Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 497: The Dragon Is Coiled, The Tiger Is Lying


Sitting opposite, Li Qiuya nodded in agreement and said, "Our understanding of Wu Hengdu is based on what my dad said occasionally. You and I have never had any dealings with him."

"So you're right. Maybe he's such a person. But it doesn't matter. Whether he is such a person has nothing to do with us."

"How can it be okay? Didn't he come here late at night to talk about it because he wanted to disgust us? You said that he disgusted us, so you can still say it doesn't matter?"

Zhao Shanhe drank the water, his face slightly angry.

"Okay, don't argue with him. He is no longer in power. It is impossible for him to affect the overall situation. But Du Heng, what are you going to do?"

Li Qiuya took the water glass, filled it again and handed it over.

"Du Heng is the instigator of the whole incident. If it weren't for him, Wu Hengdu wouldn't have come here to tell you these things."

"I'm also wondering, Du Heng already has a Du Jiachun in his hand, isn't it enough? He even wants to take a stake in our winery, what is he trying to do? His ambition is a bit too big, right? Do you want everything?"

"Yeah, it seems that his ambition is very big, and he is the one who is said to be unscrupulous. Such a person will be unlucky sooner or later. And I dare say that this kind of unlucky will not be too late, he will soon There will be a present report." Zhao Shanhe said with a sneer.

These words are not alarmist, but Zhao Shanhe really knows about it.

The later Du Jiachun almost collapsed in [-]!

As for the reason for the collapse, it was actually very simple. It was purely because of Du Heng's ambition. What he wanted was not just a Du Jiachun, but the liquor market in the entire eastern province.For this reason, he took down many wineries by various means, and Du Jiachun also paid a tragic price for this in the process of mergers and acquisitions.

This price is Du Jiachun's high loan.

It's hard for you to imagine that Du Jiachun, who has assets of only 20 million, actually borrowed a full [-] ​​billion.Under the threat of such a high loan, Du Jiachun collapsed in an instant.

After the collapse, Du Jiachun was quickly acquired by other wineries, and since then Du Jiachun wine has completely disappeared from the historical stage of Eastern Province.

As for Du Heng, an ambitious man, he chose to flee abroad with money when he saw that there was nothing he could do.

Because of his ambition, the entire Du Jiachun was ruined.

Because of his ambition, he destroyed countless happy families.

So in Zhao Shanhe's heart, he didn't have any good impressions of Du Heng.What qualifications does a person who chooses to abandon his own employees and flee abroad at a critical moment deserve Zhao Shanhe's respect?

Zhao Shanhe originally didn't want to be an enemy of Du Heng, at least he didn't think about making an enemy of him so early.

Now that you, Du Heng, are chasing after you so hard, if you insist on confronting me, that's great, I have nothing to do with you, so I'll just have fun with you.Others don't know your details, how can I not know?Under your seemingly huge body, it's just a show.It will fall if you touch it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and a gleam appeared in his slightly narrowed eyes.

Of course, Li Qiuya didn't know about these things. Seeing Zhao Shanhe's indifferent appearance, she couldn't help reminding: "No matter what you say, Du Heng is Du Jiachun's factory director, and he has a great reputation in the liquor industry in our eastern province. Otherwise, it would be impossible to hold such a big expo, you, don't take it lightly."

"Don't worry, don't you know what I do? No matter how much I look down on him, I will devote [-]% of my energy to deal with him. What is this called? This is called despising the enemy strategically and paying attention to the enemy tactically."

Zhao Shanhe drank the water in the cup in one gulp, and wiped his lips casually.

"Don't talk about these annoying things, come on, let me watch TV with you for a while, what TV series have you been watching these two days?"

"I'm watching Longing."

Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows: ""Longing"? This TV series is very good, come on, let's watch it together."


A tea house in Zhongzhou City.

There are two people sitting in the elegant room here, one is Liang Chaohui, the boss of Jinxu Electronics, and the other is a man in casual clothes with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

There was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

No matter who it is, the first time they see him, they will think that this is a kind man, but it is this kind-hearted man who does the most ruthless thing.

He is Du Heng, Du Jiachun's boss.

A man who has risen to fame in the liquor industry in the Eastern Province.

A man known as the blood fox in the business circles of Eastern Province.

"Brother, I really have to thank you for Zhao Shanhe's matter. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what to do. This is great. Zhao Shanhe will become a joke in no time." Liang Chaohui said with a smile.

"My brother, why do you say such out-of-the-ordinary words?"

Du Heng waved his hands casually, played with the teacup casually, and said casually: "You, you should have told me about Zhao Shanhe earlier. You can’t be soft-hearted to those who poach other people’s corners, or they will kick their noses in the face.”

"Who said no, I didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe poached Guo Kaiduan to start his winery. You said, he is a snack maker, why does he have to touch baijiu? Doesn't he know that the water in the baijiu industry is very deep? , isn't he, Zhao Shanhe, able to play around?"

"Besides, it's fine even if he wants to buy baijiu, and he doesn't come to pay your respects to your pier. Isn't that ignorant."

Liang Chaohui raised his teacup mockingly and said: "For such ignorant people, we should let them have a long memory, so as not to be careless in doing things in the future, and don't know how to advance or retreat."

"Brother, I will replace wine with tea, and I offer you a toast. I wish your baijiu empire more and more brilliant."

"Ha ha!"

These words reached Du Heng's heart, he picked up the teacup, touched it, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Let's leave it at that for Zhao Shanhe. I'm sure everything will be fine here. He won't even want to participate in the expo."

"On your side, if there is anything you want to do, do it quickly! You must know that this is Zhongzhou City, which is our brother's territory. Even if Zhao Shanhe is capable, what can he do? In our territory, he is A dragon has to coil up, a tiger has to lie down."

"Hey, okay, then I'll give him some trouble."

Liang Chaohui smirked.

"Toss as you please."

Du Heng waved his hand boldly, as if he was sure of winning.


Silent all night.

There are still five days until the baijiu expo starts.

Guo Kaiduan was having a meeting in the business room of the hotel, and the meeting was discussing the publicity plan that had been made before.Although it is said that the expo has disqualified them, what should be done is still to be done.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was not low morale as some people had guessed, but excited.

Everyone scrambled to speak first.

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