store, came. After checking and confirming that there was no problem with the quality of the popsicles, he transferred the rest of the money.

Yang Duo had already sent a deposit of 15 yuan before, and this time he paid the remaining balance of more than 30 yuan in one lump sum.

"Manager Yang, thank you, I hope we can cooperate happily." Zhao Shanhe shook the other party's hand tightly, and stuffed a thick red envelope into it by the way.

He also knew that this time it was a mess.

Because according to the purchasing habits of Winstar Department Store, although it is said that it will not default on anyone's money, it will habitually hold down one month's payment.

In this case, look at the sales situation. If it is hot, the second purchase will not hold down money.

If it is said that it cannot be sold, there will be no second purchase, and the payment for the first purchase will also be withheld.

These are rules.

But this time, Yongxing Department Store did not put money down, which shows that they are also very confident in the popsicle market, and they don't want to haggle over such trivial matters.

"Director Zhao, we will keep a quarter of this batch of goods in the store in Handong City, and the rest will be scattered. If everything goes well, we can see the effect within a week. I hope we will cooperate again. Opportunity!" Yang Duo said tacitly accepting the red envelope.

"There will definitely be, Manager Yang, the door to my place is always open for you."

"I hope so, goodbye."

"I'll send it to you."

Zhao Shanhe personally sent Yang Duo outside the door.

The big truck loaded with popsicles had been waiting for a long time, and after getting the order, it started to drive away.

"Factory Manager, I hope this Yongxing Department Store can bring good news." Kong Jie said expectantly.

"Most definitely!"

Zhao Shanhe turned to Kong Jie and said, "Old Kong, your task is not to worry about sales, but to keep up with the production progress."

"Go ahead, tell everyone to continue to work overtime to catch up with the progress, and when this batch of orders is over, I will give you extra bonuses."


Kong Jie cheerfully turned around and walked towards the workshop.

"Old Chen!"

Seeing Chen Duo's Santana disappear before his eyes, Zhao Shanhe turned his head and waved at Chen Jianfei.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Chen Jianfei ran over in a hurry.

"Old Chen, I heard from Xiang Yang that you seem to know someone who sells motorcycles in our county, right?" Zhao Shanhe asked casually.


Chen Jianfei was slightly stunned, then nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I know a few friends who sell motorcycles. What's the matter? Factory manager, do you want to buy one?"

"Yeah, it's inconvenient to go out without a motorcycle now, so you can go and help me and buy a motorcycle." Zhao Shanhe said casually.

"Then do you want to be in gear, or on the pedal?" Chen Jianfei followed up and asked.

"Whatever, as long as it is convenient and durable." Zhao Shanhe said indifferently, this motorcycle is just a transitional stage, when this popsicle really becomes popular, it will definitely be convenient to buy a car.

"Then buy a Suzuki King, it's convenient for my sister-in-law to drive." Chen Jianfei thought for a while and said.

"King Suzuki? All right, go ahead and tell me how much it is when you come back." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Good factory manager."

Chen Jianfei turned his head to deal with this matter. He admires Zhao Shanhe very much now, and he is very glad that he did not say to leave the factory at the beginning, otherwise, how could he live so carefreely now.

The basic salary per month is in the early [-]s. This kind of high salary is Zhao Shanhe. If it were someone else, who would give it, and who could afford it?

So what Zhao Shanhe ordered, he will definitely try his best to do it.

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