In fact, before coming here, Huang Fangjun had already guessed such an ending.

First, no one can tolerate this kind of thing; second, the relationship between myself and Zhao Shanhe is not very good, and there were festivals in the past.

Under such circumstances, is it possible for you to open your mouth and let Zhao Shanhe continue to cooperate with Wuhu Business?Do you really think that Zhao Shanhe is a temperless person?

"Director Zhao, is there really no room for relaxation?"


Zhao Shanhe said lightly, caressing the teacup in front of him casually, "If it's other things, I can accommodate, but this is the only thing I can't!"

"Forget it if you can't, then let's not talk about Wuhu Trading."

Huang Fangjun actually climbed down the pole, put the matter behind him, and then, under Zhao Shanhe's gaze, said with a smile: "Director Zhao, since Wuhu Trading has been disqualified by you as a supplier, then take Come down, you Hetu Manufacturing will always cooperate with new suppliers."

"In this way, I have a very good company here. I will introduce it to you. Do you want to consider it?"

"Really? Which one? I don't know if I've heard of it?" Zhao Shanhe asked unmoved.

"You should have heard that the company I introduced is an excellent company in our city, Future Business."

"Future business?"

Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly, he really has never heard of this company, is it a new one?But these are not important, what is important is that this company was recommended by Huang Fangjun, so he will not pay too much attention.

Not to mention that Hetu Manufacturing has no shortage of suppliers now, even if there is a shortage, as long as it is introduced by you, Huang Fangjun, I will think about it carefully.

"Future business?"

After hearing this name, Li Xiangyang had a strange expression.

"Yes, it is the future business. Let me tell you, although this future business is a rookie in our Handong City, it is very capable. The boss is a particularly outstanding young man, and I heard that he came back from studying abroad. Yes, the pattern of vision is far beyond ordinary people."

"If you say it's okay, I'll let him come to see you someday, and you can have a good talk then." Huang Fangjun said with a smile.

"Really? Okay, let's talk about it later." Zhao Shanhe didn't say death on the spot.

tell you later?

Huang Fangjun clearly sensed that what Zhao Shanhe said was refusal, but thinking that he had come to talk about this hastily, he didn't say to continue talking stubbornly.

Too many words will be lost.

Now at least Zhao Shanhe didn't say he was dead. If he continued to entangle this topic, if he got offended and he just said no, wouldn't that be a bad thing?

The two spoke a few more words, and Huang Fangjun got up to leave.

After he left, Zhao Shanhe looked to the side and said playfully, "Xiangyang, do you know about this future business?"


Li Xiangyang said decisively: "I finally know now that Huang Fangjun is really an old fox, and he is also an old fox who eats people without spit out bones, and specializes in harming others and benefiting himself."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"Because the boss of this future business is called Huang Ruiyang, and Huang Ruiyang is Huang Fangjun's own son."


Zhao Shanhe was really taken aback this time, and couldn't help curling his lips speechlessly.

Can this be done like this?

Let me just say, how could Huang Fangjun, an old fox, come to intercede for Wuhu Business with such good intentions?

Doesn't he know that Wuhu Trading's practice is a taboo in the industry?

Don't say he came, it's not easy for anyone to come.Knowing these things but still coming over, I dare to foreshadow for my son.

This is clearly a desire to promote before suppressing.

"He probably thinks that since you rejected his request earlier, you will definitely agree later, but he never dreamed that we don't lack suppliers at all now, and he wouldn't just talk to new suppliers casually. cooperate."

Li Xiangyang said mockingly.

"Yeah, his wishful thinking is loud enough. I've never heard of future business, so let's forget about it and don't worry about it. Let them say what the outside world wants, our whale pump will definitely Quality and quantity must be maintained." Zhao Shanhe sneered, waved his hand casually and said.



Hetu made the car outside.

Huang Fangjun drove here by himself. He sat in the driver's seat and looked at the plaque made by Hetu with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Zhao Shanhe, you are really arrogant and arrogant. I will come here in person. You will not agree to any of the two things, but you will reject me. Do you really think that there will be no time for me in the future? ? Okay, let's wait and see."

After speaking, he drove away in a hurry.

That's right, people like Huang Fangjun are the ones who can't afford it early.Do you think it's just that Lin Ling went there to act coquettishly, complaining pitifully, and he would come to help and intercede?


He just wanted to take advantage of this to retreat and push his son out.If Zhao Shanhe signed a contract with Future Business on the spot on the spur of the moment, then this matter would be considered a Dzogchen.

Even if Zhao Shanhe doesn't sign the contract, at least he knows that Future Trading is not a company, which will be beneficial to Huang Ruiyang's future development.

As for the life and death of Gong Peiyuan's brother-in-law, where would he care?


Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Shanhe was produced from Hetu and came to Zhao Xiaobai Winery.Recently, both Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing have been in stable and orderly production. He doesn't have too many things to deal with, so he naturally needs to pay more attention to this place.

"Hello, Director Zhao."

"Director Zhao, you are here."

"Director Zhao, do you want to speak to Director Chen?"


When Zhao Shanhe was walking in the winery, everyone who saw him stopped involuntarily, and greeted him with a smile from the bottom of their hearts.

Because they knew that if it weren't for Zhao Shanhe, the winery would have been completely abolished, and it would be impossible for them to say that they could stay here to work and earn money to support their families.

"No, I'll just go there by myself, you can do your work."

Zhao Shanhe greeted every worker with a smile, but to the surprise of the workers, Zhao Shanhe was able to accurately call each of them by name, even those who had just entered the factory for a short time, he could open his mouth and say hello. Come.

"Isn't this too exaggerated? Director Zhao actually knows who I am. I always thought he didn't know."

"You don't know that, do you? Let me tell you, our factory manager Zhao Shanhe is really powerful. Not only does he know the names of everyone in our winery, he even knows the names of Shanqiu Foods and Hetu. "

"Oh my god, this is too awesome! I have decided to take Director Zhao as my idol from today on!"


Zhao Shanhe didn't know how much sensation his routine operation had caused among the workers.

He had already walked to the administrative building and came to the door of the factory director's office. Just when he was about to knock on the door, he suddenly froze, and at the same time as he frowned slightly, there was a burst of fierce quarreling in his ears.

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