Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 492 The Opinion Has Gone Big!

Speaking of it, the reason why Guo Kaiduan would be troubled is also very simple, because it is none other than Liang Shaocong, the manager of Jinxu Electronics, who troubled him.The two met when they were having dinner in a hotel. Looking at Guo Kaiduan, who is now enjoying himself, Liang Shaocong was angry in his heart, and his eyes were filled with anger.

Who made Jinxu Electronics' life worsen day by day since Guo began to leave, and its sales dropped sharply. Those businessmen who used to cooperate closely with Jinxu Electronics have now left one after another.

Either choose another family to cooperate with, or put forward harsh conditions of one kind or another.

In a word, Jinxu Electronics is in trouble.

If it weren't for this, he, Liang Shaocong, the dignified young owner of Jinxu Electronics, is such a proud person, why would he lower his profile like this, and eat with these three-educated customers all day long.He, who is already incapable of drinking, not only has to force himself to drink, but also has to smile all the time, he is so aggrieved and aggrieved.

In his view, all of this was caused by Guo Chuan.

If it weren't for Guo Kaiduan's betrayal, how could he have fallen into such a situation?

If Guo Xianduan hadn't taken all those customers away, why would Jinxu Electronics be so down and out?

So Liang Shaocong, who was drowsy now, vomited in the bathroom for a while, and when he saw Guo Kaiduan came in, he wiped his eyes vigorously, and after making sure that he read correctly, the anger in his heart burned.

"Guo Kaiduan, you dare to come to Zhongzhou City?"

Guo began to feel a little depressed.

He didn't expect to meet Liang Shaocong just to take a pee.

He knew very well in his heart that if he left Jinxu Electronics, neither Liang Shaocong nor his father Liang Chaohui would have a good impression of him.But thinking that he had worked in Jinxu Electronics before, even if Liang Shaocong came over so angrily, Guo Kaiduan didn't say anything.

"Why can't I come to Zhongzhou City? Liang Shaocong, it's really strange for you to ask this. It seems that the whole Zhongzhou City is your home. Are you too domineering?" Guo Kaiduan said calmly.

"Zhongzhou City is not my home, but I don't want to see you here either. You listen to me, get out of here immediately, or I will make you look good." Liang Shaocong pointed his hand outside and stared Guo began to shout angrily.

"Make me look good?"

Guo began to glance at it mockingly.

"Liang Shaocong, you used to be so arrogant and domineering. I didn't expect that you are still like this now, and it hasn't changed at all. You let me go, why do you let me go? Do you have the right to let me go?"


Liang Shaocong's face was terribly gloomy, and his eyes were shining fiercely.

"Guo Kaiduan, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being cruel to you."

"what ever!"

Guo began to shrug his shoulders indifferently, and washed his hands after peeing.

Liang Shaocong pointed at Guo Kaiduan and said viciously: "You wait for me, I want you to know that all traitors will not end well!"

"shut up!"


When this harsh word came out of Liang Shaocong's mouth, Guo Kaiduan's eyes burst into a ball of light, he turned around and walked towards Liang Shaocong, stopped at a distance of two meters, and shouted condescendingly: "Liang Shaocong, I, Guo In the beginning, I was not a slave of your Liang family, I did not sell it to your Liang family."

"Really, it's your Liang family and his son who are sorry for me. I haven't done anything sorry to you. It's better for you now, just open your mouth and shut up and call me a traitor. What right do you have to call me that?"

"You dare to shout again, believe it or not, I will really be a traitor, and I will deal with you Jinxu Electronics immediately. Don't doubt that I have the strength to do this, and I will let all the businessmen who cooperate with you leave , do you believe it or not?"

"Go to Nima!"

This is what Liang Shaocong has been worrying about lately, and now seeing Guo Kaiduan threatening in front of him again, the anger in his heart exploded, and he raised his arm and punched him.


It's a pity that Guo didn't drink at first, he was sober.

Liang Shaocong was a little drunk.

At the same time as the punch came, Guo Kaiduan stepped aside.It didn't matter if he made such a concession, Liang Shaocong bumped into the sink on the spot, and his forehead became red instantly.

"Guo Kaiduan, do you dare to hit me?"

Liang Shaocong turned around clutching his forehead, roaring soberly.


Guo began to glance at it dismissively, got up and walked out.

"Guo Kaiduan, you wait for me. If you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman."

Liang Shaocong was like a dog in water, yelling angrily.

And with such anger, half an hour later, Liang Shaocong saw his father Liang Chaohui, and when he explained the matter emphatically, Liang Chaohui's face gradually became gloomy and cold.

Could he have no objection to Guo Kaiduan?

The opinion is big!

After all, no matter what, you, Guo Kaiduan, betrayed me and stepped on my shoulders to seek refuge with Zhao Shanhe.And Zhao Shanhe, I didn't expect you to openly poach my corner.Both of you are not good people, you are a gangster.

"Dad, you didn't see Guo Kaiduan's current appearance. He was so arrogant, he pointed at my nose and scolded me, and beat me up like this. You said it's fine for him to scold me, but he even humiliated you. What did you say?" If I dare to speak his words again, I will pry away all the partners of our Jinxu Electronics, and let us close down and go bankrupt."

"What do you mean he is not a naked threat?"

"When he did this, he didn't take you seriously at all, and he didn't take the previous love seriously at all. I can see through it. He is just a white-eyed wolf, and he treats us Jinxu Electronics as his prosperity stepping stone."

"Did he really say that?" Liang Chaohui asked coldly.

"Of course, that's what he said. He said it in front of me. If I lie, he will let me go out and be hit by a car." Liang Shaocong, who was still a little drunk, swore a poisonous oath with his mouth.

"Shut up, you, and don't say anything unlucky."

Liang Chaohui stared at him speechlessly, he really dared to say anything.

But from this point of view, Liang Shaocong must not have lied, and Guo Kaiduan must have really said such a thing.That's right, with Guo Kaiduan's character, if he was humiliated by Liang Shaocong, he really dared to say anything.

It's just Guo Kaiduan, it's a little too much for you to do this, right?

You really treat me like air!

Or do you think that with Zhao Shanhe's back now, you can talk to me so unscrupulously and don't take my old benefactor seriously?Are you ready to wholeheartedly work for Zhao Shanhe and be his running dog willingly?

"Did you find out what he did in Zhongzhou this time?" Liang Chaohui asked.

"Investigated, he is here to participate in the baijiu expo this time, I heard that he seems to be promoting some kind of their baijiu, what's the name, yes, Zhao Xiaobai!" Liang Shaocong said with a frown.

"Baijiu Expo? Zhao Xiaobai?"

When Liang Chaohui heard this, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"In that case, shall we do something?"

After speaking, Liang Chaohui picked up the phone and made a call.

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