"Do you know Hou Dedong from Tassel Foods?"


Xia Jiangcheng was slightly stunned, then nodded and said, "Liusu Food is doing pretty well in our Xianhua City. Your aunt's canteen sells a lot of food made by Liusu."

"What? You also know Hou Dedong?"

"Hou Dedong is my dealer in Xianhua City." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.


Such a big businessman is actually just a distributor of Zhao Shanhe?

Well, I admit I'm blown away by you again.Now Xia Jiangcheng will believe what Zhao Shanhe says, and he will not believe it. Whoever asked Zhao Shanhe to do these things is beyond his imagination.

"So that's it, so you mean that I can get the goods directly from him?" Xia Jiangcheng suddenly smiled, and then asked.


Zhao Shanhe smiled and said: "I will say hello to him, and when I ship to him in the future, I will bring your share. In this case, you can go directly to him to get the goods, and you don't have to worry about the rest. "

"That would be great!" Xia Jiangcheng said excitedly.

"Auntie, it's time for dinner, shall we have a meal outside?" Zhao Shanhe raised his wrist and looked at his watch and said.

"Okay, let your uncle treat you at noon today." Tian Lirui pouted.

"Yes, my treat."

Xia Jiangcheng hurriedly said that he wanted to express it a long time ago, otherwise he would feel uneasy.After all, he used to look down on Li Jianguo, and if he didn't express it, he would feel ashamed and guilty.

"It's all up to me, how can I let my uncle treat you, let's go." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand with a smile.

"it is good!"

A group of people came to Limin Hotel.

After lunch, Xia Jiangcheng and the others didn't say to stay, but went back to Xianhua City directly.After all, there is still Xia Wen at home, so we can't just ignore it all the time.

"Shanhe, if you are free some other day, you must come to Xianhua City and let uncle treat you to a good meal." Xia Jiangcheng said, patting Zhao Shanhe's shoulder.


Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think of what I told you?" Xia Wu asked, leaning her head closer.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback.

"It's about being a secretary!" Xia Wu pouted and stomped her foot.

"Be a secretary!"

Only then did Zhao Shanhe remember that Xia Wu had indeed said this. She said she wanted to be Zhao Shanhe's secretary, but he didn't take it seriously at the time.Now it seems that Xia Wu doesn't seem to be talking casually.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course!"

Xia Wu raised her chin proudly, and said arrogantly: "Brother-in-law, I told you this matter very seriously. You see, I have graduated for two years now, and I have been struggling in society for a while. Time. Although I dare not say how strong my ability is, at least I know what a secretary should do."

"Besides, I can be regarded as my own person anyway. My sister will definitely feel at ease if I come to be the secretary."

"No, don't get me involved, your business is your business, don't talk about it with me." Li Qiuya gave Xia Wu a blank stare, she didn't want to take the blame.

You're making it sound like I don't believe in Shanhe and sent you there as a spy.


Xia Wu coquettishly grabbed Li Qiuya's arm and acted like a baby.

"Be honest with me, stop messing around. Jing thinks wildly all day long, and wants to be your brother-in-law's secretary. Aren't you a secretary now? You are working well in Xianhua City, what are you messing around with, come back with us. "

Tian Lirui gave Xia Wu a hard look, pulled her away, and said to Zhao Shanhe, "Shanhe, don't listen to her nonsense, she doesn't have a guard with her mouth, just say whatever comes to mind."

"Auntie, it's okay, then you guys slow down on the road, the journey is smooth, and when you get home, remember to call me." Zhao Shanhe sent Tian Lirui to the car with a smile.

"it is good!"

Seeing the van disappear in front of his eyes, Zhao Shanhe turned to Li Jianguo and Tian Lihua and said, "Mom and Dad, what should you do? Do you want to stay at home for two days? Or send you back?"

"Send us back, come back in two days, our family has a lot of things to do." Tian Lihua said.


Zhao Shanhe turned his head to Chen Ju and said, "Chen Ju, why don't you see him off."

"it is good!"

After they all left, Zhao Shanhe smiled at Li Qiuya.

"How is it? This time my aunt and his family are here, my performance is not bad, right?"

"Barely pass!" Li Qiuya smiled coquettishly.

"What? I've been like this, so I just barely passed?"

Zhao Shanhe drooped his face speechlessly, heaved a long sigh, and said dejectedly: "It seems that I can't be so active in the future, and no one cares if I do."

Seeing Zhao Shanhe like this, Li Qiuya giggled, looked around, and found that no one was looking at her, then blushed and said something in a low voice, and then strode towards the administrative building in stride.

"Really? What you said is true? Let's go tonight..."

"you shut up."

Li Qiuya turned her head and drank in a low voice.


Zhao Shanhe chased after him from behind.

Under the warm sunlight, two people walk side by side, the picture is warm and beautiful.


On the minivan bound for Xianhua City.

"Mom and Dad, our van is not as comfortable as my brother-in-law's Crown." Xia Wu said with a laugh.

"Fuck you, are you starting to hate the poor and love the rich now?" Tian Lirui glanced at her speechlessly.

"No, I'm just talking casually."

Xia Wu said, she picked up a cup of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea and drank it, while drinking, she asked, "Dad, before you came here, didn't you tell me that my aunt's family is very poor, and you have to rely on our relief before anything else?" , and said that it is the same now. No, you have also seen that my aunt's house is much better than ours. "

"You also said that this is not all the credit of your brother-in-law Zhao Shanhe. If only relying on your aunt and uncle, do you think they can make it?" Xia Jiangcheng said with twitching corners of his mouth.

"That's right, it seems that my sister's vision is quite good. My brother-in-law is not as bad as you make it out to be. You still say that he is a gangster, and that my sister married him is like a flower in the garden." On cow dung."

"If you ask me, my brother-in-law's cow dung is quite strong, otherwise it would not have nourished my sister's flower, and even my aunt's house has been moistened."

Xia Wu said casually.

As soon as her words fell to the ground, Tian Lirui took over the quarrel and said to her: "So, you have seen it too, it's all thanks to your brother-in-law, and it's all because of your sister Qiuya's good marriage. What about you? I How do you think about the marriage that your father told you about?"

"Let me tell you, the family over there is pretty good. If you say you can get married with him, you won't have to worry about eating and drinking in the future. You..."

Seeing that Tian Lirui was going to continue rambling on, Xia Wu quickly covered her ears.

"Oh, I got it, mom, don't talk about it, I can handle my affairs by myself."

Tian Lirui stared: "You can figure it out yourself? What do you know?"

"Why don't I know?" Xia Wu said stubbornly with her head held high and her lips pouted.


Zhao Shanhe would never have dreamed of it, because he actually directly ignited the confrontation between the mother and daughter in the van.

And what Zhao Shanhe didn't expect was that Guo Kaiduan in Zhongzhou City was also in trouble.

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