Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 436 Don't Be Too Conservative

"You're right, so I've already ordered the entire set of equipment for the second production line in advance. If you calculate the time, it will be delivered in about two weeks."


Li Xiangyang was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and was stunned for a moment.

While he was stunned, Yang E and Guo Kaiduan, who had just walked to the door, couldn't help being taken aback.

Did you hear it right?

What Zhao Shanhe said was that all the equipment for the second production line had been ordered in advance.

But the question is, how dare you say that Xiang Piao Piao milk tea will definitely sell like crazy?Where did you get such confidence?Yes, you guessed right now, but what if you guess wrong?

If you guess wrong, you will lose the equipment for the second production line that you reserved.

The equipment of a production line can cost tens of millions. If it is really lost, given the current situation of Shanqiu Foods, it will definitely hurt the muscles and bones.

"Director, are you serious?"

Yang E walked into the office in two steps at a time, and asked anxiously, "Is what you just said true? Have you really ordered the complete set of equipment for the second production line? Are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding? Can this kind of thing be joked? Even if I want to joke with you, is Donghua Trading willing? They are masters who don't see rabbits and don't throw eagles." Zhao Shanhe laughed casually.

Yang E stared at Zhao Shanhe for a long time, and finally shook her head and let out a sigh of relief: "You can do it!"

"Director Zhao, you're just gambling with Xiang Piao Piao milk tea! Aren't you afraid that our milk tea won't be sold at the exchange meeting? If it really can't be sold, we will all be in trouble. " Guo began to ask with burning eyes.

"What's so scary about that!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands calmly, and said in a gentle tone: "Since I dare to let Teacher Xiao develop it, it shows that I have confidence in milk tea. I also believe that in this era of scarce supplies, our Xiangpiao Once Piao Milk Tea comes out, it will definitely sell like crazy."

"It turns out I was right."

"Did you hear that too? Deputy Factory Director Li said that we have received an order of [-] boxes in the past two days. By the way, Hong Kong businessman Bao Tianhua also placed an order for [-] boxes for me just now." .I’m wondering now, are two production lines enough?”

"Enough is enough!"

Hearing this, Yang E hurriedly said: "As far as the current situation is concerned, it is definitely enough. If it is really not enough, we will introduce it when the time comes. Don't be impulsive and buy another production line. "

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed happily.

"Yang E, are you sure it's enough?" Zhao Shanhe asked after laughing.


Yang E picked up the document in her hand and read: "In the past few days when the exchange meeting was held, our production line has been running. According to the current data, we can produce [-] yuan a day in just one factory in Green Garden. box of milk tea."

"And this is still a bit unfamiliar at the beginning, and the workers are in the running-in stage. If the workers become proficient later, this number will only increase."

"What's more, the [-] cartons mentioned just now are just the production capacity during normal working hours. If we arrange overtime work, I can't guarantee anything else. [-] cartons a day is no problem."

"Ten thousand boxes a day?"

Zhao Shanhe nodded in satisfaction.

"In this case, the efficiency is indeed not bad. For 40 boxes, it can be completed in only [-] days. If the second production line is also commissioned and running normally, the efficiency can be doubled."

"Okay, as long as you can keep this."

"As for working overtime..."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Xiangyang and said seriously: "Overtime is a must, you must arrange it. I don't care who works overtime, just make it clear to the workers that the quality and speed of production must be ensured."

"Okay, I'll do it."

Li Xiangyang readily agreed, but after saying this, his expression suddenly hesitated.

"Factory manager, you said just now that Donghua Trading is a master who sees rabbits and does not spread eagles. I agree with this. Because they are indeed such people, so you must give them money."

"But the problem is, our factory has been promoting Xiangpiaopiao milk tea for a while, and all the funds have been invested in this matter. There should be no excess liquidity in our books, right?"

"You want to ask me where I got the money, right?" Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.


Li Xiangyang nodded, looked at Zhao Shanhe with a worried expression and asked, "You don't mean... to borrow usury?"


Zhao Shanhe glanced at it speechlessly.

"What are you thinking? Do you think I'm going to borrow usury? I don't do that kind of thing. Don't worry, I got a loan from a bank."

"Bank loan?"

Li Xiangyang's tense nerves relaxed, and he said with a sigh of relief: "If it's a bank loan, then there's no problem. Even if it's a loan of 100 million, as long as we return the funds, we can repay it no matter what."


Zhao Shanhe smiled playfully.

"Who told you that I only borrowed 100 million?"

"How much is that? Isn't a production line worth 100 million?" Li Xiangyang was stunned again.

"The production line is 100 million, but in addition to the 100 million, I also borrowed 100 million, a total of 200 million loans." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"200 million loan?"

Not only Li Xiangyang, but even Yang E and Guo Kaiduan couldn't help being a little surprised.You must know that in this era, a loan of 200 million is amazing. Such a figure can easily crush many small and medium-sized enterprises.

But now it is from Zhao Shanhe's mouth that nothing happened.

It seems that this loan is not 200 million, but [-].

Also, you should know that at the exchange meeting, Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea did win an order of 900 million, which is correct.

But you must know that the 900 million is not a pure profit. There are also the production costs of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, the wages of the workers, and the promotion and advertising fees. There are two or three million net profits that are sky-high.

But now Zhao Shanhe borrowed 200 million just by talking about it.

Although the money should be spent as it should be, I feel a little speechless no matter how I hear it.

After seeing the expressions of these three people, Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"You guys, this idea should not be too conservative. Be more open-minded, dare to think and fight. Isn't it just a loan of 200 million yuan? When our payment for the goods is recovered, can this be called money? It's not called money. .”

"Besides, it would be useful for me to lend an extra million."

"What's the use?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"What is the use?"

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe raised the corner of his mouth slowly, and said three words slowly, and as soon as these three words were spoken, the atmosphere in the office was ignited, and the three of Li Xiangyang who were still a little hesitant just now, Instantly became high-spirited.

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