Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 518 What I Want Is This Kind of Courage

New target?

Chen Duo knew that this was Zhao Shanhe's test of himself, and it was also a chance for him to make a name for himself.As long as he can grasp it, his future work in the winery will surely go smoothly.

"Director Zhao, our winery does have a new goal. We plan to complete the sales task of 1000 million net profit before the end of the year." Chen Duo said calmly.

1000 million?Or pure profit?

At the same time that Chen Duo's words fell to the ground, the senior executives present showed a surprised expression in unison.We must know that the winery has just started to make a profit, and it will only be more than four months until the end of the year. How dare you say that the net profit can reach 1000 million?Are you sure this is not a joke?

Chen Duo, you are not inflated by the order of [-] boxes, are you?


Zhao Shanhe tapped his fingers on the table and said calmly, "Chen Duo, are you sure it's a net profit of 1000 million?"

"You know I'm talking about small goals. You don't have to draw such a big cake. If you can achieve it, everyone will be happy. But if you say that if you fail, it will not be good for you or the morale of the winery. .”

"Director Zhao, I'm sure!"

Chen Duo thought of Zhao Xiaobai's burgeoning sales situation, and thought that with the ferment of this situation, the market outside the province could be more or less won, so he said decisively: "I am willing to issue a military order."

"A military order?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said casually: "Are you trying to say that there is no joke in the army? No need, I believe you, since you said so, then this matter will be left to you. Before the end of this year, your If the winery wants to achieve this small goal, the net profit will be 1000 million!"

"Yes!" Chen Duo replied loudly.

Really agreed?

When the rest of the people saw this, they all showed a surprised expression.At first they thought it was just talking, but they didn't expect Chen Duo and Zhao Shanhe, a pair of lunatics, one of them dared to speak and the other dared to believe it.

But in this way, they were put on the fire and roasted.

Think about it, a newly established Zhao Xiaobai winery dares to set a goal of 1000 million net profits, so what about them?

Just as they were thinking, Zhao Shanhe looked over with a smile, and his eyes fell on Li Qiuya.

"Qiuya, you are the general manager of Shanqiu Foods. You are responsible for all the big and small things of Shanqiu Foods. Now Chen Duo has given his own small goals, what about you? What goals are you going to set?"

Li Qiuya!

The spirits of the executives present were lifted.

They did not expect the 1000 million goal given by Chen Duo, but they did not expect that the second person Zhao Shanhe wanted to ask was Li Qiuya.My dear, Li Qiuya is Zhao Shanhe's wife, what does he mean by asking that?

When everyone looked over, Li Qiuya's expression was indifferent, without any sign of panic, she calmly picked up a document in front of her and said, "Director Zhao is right, we should all make a small plan for ourselves." Goals. Only by achieving small goals in this way can it be possible to achieve big goals in the end.”

"So the small goal given by Shanqiu Foods is to create a net profit of 3000 million before the end of the year."

"I am also willing to issue a military order!"

3000 million net profit?

After saying this, although those present were a little surprised, no one felt too surprised.The reason is very simple. After all, Shanqiu Food is different from Zhao Xiaobai Winery. Shanqiu has a long history.

Leaving aside those scattered products, Yile chewing gum and Xiangpiaopiao milk tea are all blockbuster products.Moreover, these two products are sold nationwide. With such a huge market, it is not an exaggeration to complete the sales target of 3000 million net profits.

"Why do you want to issue a military order? No need!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled softly at Li Qiuya.

"Well, before the end of the year, Shanqiu Food's small goal is to make a net profit of 3000 million yuan."

After talking about this, Zhao Shanhe said frankly: "I am here to speak out for Hetu Manufacturing. Hetu Manufacturing will also set a small goal. This goal is to achieve a net profit of 4000 million before the end of the year."

Is it more than 4000 million?

Actually not much at all.

Zhao Shanhe knew it well. After all, the non-ferrous metal solder and whale water pump produced by Hetu Manufacturing had a very good market prospect at present.With such two blockbuster products, there is no problem in achieving sales of 4000 million.

"Zhao Xiaobai's 1000 million, Shanqiu Food's 3000 million, and Hetu's 4000 million, so before the end of the year, our factory will create a net profit of 8000 million. Director, are you sure this is just a Small target?" Li Xiangyang asked slowly.

"Yes, this is the small target!"

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "You should know that even Zhao Xiaobai Distillery, which has just produced baijiu, has more than four months before the end of the year. Such a long period of time is very promising for the distillery."

"You may think that 8000 million is a bit much, but I want to tell you that I just want to use this 8000 million to draw a successful conclusion to our 8000. Because starting next year, we will create more brilliant achievements , then you will know that this [-] million is really just a small goal, an insignificant number.”

"And when the output value of our three factories exceeds [-] million yuan, I will hold a grand celebration party. At that time, everyone here will be a great contributor!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience: "Everyone, I am full of confidence in this, what about you?"

"We have it too!"

Everyone shouted excitedly.

"Yes, what is needed is your courage to move forward."

Zhao Shanhe picked up the teacup in front of him.

"Whatever you want to say next, you can say it now, and you can bring up any problems. If you can solve it, I will solve it on the spot. If you can't, I will find a way to help you solve it as soon as possible."


The conference room entered into a heated discussion.

The meeting was declared over after an hour.

And after the end, everyone left full of energy. They were full of confidence and longing for the small goals given at the meeting, and they couldn't wait to achieve them as soon as possible.

"Factory Manager, now our workers are motivated and motivated."

Yang E walked into the office with a big smile on her face.

"Is it? I think so too. Let's set such small goals now, and then slowly set big goals when we have the strength. After all, we have to eat every bite, and the road has to be walked step by step." Zhao Shanhe As he spoke, he sat down, picked up the document in front of him, and flipped through it.

"Small target?"

Yang E shook her head speechlessly from the bottom of her heart. If all the goals you formulated are called small goals, then what are big goals?Are you not afraid that others will go crazy when they hear it?If you know that there are tens of millions at every turn, it will definitely scare a lot of people.

"Let's not talk about this, tell me, what do you want from me? Is there a problem with the sales of Hetu Manufacturing?" Zhao Shanhe raised his head and asked.

"No, the sales of non-ferrous metal solder and whale pumps are very good. It should be no problem for Hetu Manufacturing to achieve the small goal of 4000 million before the end of the year." Yang E said.

"That's good." Zhao Shanhe nodded and said.

"But I really have something to do."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Yang E and raised his eyebrows: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's the way it is."

Yang E pursed her lips, and suddenly said something slowly. Zhao Shanhe's expression, which was originally calm and breezy, suddenly changed the moment he heard this.

"Is what you said true?"

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