Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 496 That's all I said, let's go slowly!

"Zhao Shanhe!"

After the black shadow came out from the corner, he stared at Zhao Shanhe with some unfriendly eyes.

"Director Wu?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised. It turned out that Wu Hengdu, the old factory director of Gushun Winery, was waiting for him here. Didn't it mean that he had left Zhenghe County?Why would he show up for no reason now, and it's at the door of his own house.

"Why are you here?"

"You say that?"

Wu Hengdu stared fiercely at Zhao Shanhe, and said with an angry expression: "Zhao Shanhe, Gushun winery is yours now, I admit it! But you can't say that a good winery is ruined for me! You Do you know, if that is the case, you are the sinner of Gushun Distillery!"

"What are you talking about?"

Zhao Shanhe frowned, his face slightly cold.

Wu Hengdu stared: "You still ask me what? Of course I'm talking about this baijiu expo. When I was the director of the factory, Gushun Distillery could participate every time, and every time it won a prize at the expo. Place an order. But what about you? You were disqualified from participating!"

"Tell me about you, how did you become the director of the factory? How did you offend him? Aren't you joking about the future and fate of the winery?"

It turned out to be the case.

Let me just say, Wu Hengdu will not come to me for no reason, so it was because of this matter.It's just that this matter doesn't seem to have much to do with you, Wu Hengdu, does it?Are you so angry?

Yes, you are the old director of Gushun Distillery, but how did Gushun Distillery go bankrupt, do you have no idea?If it weren't for you, Gushun Distillery would be reduced to what it is today?

I see that you are the old director of Gushun Winery, so I don't have the same knowledge as you, but I hope you can remember that this winery is mine now, and I have the right to make any decisions.

No one can tell the distillery apart from me.

So thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe's tone was very cold.

"Director Wu, I know this matter well, so I won't bother you."


Wu Hengdu looked deeply at Zhao Shanhe, and said with a heavy tone: "Zhao Shanhe, you are a capable person, and I believe in you."

"But you have to know that wine making and making snacks are two different things. Wine making is a very deep pool, especially now, you can't offend Du Jiachun's boss, Du Heng. If you offend him, your winery will have no future. of."

"So that?" Zhao Shanhe asked calmly.

"So in order for Gushun Winery to survive and for the wine you brew to be sold, I think you should go to Zhongzhou City to meet Du Heng and talk to him about it. If you can, I hope you I can bow my head and give in." Wu Hengdu said slowly.

A cold light flashed in Zhao Shanhe's eyes.

Did I think wrong?

Could it be that Wu Hengdu came here not for the future of the winery, but for Du Heng as a lobbyist?Otherwise, how could he say something that made him bow his head?

"Director Wu, I didn't quite understand what you said, can you speak more simply?"


Wu Hengdu gritted his teeth and said calmly: "Zhao Shanhe, you are a smart person, and a smart person should do smart things. Since you asked this way, I will tell you clearly."

"Du Heng said that as long as you are willing to give up some shares in the winery, he can not only bring your winery back to the Baijiu Expo, but also give you the best booth."

"what do you say?"

Is that so?

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Wu Hengdu, and shook his head in disappointment: "Wu Hengdu, Wu Hengdu, in the past, I still admire you. Because anyway, you were the director of Gushun Winery."

"Although it is said that the winery went bankrupt in your hands, after all, you persisted until the end, which can be regarded as advancing and retreating with the winery. But now, it seems that your so-called advancing and retreating together before is false? Yes The false appearance you deliberately made for others is to cover up your ulterior motives."

Zhao Shanhe's eyes turned cold: "You say you, why do you have the nerve to come here and say such things to me?"

Wu Hengdu was taken aback: "Me!"

"What are you?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't give Wu Hengdu a chance to speak, so he interrupted directly, and said with a sneer: "You kept saying that it was for the future of the winery, but what you opened your mouth to say was such extremely absurd words."

"What are you? Are you a lobbyist for Du Heng? Why do you think I will give up the shares in the winery? It's ridiculous!"

"Wu Hengdu, I don't know what is the relationship between you and Du Heng, what kind of deal you two have reached. But I hope you can know one thing, that is, the winery is mine now, and I have absolute control over the winery Quan. So if you want to be sad, you can, that is your freedom. But if you want to interfere with the winery, there is no door!"


"What me!" Wu Hengdu was about to speak, but was immediately interrupted by Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe stepped forward, ignoring Wu Hengdu's anxious expression, and said indifferently: "Go back and tell Du Heng that the winery is now owned by Laozi, and Laozi will not give him a chance!"

"Didn't he disqualify our Zhao Xiaobai from participating in the expo? Then let him wait and see, and I will let him know that even if I don't participate, he can still ruin his expo!"

"That's all for now, let's go slowly!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe brushed past Wu Hengdu, opened the courtyard door and went home.


Wu Hengdu watched Zhao Shanhe's back disappear from his eyes, sighed heavily, with an embarrassing expression on his face, turned his head and left.He knew that Zhao Shanhe was really angry!

If he wasn't angry, how could Zhao Shanhe open his mouth and shut it up? It's all about me!

But Zhao Shanhe, some things can't be solved just by being angry. Do you think that you are now the owner of Gushun Winery, so you can unscrupulously decide the future of the winery?

You are wrong, and you are very wrong, because you don't know how many evil wolves are watching the winery in the dark. As long as they are there, you will never be the one who decides the fate of the winery.

There are wolves around, and no one can stay out of it.

Inside the courtyard.

Li Qiuya, who came out after hearing the noise, saw Zhao Shanhe come in, and went forward to greet him. She looked a little worried, and asked in a low voice, "What is Wu Hengdu trying to do?"

"Have you heard everything?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Li Qiuya nodded, took Zhao Shanhe's leather bag and put it away, and said with a sad face: "Wu Hengdu was not such a person before, why is he like this now?"

"He did this because he clearly came to serve as a lobbyist for Du Heng. It's just ridiculous that he did everything, and he said something grand for the future of the winery."

"Yeah, such a person is the most hypocritical."

Zhao Shanhe sat down, picked up the glass in front of him and began to drink.

"I didn't expect Wu Hengdu to become like this, but maybe he was like this in the first place, but we don't know him at all, right?"

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