Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 385 This corner is probably not easy to dig

"The knife is still a little light."

Zhao Shanhe laughed out loud.

"I said, are you not afraid that Zhou Benqu will cry when he hears it? We have already reduced the price to [-]% off, which means that even if they can earn, they will not earn much. You are not satisfied."

"It's what they asked for."

The corner of Li Xiangyang's mouth raised slightly, and he said dismissively: "I now know what it means to be on the pole and not a business. Do you think Hongxing Machinery is a cheap bone? If you don't want to do a good business, you have to make it like this."

Zhao Shanhe smiled casually: "That's right, it's absolutely true that hitting the pole is not a business."

"But you have to remember one thing, even if this is the case, we can't relax the quality appraisal." He put away his smile and said solemnly.

"As long as the parts of Hongxing Machinery have quality problems, immediately cancel the cooperation with them."



Zhou Benqu told Ji Mingjian about this after returning to Hongxing Machinery Factory, and when he heard that Zhao Shanhe had reduced the price to [-]% off, the corners of Ji Mingjian's mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

"Zhao Shanhe slashed really hard."

"Yes, it's cruel enough. According to my words, I won't cooperate with them, but how did you know, the factory manager, that Zhao Shanhe will severely lower the price, and this price is [-]% off?"

Zhou Benqu asked suspiciously.

If it weren't for the bottom line given by Ji Mingjian before the past, Zhou Benqu would not have dared to make a claim anyway.

Purchasing at a [-]% discount on the market price is no longer profitable for Hongxing Machinery Factory.

"I guessed it too, but I didn't expect it to be right."

Ji Mingjian shook his head with a wry smile, and said self-deprecatingly: "This matter would never have turned out like this, who made us wrong, so even if we don't make money, we have to admit it."

"The key is that we have to win this order. As long as we can ensure that our Red Star is in a working state, it is worth it even if it doesn't make money."

"Yes, if such a large factory stops production, the impact will be too bad, and the loss will be serious." Zhou Benqu nodded in agreement.

"Just do it according to the contract, and deliver on time with quality and quantity guaranteed." Ji Mingjian instructed.



When the news that Hongxing Machinery Factory signed a contract with Hetu Manufacturing came out, the other machinery factories and hardware factories all died down.

They also thought about continuing to compete, but you can't stand it as a red star.

They absolutely can't do it.

That being the case, it is better to save some effort.

In this way, the time entered June of [-] amidst the busy schedule.

On this day, Chen Duo happily found Zhao Shanhe, handed over a proposal excitedly, and said excitedly: "Director, this is the proposal we made based on your suggestion, can you take a look at it?"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe took the planning book and flipped through it, nodding slightly while looking at it.

Yes, this is the kind of slogan he wanted.

As long as it is promoted in this way, Zhao Xiaobai's sorghum wine will definitely become a hit.

"Yes, this is the effect I want, what do you think?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Very good and creative."

Chen Duo exclaimed unabashedly: "If this is to be promoted in a conventional way, it is estimated that our Zhao Xiaobai will not be able to become a blockbuster."

"But now, with this brand new way of publicity, it is guaranteed that Zhao Xiaobai will have a place in the liquor industry."

"It's just..." Chen Duo suddenly frowned and hesitated to speak.

"Just what?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It's just that I think professional things should be done by professional people."

Chen Duo said in a deep voice: "Although we can also carry out publicity, this is too troublesome. First, we don't have ready-made publicity channels, and developing them now will only delay time; second, we don't have professional planners."

"Of course, I'm not looking down on our propaganda department. I'm just discussing the facts. They may not be qualified for this propaganda work."

"The third and most important thing is that if we are looking for unprofessional people, if something goes wrong, Zhao Xiaobai's chances of becoming famous are basically useless."

Zhao Shanhe secretly nodded.

What Chen Duo said makes sense.

After all, planning and publicity still needs professional people to do it.

This also coincides with his previous idea, which is to find professional talents to join the propaganda department.

After all, what Han Chunni is best at is on-site publicity. If you talk about this kind of high-level planning, it really doesn't carry enough weight.

"Chen Duo, do you know anyone who is good at this?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Chen Duo said with a smile: "I really know one, and I dare not say anything else. When it comes to this kind of publicity planning, he is really very good. You should have heard of Jinxu Electronics, right?"

"Jinxu Electronics?"

Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"I've heard of it. Isn't that a famous factory for semiconductors? If I remember correctly, it should be in Zhongzhou City, right? The sales of radios in their factory are very hot recently."

"That's right, it's Jinxu Electronics."

Chen Duo said with a smile: "Since you have heard of it, it's easy to say. Is it really because of the good quality of their products that they are so popular? Not necessarily, there are many people who are better than them. Why do they sell so well?" it is good?"

"The real reason is that their publicity is so good that everyone recognizes the brand. And it is Guo Kaiduan, the section chief of Jinxu Electronics, who is in charge of publicity."

"Without Guo Kaiduan, there would be no Jinxu Electronics today!"

"so smart?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and suddenly became interested.

"Yes, Guo Kaiduan is a planning myth. Before he joined Jinxu Electronics, the factory was almost closed down."

"But with his joining, Jinxu Electronics not only did not go bankrupt, but turned around and turned a profit. Now it has become a business card in the electronics industry in Zhongzhou City, and its products are selling very well."

There was a look of anticipation in Chen Duo's eyes.

"If we can recruit Guo Kaiduan, I dare say that Zhao Xiaobai Winery will definitely turn over, and it will be the most beautiful turnaround, which will make Zhao Xiaobai famous in one fell swoop."

"Hearing what you said, I'm also very interested. But the problem is, since Guo Kaiduan is so powerful, Jinxu Electronics will definitely not let him go. This corner is probably not easy to dig."

Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

"Director, what you said was in the past."

"In the past, Jinxu Electronics, a factory that was about to close down, finally got Guo Qiduan to join, and it would definitely be taken very seriously. It would be hard for us to poach the wall."

"But now it's different."

Chen Duo said with a playful look: "As the scale of Jinxu Electronics is getting bigger and bigger, the director Liang Chaohui no longer attaches great importance to and trusts Guo Kaiduan as before."

"He even started to guard against Guo Kaiduan. As far as I know, Liang Chaohui didn't tell Guo Kaiduan about many things about Jinxu Electronics, so he decided on his own."

"Besides, I heard a piece of news recently. This news is very likely to make Guo Qiqi leave directly."

"what news?"

Zhao Shanhe sat up straight and asked with interest.

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