"It is said that Liang Chaohui intends to pave the way for his son, and wants to kick away all the people who assisted him in his career."

Chen Duo said slowly, with a look of disdain on his face.

"Really? That's interesting." Zhao Shanhe said playfully, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Yeah, very interesting."

Chen Duo sneered and said: "Liang Chaohui is really a small-minded, narrow-minded person."

"He is now famous, but he doesn't think about it. Whose credit is it for him to have all this now? Is it his ineffective son, or those people who followed him to fight?"

"I heard from Guo Qiduan that Liang Chaohui once promised him that as long as he can turn Jinxu Electronics into a profit, he will give him 30.00% of the shares. But until now, this promise has not been fulfilled."

"Of course, Guo Kaiduan is not the kind of person who is open to money. What he wants is integrity."

Speaking of this, Chen Duo said calmly: "So I think Liang Chaohui hurt Guo Kaiduan's heart. The reason why Guo Kaiduan hasn't left yet is not that he doesn't want to leave, but is waiting for an opportunity."

"Waiting for a chance?"

Zhao Shanhe thoughtfully picked up the planning book on the table.

"Chen Duo, how is your relationship with Guo Kaiduan?"

"We are friends, but not the kind of deep friendship. If you tell me to go to Guo Kaiduan to talk about this matter, you can say it, but I really can't guarantee whether I can dig it out."

Chen Duo shook his head bitterly.

"Guo Kaiduan is a very principled and bottom-line person. Unless he wants to leave Jinxu Electronics, no one can drag him away. Factory director, if you have any tricks, use them all. "

"In this case……"

Zhao Shanhe tapped his fingers on his knees, and said in a leisurely manner: "Please sort out a copy of Jinxu Electronics' materials for me. I not only want Guo Kaiduan's, but also Liang Chaohui's."

"it is good!"

After talking about this, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "I happen to be going to Zhongzhou City in the next two days, and I will see if there is a chance to get in touch with Guo Duan."

"As for you, hurry up and produce Zhao Xiaobai. Don't we have a plan and publicize it, but there is no liquor in the end."

Chen Duo immediately shook his head and said, "That's definitely not possible, I'll go back and prepare wine."

"and also!"

Zhao Shanhe watched as Chen Duo stood up and was about to leave, walked to the table and picked up a document and handed it over.

"This is the shape of the wine bottle I designed, you can follow this."


After Chen Duo agreed, he picked it up and glanced at it, his expression changed drastically.

He stared at Zhao Shanhe dumbfounded, held up the document and asked, "Director, are you serious?"

"Yes, I am very serious, this time the wine bottle must be like this." Zhao Shanhe nodded and said calmly.


Chen Duo left with the sketch.


Nanjue County Patrol Town.

"What? Are you serious?"

Just as Lin Chuntang picked up the noodle bowl in front of him, before he had time to take a bite, he looked over in surprise.

Sitting opposite him was Lin Chaoyang.

"Yes, I am very serious."

Compared with before, Lin Chaoyang looks a bit haggard now, with a shaggy beard on his face. He looked at his parents and said very seriously: "So many things happened, I already know that I was wrong."

"Wrong is wrong, I have to admit it."

"But since I have been released, it is impossible to say that I will live in mistakes like this for the rest of my life. Anyway, I am still young, so I want to do something within my power while I am young."

"So you want to open a store? Of course, your mother and I are not saying that we don't support you, we just want to know what you plan to sell when you open the store?"

"Tell me, what kind of shop are you going to open? Restaurant? Commissary? Flower shop? Fruit shop? Or what kind of shop?" Lin Chuntang asked several kinds in one breath.

"Yes, what do you want to sell?" Bao Xiaofang also asked eagerly.

"I'll sell whatever is popular!"

Lin Chaoyang hesitated for a while, and said slowly: "Mom and Dad, you said I went to Shanhe to buy goods from his factory, can he sell it to me?"

"Looking for Zhao Shanhe?"

Bao Xiaofang stood up in shock, and asked in shock: "Are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about? You are going to find Zhao Shanhe to buy goods? Have you forgotten why you bought it?" prison?"

"Mom, I'm not crazy, I'm very sober."

Lin Chaoyang said calmly: "I will sit in the bureau, does it have something to do with Shanhe? No, I didn't enter because of Shanhe."

"If it's really because of Shanhe, do you think I can be released so soon? Impossible! So I don't hate Shanhe, and I don't hate him either."

Lin Chaoyang shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"In the past, it was because I was so ambitious and lazy that I met a bunch of wine and meat friends, and it was also because of them that I was in a situation."

"Now that I'm out, I just want to do something down-to-earth. I don't want to live in such a muddle."


"Go ahead, I trust you."

Lin Chuntang didn't give Bao Xiaofang a chance to speak. After interrupting her, he said emotionally: "Son, it's not terrible to stumble, but what's terrible is that you can't stand up again after you stumble."

"I'm very happy to see that you want to stand up now. This is my good son. Dad will support you in what you want to do. If you say you feel embarrassed to contact Zhao Shanhe, I will contact you."

As Lin Chuntang said, he patted his chest.

"Dad, I'm still in charge of my affairs." Lin Chaoyang shook his head and refused.

"Okay then, go ahead and do it."

Lin Chuntang picked up the noodle bowl.

"Now eat noodles!"

"Eat noodle!"

The family of three began to eat.

Lin Chuntang held the noodle bowl to cover his face, at an angle that neither of them could see, his eyes were rosy.


Night falls.

Zhao Shanhe returned home after a busy day's work, and Li Qiuya had already prepared the meal early.

Even though she is the general manager of Shanqiu Foods now, she always puts family first in her heart.

The two started talking and laughing and sat down to eat.

"Qiuya, let me tell you something. Next Monday, I'm going to Zhongzhou City early." Zhao Shanhe said while drinking millet porridge.

"Go early?"

Li Qiuya asked curiously: "Are you talking about going to the exchange meeting? But isn't the exchange meeting only half a month away? Why did you go so early in advance?"

"I didn't go for the exchange meeting. I wanted to go over there to see if I could find an opportunity to warm up our milk tea."

"If the preheating is successful, then there will be some chances of winning by participating in the exchange meeting." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Warm up?"

Li Qiuya put down her chopsticks and asked inexplicably, "How do you plan to warm up? Don't you want to shoot commercials?"

"Of course I do."

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Advertising is definitely necessary, but we also need to do other things in advance. It would be even better if we can grasp the sales channels."

Li Qiuya thought for a while, then couldn't help but nodded, and then asked, "Then where are you going to warm up?"

"I'm going to..."

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