Under the dim streetlights of Zhongzhou Century Park.

Two people are walking.

"Are you busy recently?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"I'm a little busy. I'm busy promoting our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea all over the country, and I'm busy singing and performing." Chen Xiao was wearing a long white dress with a fairy air.

"If you feel tired..."

"Not tired!"

When Chen Xiao heard this, she immediately interrupted Zhao Shanhe. She glanced coquettishly and said, "I finally found a job I like to do, so don't disturb me."

"I messed up?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head speechlessly.

"I just saw that you were so busy. I was afraid that if you were tired, how could I disturb you? You must know that you are now the image spokesperson of Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea. If you are tired, your fans all over the country will scold me to death. "

"Heck, it's good that you know!"

Chen Xiao smiled happily. She enjoyed her life very much.

Zhao Shanhe looked at her as a matter of course: "Of course, why not? It's settled like this."

&nv came out, because in her mind, if it was just a song, it felt like something was missing.If there is an mv, it is a real song.

"I heard that Zhao Xiaobai sold well this time?" Chen Xiao asked suddenly.

Zhao Shanhe nodded: "Yes, [-] boxes is beyond my expectation. I originally thought that it would be good to have [-] boxes!"

"I've read Zhao Xiaobai's copywriting, and it's very well said."

Under the illumination of the street lamps, the two figures gradually elongated.


Two days later.

Zhao Shanhe held a meeting in Hetu Manufacturing, Shanqiu Foods, and all the senior executives of Zhao Xiaobai Winery attended, and no one could ask for leave to be absent, because today's meeting was something he wanted to hold a long time ago, and he will also be there Announce something at the meeting.

meeting room.

"What do you think Director Zhao will announce today?"

"How do I know that, let's just wait."

"Congratulations, Director Chen, your Zhao Xiaobai Distillery has really shown its face this time and stole the limelight."


Those who can sit here are Zhao Shanhe's most trusted people, and they have followed him all the way to the present.Although Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing, and Zhao Xiaobai Winery are all county-level enterprises at present, and cannot be compared with those so-called big business giants, these people are doing well.

So they all stay here willingly.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiangyang was quite emotional.

Once upon a time, Zhao Shanhe was just a poor boy pushing a tricycle and selling shaved ice, but such a poor boy just relied on his own brains and courage to come to the present step by step.And relying on Zhao Shanhe, he has everything he has now.

Thinking about it now, this time is not short, but in fact it is not too long.

A Zhao Shanhe who was able to conquer these mountains and rivers in less than two years, why is it not worth following?

And in this pleasant atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe walked in.

Everyone immediately sat upright.

"I said you don't have to be so cautious, we don't like this here."

Seeing everyone's serious faces, Zhao Shanhe smiled and waved at them.

"What's the usual, what's going on now. If you keep such a straight face, people will think I'm some kind of dictator!"

There was a burst of laughter in the conference room.

"I called you guys over for a meeting today. There is only one thing, and that is to set a small goal for us!"

Zhao Shanhe did not lay the groundwork for a long story, and slowly revealed the theme with laughter.

Set a small goal?

Everyone couldn't help being a little surprised, wondering what was going on with this so-called small target.

"You should have heard of it, right? This time Zhao Xiaobaijiu was a blockbuster at the Baijiu Expo in Zhongzhou City. He won the championship in one fell swoop and completely crushed the Dujiachun Distillery. He won a large order of [-] boxes for our distillery. .”

"Here, let's give a round of applause to Director Chen and the others, congratulations on their victory in the first battle, and hope that they will continue to work hard and achieve better results!"

Zhao Shanhe looked at Chen Duo and took the initiative to applaud.


The rest followed suit, applauding from the bottom of their hearts.

Chen Duo quickly stood up, looked around the audience and said, "Thank you for your applause, but what I want to say is that Zhao Xiaobai Distillery's success is not due to me, but to our director."

"Perhaps you will think that I'm flattering, but I'm not. To be honest, if it wasn't for the sales copy given by the factory manager, it would be absolutely impossible for Zhao Xiaobai to become a blockbuster! If it wasn't for the factory manager to personally supervise the drinking party and art festival in the same city, Zhao Xiaobai would definitely It's impossible for everyone to know it like it is now!"

"So the person we really want to thank is the factory director, because he is our leader, and this applause should be given to him."

Having said that, Chen Duo applauded Zhao Shanhe.

The rest of the people also looked over enthusiastically, because they knew that Chen Duo was right.No one can replace Zhao Shanhe's leading role.

Without him, Zhao Shanhe, everything would not be what it is now.

"Chen Duo, why are you talking about me?" Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Because it's the truth." Chen Duo said sincerely.

"Okay, you sit down!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, Chen Duo sat down, and the others stopped applauding.

"Chen Duo said that it was because of me that Zhao Xiaobai's brilliant achievements were achieved, but it was not the case. I never felt that I could do this kind of thing by myself. Only with the strength of the team can we accomplish things. So the applause just now should be given to our entire team."

"As for the team, it is clear that the team at the winery has done a good job this time. But the winery cannot say that it is arrogant and stagnant because of this result. You know, the team we won now It’s only part of the market in the Eastern Province, not the whole market, and we still have a long way to go.”

"This point, Chen Duo, you have to make it clear to the workers in the winery when you go back!"


Chen Duo respectfully accepted the order.

"The order of [-] cases is a short-term goal for Zhao Xiaobai Distillery. I say short-term because there are still more than four months until the end of the year. Such a long time, It is impossible for Zhao Xiaobai Distillery to live on these [-] boxes, and they have to set new goals."

Zhao Shanhe swept over gently, and his eyes fell on Chen Duo.

"And this new goal is a small goal that I want to talk about today. Chen Duo, tell everyone, what kind of new goal does your Zhao Xiaobai Winery plan to achieve before the end of the year? "


Everyone looked over, waiting for Chen Duo's answer.

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