Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 489 Another crazy person!

in the office.

Chen Duo and Guo Kaiduan were arguing with red faces, the two who watched the quarrel, and the rest of the executives of the winery could only watch from the sidelines, and no one dared to intervene.They all knew that they had no right to interfere in the affairs of these two people.

What's more, the two of them didn't say it was a private matter, but for business.


Chen Duo slapped the table vigorously, blushing and said thickly: "Impossible, you are too crazy to do this, I don't agree! I admit that you may play a certain role in publicity by doing this, but the price is too high." High, the cost is too high, I can't approve it."

"I can't bear to let the child fail the wolf."

Guo Chuan tugged hard on the tie around his neck, loosened it and said, "You have to know that our sales strategy is unique and our creativity is unrivaled. In this case, we have to be willing to spend money. In this way Only then can we be worthy of our creativity, let our copywriting become a hit and win the championship in one fell swoop."

Having said that, Guo Kaiduan asked calmly: "Or do you have no confidence in Zhao Xiaobai?"

"Who said I have no confidence! Let me tell you, among the sorghum grain wines in the entire Eastern Province, there is no one that dares to say that it can compare with our Zhao Xiaobai? No one can do it!" Chen Duo said proudly.

"That's it!"

Guo began to smile and said: "Since this is the case, then what do you have to worry about? Let me tell you, we either don't do it, or if we do it, we will become a blockbuster. Otherwise, the money has also been invested, but the publicity is not good. , not in place, and in the end it will turn half purple and not red, that would be a waste of investment, what do you think?"

"But your proposal is too crazy."

Chen Duo shook his head, but still didn't dare to make a decision.

"You don't know clearly, if we really do what you said, our Zhao Xiaobai will consume a lot of it, which is secondary. The most important thing is that the funds on the books of our winery are not enough at all. Let Director Zhao allocate funds."

Chen Duoyu said earnestly, revealing a wry smile.

"Old Guo, you also know very well that Zhao Xiaobai has spent how much Director Zhao has spent from brewing to now. The 300 million to buy the factory, and the monthly wages of workers are less than 20. For the sake of publicity, Director Zhao has approved [-], if I ask him for money again, I'm really embarrassed to say that."

"That's your business. I'm only in charge of publicity. It's impossible for me to say that I have the best strategy, but choose those with much worse results." Guo Kaiduan said lightly.


"Dong dong!"

When Chen Duo looked at Guo Kaiduan angrily, the door of the office knocked from outside, and before anyone could speak, Zhao Shanhe pushed the door open with a smile.And the moment they saw him walk in, everyone stood up and greeted him respectfully.

"Director Zhao!"

"All sit down!"

Zhao Shanhe pressed his hand, then swept Chen Duo and Guo Kaiduan, and asked with a smile: "Are you two having a debate? I heard you arguing in the corridor."

"Factory Manager, let you see a joke!" Guo Kaiduan said hastily.

"Factory Manager, we didn't quarrel, we were discussing the matter of publicity, and then we had a little disagreement." Chen Duo explained.

"A disagreement?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled faintly.

"It's a good thing to have disagreements, but it's not normal to say that you have no disagreements. Work, that's how it should be. If you say you're all amicable, where can you compete? Tell me, why do you disagree?"

"Let me tell you!"

Chen Duo took a deep breath, and said calmly to Zhao Shanhe, "We were discussing Zhao Xiaobai's propaganda just now."

"You also know about this promotion, that is, isn't there going to be a baijiu expo in Zhongzhou a week later? Our goal is this expo. As long as we can make a name for ourselves at the expo, our Zhao Xiaobai will definitely become a hit."

"I know about it."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, he also approved of this kind of propaganda.

You must know that this baijiu expo is a very important exhibition in the industry, and those who are eligible to participate are some well-known companies, and their baijiu brands have many fans.If Zhao Xiaobai can become a blockbuster at such an expo, even if the sales volume is limited, he is not afraid, at least he has earned a reputation.

And this reputation is equivalent to Zhao Xiaobai having a place in the liquor industry.

With such a position, Zhao Xiaobai can continue to promote sales.

"What's the point of arguing about it? You just go ahead and promote it step by step. I think with the quality of our baijiu and our unique copywriting, we will definitely be able to gain something."

"Yeah, I thought the same way, so I made a publicity plan. But Section Chief Guo disagreed. He said my publicity plan was a bit petty and not big enough. If you want to make Zhao Xiaobai a blockbuster, You have to give up something!"

When Chen Duo said this, a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Factory manager, I have never doubted the ability of Section Chief Guo, and I also know that he is an absolute expert in publicity, but the problem is that the conditions he offered are too crazy, I dare not agree .”

"What condition? Let's hear it." Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

"Let me tell you!"

Guo Kaiduan waved his hand at Chen Duo, smiled gently, and began to say to himself: "Director, in fact, I just made two small changes in Director Chen's proposal."

"First, I want the right to control a hundred boxes of Zhao Xiaobai."

"Second, I want [-] publicity funds!"

Zhao Shanhe was silent when he heard these two additional conditions.

After noticing Zhao Shanhe's silence, Chen Duo hurriedly said: "Director, you don't need to be embarrassed. I will discuss this matter with Section Chief Guo. Try to improve our original plan. Zhao Xiaobai promoted it."

Guo Kaiduan heard the urgent voice and said: "Director Chen, you know, if you really want to do that..."

"Old Guo! Guo Kaiduan, section chief!"

Before Guo Chuan could finish speaking, Chen Duo hurriedly interrupted him, and said with a serious expression: "Section Chief Guo, the plan has already been prepared, there is no reason to say that you can change it as you want."

"I have decided on this matter, so I will follow the template of the plan. You must know that you are here to cooperate with our Zhao Xiaobai Winery in publicity, not to make a decision."

Hearing this, Guo Kaiduan's expression changed slightly. After a resentful expression appeared on his face, he could only sigh when he met Chen Duo's eyes.

"If so..."

"Chief Guo."

At this moment, Zhao Shanhe interrupted Guo Kaiduan's words slowly, stared at him intently, and spoke slowly.What he said shocked Guo Kaiduan instantly, and at the same time stunned everyone present.

Chen Duo looked over in disbelief.

Do you want to be so cruel?

Another crazy person!

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