Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 531 Your double standards are a bit obvious

"Dad, I want to divorce Pei Yingzhang."


It's really a divorce!

When Zhao Shanhe heard this sentence, although his expression was a little surprised, he didn't feel much shock. After all, he knew about it in advance.But everyone except him was stunned on the spot.

Wang Guizhi stood up even more awkwardly, grabbed Zhao Yongrui's hand with a worried face, and asked anxiously: "Xiaorui, what are you talking about, can you say this casually? Who told you to divorce!"

"Divorce? No way!"

Zhao Xiuwu waved his hand and said with a gloomy face, "I don't agree! Our old Zhao family has never been divorced for several generations, and you are not allowed to divorce!"

"Xiaorui, why?"

"That's right. I think Yingzhang is pretty good. Why do you want to divorce suddenly? Are you talking angry?"

"Xiaorui, if you have any grievances, tell your elder brother. If he, Pei Yingzhang, says he has done something sorry for you, you see, I won't punish him to death!"

Zhao Yonghao stood in front of Zhao Yongrui with a calm expression.

"Brother, don't ask the reason. You won't tell me if you ask me. Anyway, I want to divorce Pei Yingzhang. The divorce is settled, so we must!" Zhao Yongrui said harshly.

"Auntie, you can't divorce my uncle!"

Seeing Zhao Yongrui's determination, Zhou Angong hurried over and said, "Whatever you want now, isn't it all given by my uncle? If you talk about divorcing my uncle, you will have nothing."

"Besides, at your current age, if you really get divorced, how can you find someone better than your little uncle?"

"Zhou Angong, shut up!"

When Zhao Shanhe heard this, the anger in his heart could no longer be restrained, and he burst out, raised his finger to Zhou Angong's nose and said, "Is what you are talking about? Is there anyone who talks to my sister like this? She can decide things by herself, and it's not your turn to dictate here!"

"How does my sister treat you normally? Now that my sister is in trouble, it's fine if you don't help her, and you still say such exaggerated words!"

Zhao Xiuwu also looked at Zhou Angong with a bad expression.

Although he said he looked down on Zhao Yonghao and his son, he was still very upset when he heard Zhou Angong, the grandson, say that about Zhao Yongrui.How can you, a junior, disrespect your elders so much?

"An Gong, don't say it!" Zhao Yongduo also glared.

"Why can't I say it, am I wrong?"

Zhou Angong muttered unconvinced.

Looking at Zhou Angong's expression and listening to what he said, a disappointed expression flashed across Zhao Yongrui's face.

She did not expect that her most beloved nephew would say such words at this moment.What's more, she didn't expect that her nephew, Zhao Shanhe, whom she had always been indifferent to, would be so supportive of her.

Could it be that I have been wrong all along?

Nephew is not as good as nephew?

Zhou Angong, Zhou Angong, do you think I don't know what's going on in your heart?Don't you just think that if I divorce Pei Yingzhang, it will affect your business?For the sake of the so-called business, can you even ignore the happiness of my dear aunt?

Oh, I am so disappointed in you.

"Xiaorui, what's going on between you and Yingzhang? How did you get into a divorce?" Zhao Xiuwu asked with a straight face.


"Mom and Dad, I'm here!"

Just when Zhao Yongrui was about to speak and explain, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the courtyard, and then a man with a big belly hurried in, and said to Zhao Xiuwu as soon as he came in: "Dad, happy birthday, I'm late .”

He is Pei Yingzhang.

After seeing Pei Yingzhang's appearance, Zhou Angong was the first one to greet him. He lowered his voice and asked anxiously, "Uncle, what's the matter with you and my aunt? My aunt said she wants to divorce you? "


After an unnatural expression flashed across Pei Yingzhang's face, he stepped forward and took the initiative to pull Zhao Yongrui's arm, but Zhao Yongrui threw it away.Even so, he didn't mean to be angry, but instead smiled.

"Yongrui, you really mean it. Is it normal for us to quarrel occasionally? Can a husband and wife not quarrel all the time? You say that if you quarrel, you will get divorced ?”

"Besides, today is Dad's [-]th birthday. You can't mess up Dad's birthday party by messing around."

"Come on, let's sit down, I'll toast Dad with tea instead of wine."

As he spoke, Pei Yingzhang picked up Zhao Yongrui's teacup.

Zhao Yongrui snatched the tea cup from Pei Yingzhang's hand, slammed it on the table, and shouted angrily in front of him: "Pei Yingzhang, are you disgusting? How can you have the face to say such a thing? Let me tell you, this is my dad, not you Dad, stop pretending to play for me here."

Pei Yingzhang's face darkened abruptly.

"Xiaorui, don't mess around!"

Wang Guizhi quickly grabbed Zhao Yongrui, and asked Pei Yingzhang, "Yingzhang, what happened between you two? Why did the nice Xiaorui say she wants to divorce you?"

"Mom, there is some misunderstanding between us, just explain clearly." Pei Yingzhang said with a smile.

"Misunderstood? Then quickly explain clearly that there can be no overnight feud between husband and wife, or something will happen." Wang Guizhi heard that it was a misunderstanding, and his hanging heart quietly dropped a lot.

Since it's a misunderstanding, it's easy to say.

"Let me just say, little uncle is such a good person, and he can't find him with a lantern, so how can he say that he has done something sorry for auntie. There must be a misunderstanding, auntie, so don't leave little brother alone Uncle, everyone, please sit down and talk!"

Zhou Angong quickly moved his chair over as he spoke.

"Little uncle, sit down."

This courteous and flattering energy is like a eunuch who is sycophant.

Even Zhou Yongjian couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw this.

"An Gong, it's you who is sensible."

Pei Yingzhang smiled at Zhou Angong.

"It should be, this is what I should do." Zhou Angong smiled obsequiously.


Seeing this scene, Zhao Shanhe pouted speechlessly.

"Zhao Shanhe, what are you talking about? Who are you calling a sycophant?"

The moment Zhou Angong heard this, he exploded on the spot. The expression on his face that was full of apologetic smiles just now became annoyed. He straightened his back and pointed at Zhao Shanhe's nose before yelling loudly.

"Didn't you see little uncle coming? Why didn't you call anyone? Do you still have some rules in your eyes? Hurry up, and serve tea and water for little uncle now?"

"Greetings with tea and water? I said Zhou Angong, you are almost done. I didn't see you treat your three uncles like this just now. Why did you just do this when your little uncle came, and you became so particular about it?" ? Could it be that in your eyes, there are only little uncles and no uncles? Your double standard is a bit obvious."

Zhao Shanhe snorted and smiled.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't have that."

Zhou Angong was still talking hard, but he lowered his head unconsciously.

"Shanhe, it seems that you have a lot of opinions on me, why? Seeing me now, don't you even want to call uncle?"

Pei Yingzhang glanced at Zhao Shanhe, and after saying this slowly, he suddenly looked at Zhao Yonghao.

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