Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 411 Are You Asking Knowingly?

"Then grab someone!"

rob people?

Ding Guangming was a little dazed.

"How to steal?"

"Do you still need me to teach you? Of course, I will do my best to grab it. It's not like you haven't done this kind of thing before. Have you forgotten how to do it?" Su Youfeng stared speechlessly.

"I did, but those were all done to famous stars. Chen Xiao is very talented, but she is just a college student now. Is it worth it for us?" Ding Guangming hesitated.

"Didn't you praise her so much just now? Why are you hesitating now?" Su Youfeng said displeased.


After Ding Guangming paused for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, then I'll go grab someone. I dare say that Chen Xiao is a piece of jade in the rough. When we grab it, just polish it a little bit, and it will become a cash cow." .”

"Go!" Su Youfeng waved to Ding Guangming.



The news of Dongzhou University’s campus singing competition was reported through newspapers that day. Even if such news was reported, it would not have much influence, after all, it was just a school-level competition.

But if milk tea is involved here, the nature is different.

After knowing that Chen Xiao sang the promotional song of Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea, everyone eagerly listened to this song.And the more they listened to it, the better it sounded, and they were all conquered by this song.

The song is good, and the milk tea will become famous.

Under such circumstances, a piece of news about Ocean Department Store pushed this enthusiastic public opinion to a climax.

Ocean Department Store will invite the top ten winners of the Dongzhou University Campus Singer Contest to sing. On the day of the concert, all products in Ocean Department Store will be discounted!

Xiangpiaopiao milk tea buy one get one free.

Yile chewing gum buy one get two free.

When the news began to spread in Zhongzhou City, everyone who heard it was gearing up to go shopping.After all, opportunities like this to pluck wool don't come often, and you can't miss it when you encounter it.

"Our family has long wanted to buy a color TV. I heard that the color TV will also be discounted this time. The money saved from the discount is all bought for milk tea."

"Fortunately, I didn't buy that dress yesterday, and I will buy it tomorrow while there is an event."

"Hurry up and tell the boss, go to Dayang Department Store tomorrow to stock up on a batch of Xiang Piao Piao milk tea, which is cheaper than buying directly from Shanqiu Food."


Under the propaganda of this kind of public opinion, Dayang Department Store was full of people the next day.

The entrance of the shopping mall was full of bicycles early on, and even the trails on the side of the road were occupied by bicycles for more than half.

Batch after batch of people came out of Ocean Department Store carrying big and small bags, with happy smiles on their faces.

In the lobby on the first floor of Ocean Department Store.

Chen Xiao and his ten campus singers were happily singing.

No one resisted coming to sing, after all, they all like to sing very much.

And singing here, you can also get a lot of money. I heard that everyone can get 200 yuan. Who would refuse such a great deed?

Milk tea should be fragrant.

Such a slogan is written on the huge banner. The air is filled with a faint scent of malt. Everyone will hold a cup of fragrant milk tea in their hands. It seems that if others hold you, it is a kind of backwardness.

"Director Zhao, now your milk tea is in full swing."

Standing on the second floor, Zhang Longdong said with a smile as he watched the bustling scene below.

"Mr. Zhang, we call this a win-win situation, don't you think so?" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Yes, win-win!"

Zhang Longdong said happily: "I didn't expect such a hot thing to happen in the discount you proposed. I thought the discount would lose money, but now it seems that not only will it not lose money, but it can also make money."

"Losing money?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, look at what you said, how could I make you lose money?"

"You are making small profits and high sales. Customers can buy their favorite products for a small amount of money. My milk tea can also open up the market. This should not be called a win-win situation. It should be called happiness for everyone, don't you think?"

"Yes, everyone is happy."

Zhang Longdong laughed loudly, but quickly said playfully: "It may not be all happy, maybe some people are sulking now."

"Who are some of the people Mr. Zhang is talking about?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows, opened his eyes wide, and asked with a look of confusion on purpose.

"Director Zhao, you are asking knowingly."

"Ha ha!"

After the two looked at each other, they laughed heartily.


Is someone sulking?

Indeed there is!The sulking person is Chen Jinjun.

He also learned about the event that Dayang Department Store was going to hold yesterday. To be honest, when he first found out, he didn't take it seriously.Isn't it just a group of campus singers, what tricks can they come up with?

But now he realizes he was wrong.

He underestimated the influence of these campus singers, underestimated the appeal of the gold-lettered sign of college students today, and even underestimated Zhao Shanhe, an old fox hiding in the dark.


Chen Jinjun thumped the table and asked with a gloomy face, "What's going on over there now?"

"Dad, the current situation is that the people who used to buy things at our Yongxing have all gone to Dayang Department Store. They also said..." Chen Xingyu lowered his head and dared not say it.

"What?" Chen Jinjun asked coldly.

"They said that our Yongxing Department Store doesn't matter what we want, and they don't even sell Xiang Piao Piao milk tea. It's better than a small shop on the side of the road." Chen Xingyu said cautiously.


Chen Jinjun grabbed a book on the table and smashed it to the ground. With a loud bang, he said with annoyed eyes, "Is this because Yongxing Department Store doesn't want to sell Xiangpiaopiao milk tea? It's Zhao Shanhe who won't let us sell it." .”

"Dad, I think Zhao Shanhe and Zhang Longdong did this on purpose. They didn't take advantage of the campus singing competition to organize activities. They were clearly disgusting us and taking the opportunity to attract people."

"If we don't want to go the same way, I'm afraid our customers will go to their place. If that's the case, our Yongxing Department Store will be in danger."

Chen Xingyu said in a low voice.

"Damn Zhao Shanhe! Damn Zhang Longdong! They all deserve to die!"

Chen Jinjun roared angrily.

"I heard from Lao Li that you have seen Zhao Shanhe?"

After venting the anger in his heart, Chen Jinjun suddenly remembered something, and asked impatiently.

"Yes, I met him at the third anniversary celebration of Ocean Department Store." Chen Xingyu said respectfully.

"So Zhao Shanhe is determined to cooperate with Zhang Longdong to bring down our Yongxing Department Store?" Chen Jinjun narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice.


Chen Xingyu thought about what he saw that night, and said, "Dad, that Chen Xiao's teacher is Fan Yuzhen, and I also found out that Fan Yuzhen's husband is Guo Kaiduan."

"And now Guo Kaiduan has also left Jinxu Electronics and joined Shanqiu Foods to help Zhao Shanhe."

"These two couples were met by Zhang Longdong and Zhao Shanhe. Is it possible to say that Zhang Longdong and Zhao Shanhe have no tricks?"

"In that case, come here."

Chen Jinjun said with a straight face.

Chen Xingyu stepped forward.

"Dad, what do you want me to do?"

"I want you……"

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