Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 54 You Have a Big Appetite

Forget it, don't care about that, let's meet first, after all, he is a real leader.

"Let's go and see."

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang and Chen Jianfei followed Zhao Shanhe out.


Du Jingming had already gotten out of the car, and beside him was Secretary Gu Changbei.

Looking at the vibrant beverage factory in front of him, Du Jingming asked in disbelief: "Changbei, is this really the dying ice factory?"

"County magistrate, yes, this is the former ice factory, but I didn't expect it to be run so well now. The production area is very busy, and the environmental sanitation here is much better than before."

"It seems that Director Zhao is a capable person, otherwise he would not be able to revitalize a factory that was on the verge of bankruptcy." Gu Changbei said with emotion.

"That's right, this Zhao Shanhe does have some skills." Du Jingming said thoughtfully.

He didn't say he came here on purpose today, but was doing research outside. Because it ended a little early, and he happened to pass by here, so he wanted to come in and take a look.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Du Jingming doesn't want to see Zhao Shanhe, on the contrary, he is very interested in Zhao Shanhe.

The four companies that had a place to participate in the promotion meeting failed.

Only Zhao Shanhe suddenly emerged.

[-] boxes of orders, one million turnover.

This achievement is very dazzling wherever it is placed, and cannot be ignored.

"Hello County Magistrate Du, you are here, and we are sorry to welcome you."

While Du Jingming was pondering, Zhao Shanhe came out of the production workshop and said politely after meeting.

"It doesn't need to be formalized to say whether to welcome or not."

Du Jingming smiled slightly, waved his hands and said, "Director Zhao, I happened to be passing by today, so I just wanted to come to your place for a walk, wouldn't you not welcome me?"

"Look at what you said. How could I not welcome you? I can't usually invite a big leader like you. Now that I'm here, of course I want to welcome you warmly. County Magistrate Du, let's go to the office first."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and stepped out of the way.

"Not urgent!"

Du Jingming did not intend to go to the office, but looked towards the production workshop and slowly asked: "Director Zhao, your Shanqiu Beverage Factory won 100 boxes of [-] million beverages in one go at this promotion meeting. Turnover."

"These are all based on the new product Popsicle, let's go to the production workshop to see how the production is going."

"Okay, this way please!"

Zhao Shanhe walked in front to lead the way.

While walking, Du Jingming suddenly asked a question.

After Zhao Shanhe heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Director Zhao, how are the workers in your Shanqiu Beverage Factory treated?"

Worker treatment?

Zhao Shanhe didn't know the purpose of Du Jingming's question, but this did not prevent him from telling the truth.

"Major Du, I think you are aware that my beverage factory used to be an ice factory, and the workers I use now are all left over from that time."

"Although I am the successor, I didn't treat them badly. Everyone's salary was increased by 15 yuan on the original basis."

"That's not counting. For example, in the past few days, we have to work overtime in production, so we have overtime pay. According to the standard of one yuan per hour for each person."

"A dollar an hour?"

Du Jingming knew it all at once.

If this is the case, the workers of Shanqiu Beverage Factory can earn a lot every month.The minimum salary plus overtime pay, at least one hundred and fifty-six, is definitely a high-income group in Zhenghe County.

It seems that I really need to pay more attention to Xiashanqiu Beverage Factory in the future.

With this in mind, several people walked into the production workshop. When Du Jingming saw the working environment here, he couldn't help but secretly nodded.

It has to be said that Zhao Shanhe's business philosophy is very advanced. In this era, the workshops of many factories are dirty and messy.

But here it is in perfect order, every machine in operation is clean, every worker wears uniform work clothes and gloves, and even the corners of the workshop are neatly tidied up without any debris piled up.

"Not bad!"

Du Jingming came out after reading it, and said with a smile on his face: "Director Zhao, the management of your production workshop is more standardized than those big factories with the prefix of the country."

"County Du, you're over the top!"

"Then, you must remember that the order must be completed within the specified time period, otherwise it will be very troublesome if you breach the contract. In this way, if you have any difficulties in the future, come to me at any time."

"Really? Can you go to County Magistrate Du if you have any difficulties?" Zhao Shanhe's eyes lit up.

"Of course, as long as I can do it, I will help you." Du Jingming said in a good mood.

"Then there is a difficulty right now."

Zhao Shanhe took over the quarrel and said, "I don't know if the county magistrate Du can help us solve it. If it can be solved, our Shanqiu Beverage Factory and I will really be revitalized."


Du Jingming looked over speechlessly, I was being polite just now, you, Zhao Shanhe, can't just climb up the ladder, right?Are you a monkey?

But I have said what I have said, so I can't break my promise and get fat.

"Okay, say it!"

"It's like this. When I bought the ice factory, I spent all my savings and borrowed a lot of money."

"Except for Wang Changyun's money, all the money was paid to buy raw materials, and the money owed by the ice factory was not repaid. That's not a small sum." Zhao Shanhe pointed his fingers.

"So... do you mean to ask me to pay back the money for you?" Du Jingming glanced and frowned.

"How come, of course not!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands again and again and said, "That's my debt, how can the government pay it back?"

"What I mean is, I heard that our county has a policy to support private enterprises. See if you can take care of us properly, such as reducing or exempting part of the corporate income tax. Of course, I dare not say a few years, even if it is this One year is fine."

Well, you Zhao Shanhe, is this called not daring to speak?

You open your mouth to reduce or exempt corporate income tax for one year!

You have a lot of appetite.

After hearing the roar of the machine from the workshop, Du Jingming pondered for a while and said: "Then, don't even think about reducing the exemption for a few years. In view of the special situation you just mentioned, I will go back to the meeting to discuss and try to be as helpful to your company as possible." Take care of it, and reduce it appropriately."

"Major Du, you don't know that in order to develop popsicles, we invested a lot in the early stage. Now you can see that we are producing step by step, but the initial investment is invisible."

"Also, these workers used to work in the ice factory. How can they adapt to the current job immediately? They all need pre-job training. There are also some equipment in the workshop, which was added by me later. Not a single machine."

"If you count the raw materials and the debt owed, really, I'm not complaining on purpose, but it's really very difficult. So I hope that County Magistrate Du can show more concern and help, and let it be reduced for one year."

After Zhao Shanhe heard what Du Jingming said, he began to complain without hesitation.

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