"Zhao Yonghao, quickly apologize to your brother-in-law!"

Zhao Xiuwu sullenly.

Zhao Yonghao's face turned gloomy, looked at his father, and said with complaints: "Dad, why should I apologize to him? Is it because he is my brother-in-law? Ask him what he thinks of this brother-in-law." Mine? Has he ever looked me in the eye?"


"In his heart, maybe he looks down on me. Let's not talk about him, but you. Don't you think the same way? In your heart, do you really look down on me? Even just once, you say ever?"


Zhao Xiuwu was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He just stared at Zhao Yonghao with wide eyes. He didn't expect that his eldest son, who was always honest, would explode.

The outburst of Zhao Yonghao also stunned everyone present.

Neither of them thought about it.

In their hearts, Zhao Yonghao is a good old man, a well-behaved person, no matter what you say that is too much, he will endure it and never get angry.

But I didn't expect this honest man to be so crazy when he got angry!

He even dared to confront his father.

"What am I?"

"I know that you have always looked down on me, thinking that I am not as smart as the eldest sister, as capable as the second child, and as capable as the third child, but so what? I am me, and I am such a person. I don't steal anything. Is it wrong for me to grab land to support my son and daughter?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yonghao paused, and he scanned the audience: "Yes, our family doesn't have much money, but I didn't borrow it from you no matter how poor I was, right? Why do you look down on me! Why do you look down on me? Not my son!"


Facing his father, Zhao Yonghao uttered an angry roar for the first time.

At this moment, he is like a high mountain, standing in front of Zhao Shanhe, protecting him from the storm.Although his figure is thin, as long as he is there, no wind and rain will blow on Zhao Shanhe.

Looking at Zhao Yonghao's back, Zhao Shanhe's eyes gradually became moist.

Daddy is still Daddy, it hasn't changed.

He can bear the humiliation by himself, but he absolutely does not allow anyone to talk about his child, whoever dares to laugh at his child, Zhao Yonghao dares to fight with anyone.

Even his own brother is no exception.

As for my brothers!Zhao Shanhe's expression was disapproving.

He still remembers that in later generations, his mother was sick and hospitalized and needed surgery. At that time, he was a gangster and had no savings, so he could only borrow money.But among the few present here, except for the third uncle who was willing to lend him money, the rest of the elder aunts, second uncles, and younger aunts count as one. Have they borrowed money?


Even the grandparents who sat high were unwilling to borrow money at that time.

Thinking of these, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

"Bastard, what do you want to do? Rebel? You think you dare to talk to me like this now that your wings are hardened, don't you? Believe it or not, I'll slap you!"

Zhao Xiuwu was so hard-pressed, he couldn't help but couldn't help but slapped the table angrily and shouted.

"Zhao Yonghao, do you see how angry you are with our father? Why don't you hurry up and apologize to our father!"

Seeing this, Zhao Yongduo quickly stood up and walked over, stroked Zhao Xiuwu's back, and shouted at Zhao Yonghao sternly: "I tell you, our father has heart disease, if you get mad at me, I'll see what you do!"

"Brother, don't say a few words!"

Zhao Yongjun also stood up and pulled Zhao Yonghao to sit down.

The lively atmosphere just now became stiff all of a sudden.

"Zhao Shanhe, look at this incident, it's all because of you. Why do you want to refuse your cousin's kindness? Could it be that your cousin will harm you? You, there is no need to be here Slapping your face to make yourself fat, everyone knows what you were like before, and if you say a few words about you, it's for your own good!"

Zhou Yongjian coughed twice, put down the wine glass in his hand and said slowly.

"Uncle, I thank you for your kindness, but no need! I think the current job is really good!" Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"You're so stubborn, right? Believe it or not, I'll expose your true face with just one phone call." Zhou Angong said harshly.

"Really? What am I really like?" Zhao Shanhe looked over angrily.

He really doesn't like Zhou Angong now!

"Your true face is that you are not the factory director of Shanqiu Foods, you are not even the deputy factory director. Of course, I also know that you did this to make your family happy, but Shanhe, have you forgotten? Grandma, grandpa We have been taught since childhood to be honest, and if you do this, you are clearly lying!"

Zhou Angong turned his head and said to Zhao Xiuwu, "Grandpa, do you think so?"

"An Gong, don't say a few words!"

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more embarrassing, Zhao Yongduo gave Zhou Angong a hard look, and after scanning the audience, said: "Is it almost eaten? Hurry up and leave."

"Yes, let's go and have some tea."

"I'm here to help!"

In a flurry of haste, all the dishes and chopsticks on the table were cleaned up.

As for Zhao Shanhe, he didn't say anything to stop him. He also knew that this was the Zhao family after all. If he insisted on tit for tat, the quarrel would be too tense and it would be of no benefit to anyone.

Zhou Angong didn't say to continue holding on.

"Mom and Dad, I want to stay at home for a few days."

While drinking tea, Zhao Yongrui suddenly raised his head and said.

"Stay for two days?"

Wang Guizhi was a little surprised.

"Why do you have to stay at home for two days? Aren't you busy all the time? And didn't you say that Xiao Pei's business is doing very well, and you need to help take care of it? Why do you suddenly want to go home?"

"Yes, auntie, I just wanted to ask you, what about my little uncle? Why didn't he follow? I also said that I have a business to discuss with him." Zhou Angong also looked over curiously.

Zhou Angong still cared about Pei Yingzhang very much.

Why do you say that?Is it because they are related?Is Pei Yingzhang his little uncle?Of course not, for a person like Zhou Angong, he can ignore Zhao Yonghao as an uncle, so how can he say that he cares too much about a little uncle?

The reason is simple, the two have business contacts.

Some of Zhou Angong's business can only be done by Pei Yingzhang's care. It is not an exaggeration to say that without Pei Yingzhang's care, Zhou Angong would not be what he is now.

Do you think he can ignore it?

"Pei Yingzhang?"

Zhao Shanhe also thought of this so-called sister-in-law. If I remember correctly, Pei Yingzhang divorced her sister-in-law later.

Of course, Zhao Shanhe didn't know the reason for their divorce, but he only knew that Pei Yingzhang was at fault.But my sister-in-law didn't think about how to claim compensation at the time, she just wanted to divorce Pei Yingzhang as soon as possible, so she chose to leave the house.

Now it seems that there should be some problems in the relationship between the two.

Zhao Yongrui, who was questioned like this, met Zhao Xiuwu's gaze, and suddenly spoke, but what he said made Zhao Xiuwu stunned, and at the same time shocked everyone.

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