Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 412 Mainly Says 2 Things

"I want you to snatch Chen Xiao over here."

Chen Jinjun's eyes were cold.

"Snatch Chen Xiao?"

Chen Xingyu was stunned on the spot.

"Yes, it is to grab Chen Xiao. Didn't you notice? Now Chen Xiao is the key to breaking the game. Her song "Xiang Piao Piao" is the promotion song of Zhao Shanhe's milk tea, and it seems to be very effective."

"If we can snatch Chen Xiao over now, for example, sign a contract with her and let her be the image spokesperson of our Yongxing Department Store, what will happen?"

Chen Jinjun tapped his fingers on the table, staring at Chen Xingyu intently, and asked unhurriedly.

"If we really want to snatch Chen Xiao over, Zhao Shanhe's milk tea promotion song will have to be scrapped. At the very least, he will have to find someone to re-sing it, but the re-singing is not as good as the original song, and this is considered a bad start."

Chen Xingyu's eyes lit up.

"What else?" Chen Jinjun asked.

"and also?"

Chen Xingyu frowned slightly, and then suddenly said: "Dad, I thought about it, if we snatch Chen Xiao over, Dayang Department Store will also be affected, and the cooperation between Zhang Longdong and Zhao Shanhe will also break down."

"After all, Zhang Longdong relied on Chen Xiao to come up with such a discount today."

"That's right."

Chen Jinjun nodded in satisfaction, his son is not stupid, it is good to think of this.

This is also the main reason why he insisted on snatching Chen Xiao over. After all, the main competitor of Yongxing Department Store is not Zhao Shanhe, but Dayang Department Store.

"I know you're good at chasing girls, so I'll leave this to you. Don't screw me up, and you must try your best to pull Chen Xiao over!" Chen Jinjun pointed to Chen Xingyu and said.


Chen Xingyu immediately cheered up.

Is this considered to be an order to pick up girls?


The penultimate day before the exchange meeting.

Zhao Shanhe left Zhongzhou City and returned to Zhenghe County. The preheating for this trip was successful. The next thing to do is to make a fuss about the exchange meeting.

As for the nationwide promotion of the warm-up event, it will have to wait until the exchange meeting is over.

Besides, there will be exchange meetings and CCTV advertisements as a base, I believe that the pre-heating activities will be smooth sailing.

Mountain autumn food.

"Qiuya, go and arrange for all the workers working in Green Garden to have a meeting in the cafeteria." Zhao Shanhe said gently.

"it is good!"

After Li Qiuya went to make arrangements, Xiao Mingyu walked into the office. She came here to ask about the sales of milk tea.After all, Zhao Shanhe had talked about it on the phone before, and the two hadn't had a good talk about it face to face.

"Director Zhao, are you going to hold a meeting for the workers soon?" Xiao Mingyu asked.


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Since I went to Zhongzhou City, the green garden has started to be put into production. I haven't said hello to the workers and comrades on this matter."

"So I think, no matter what, I have to say a few words. The first is to commemorate the start-up and production of our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea; the second is to give the workers brothers and sisters a reassurance so that they can work with peace of mind."

"Sure, is the sales of our milk tea good?" Xiao Mingyu asked.

"Not only is it very good, Mr. Xiao, let me tell you this. Before the exchange meeting of our milk tea started, this warm-up was very successful, and we have already won many orders in Zhongzhou City."

"But I don't care about the number of these orders, what I care about is the success of this warm-up mode."

"With this success, we will be able to promote it in several large cities across the country. At that time, Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea will be able to become a well-known star product just like Yile chewing gum."

Zhao Shanhe's blood boils when he thinks of this.

Every time each new product comes out, it will give Zhao Shanhe a feeling of rapid and courageous progress. He likes this kind of positive feeling of fighting against the fate of the times.

"That's good. I thought our milk tea couldn't be sold, so you gave it away." Xiao Mingyu breathed out a sigh of relief, and slowly relaxed her tense nerves.

"That's impossible."

After Zhao Shanhe talked with Xiao Mingyu for a while, Li Qiuya walked into the office and said that the arrangements had been made, and Zhao Shanhe led the two of them to the green garden.

After they entered the cafeteria, the workers sitting here subconsciously began to applaud.

The workers sitting here, in addition to the original green garden, some came in through the normal recruitment process, some were transferred from the Shanqiu food production line, and some came from the Gushun winery.

To be honest, the workers in the first few batches were better, but the later batch came from Gushun Winery. When they saw Zhao Shanhe, they still felt somewhat awkward.

No way, who told them to fight against Zhao Shanhe at Gushun Winery.

But they were thinking too much, because Zhao Shanhe didn't take this seriously at all.

For him, no matter what you were like before, since you have entered the gate of Shanqiu Food, then everyone is on the same front.

As long as you work hard and don't violate the factory's rules and regulations, Zhao Shanhe won't make things difficult for anyone.

"Comrades, I called the big guys together for a meeting today, mainly to talk about two things."

After Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience, he said with a gentle smile, "The first thing is to celebrate with everyone. The production line of our Green Garden Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea has finally officially started production."

"This is a great thing for Shanqiu Foods and everyone here, right?"


All the workers shouted excitedly.

Putting into production means that they can receive wages. Is there anything better than this?

"Second, this time I did a warm-up activity for our milk tea in the provincial capital, and the effect is very good."

"Now our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea has gained a lot of fame in Zhongzhou City. I dare not say that everyone knows it. At least it has been discussed by people in the streets and alleys. This is a good thing."

"Of course, with this good thing comes an increase in our milk tea orders."

Zhao Shanhe paused, looked at the eyes of the audience full of expectation and excitement, and continued.

"So the second thing I want to say is, comrades, don't think about anything next. You have only one task, to produce milk tea for me at full capacity."

"Because only if you keep up with the progress here, our sales department can safely and boldly accept orders. Otherwise, it's a joke to accept orders but have no goods."

Zhao Shanhe laughed heartily.

"Director, have we really won a lot of orders?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded and said affirmatively: "This is because the exchange meeting has not started, we have won a lot of orders in the province. If we really wait until the exchange meeting starts, the number of orders will only increase."

"That's nothing to say, let's work hard to produce."

"That's right, no one can drop the chain."

"It's so exciting, it's been a long time since I've had such a passionate feeling!"

Feeling the enthusiasm of the workers, Zhao Shanhe was also in high spirits, and after saying a few more encouraging words, he announced the adjournment of the meeting.Every worker hastened back to their respective positions and began to work overtime to produce.

Afterwards, Zhao Shanhe didn't stay idle either. After disposing of the official duties accumulated during this period, it was time to get off work.

And when he and Li Qiuya just returned home, before they entered the door, a person suddenly appeared from the corner of the wall and stood in front, blocking the way of the two of them.

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