Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 354 What kind of onion are you?

"Zhao Shanhe's first donation was 200 million, and his second donation was 50! This money was donated through Zhenghe County!"

"The third donation is today, 120 million."

"The total of these three sums of money is 370 million!"

Yang Shoucheng scanned the audience, and finally his eyes fell on Shen Ziliang, and asked calmly: "Now tell me, Zhao Shanhe should not be awarded the honor of this great philanthropist, who should it be awarded to?"


Shen Ziliang now really has the feeling that a dumb person who eats Coptis chinensis suffers unspeakably.

What am I drawing?

Didn't I just want to satirize Zhao Shanhe, why Zhao Shanhe is like a hedgehog, you can't even touch it, it becomes like this when you touch it, it hurts me all over, it's horrible.

You said that you don’t want this honor, just donate money and it’s fine, but Huang Fangjun fought for this honor for me. This fight didn’t win, but instead, Zhao Shanhe was fulfilled. Aren’t I making a wedding dress for him?

What am I trying to figure out?

Huang Fangjun was also dazed.

Can this still be the case?

Is Zhao Shanhe crazy?Take 370 million in cash and just donate it all?Doesn't he know how huge the amount of money is?If you donate like this, don't you fear that your family will be ruined?

Also, where did he get so much money from?

"Do you think Zhao Shanhe just donated so much? No."

"I can tell you responsibly that as soon as the flood broke out, Zhao Shanhe sent the [-] water pumps that Jiuquan Hardware had in stock to Suzhou Province."

"That's not counting. He even donated the newly developed Whale Pump made by Hetu. Do you know how much [-] Whale Pumps cost?"

Speaking of this, Yang Shoucheng deliberately glanced at Shen Ziliang: "Based on the unit price of water pumps sold by a certain company to Suzhou Province for 90 yuan, the [-] water pumps alone cost [-] yuan!"

"Including the 500 water pumps in stock and the rescue supplies donated by Zhao Shanhe, all these bits and pieces add up, and Zhao Shanhe has donated more than [-] million yuan to the flood relief in Jiangsu Province!"

Yang Shoucheng was a little agitated.

"Even if Shanhe Manufacturing and Shanqiu Foods can make money, how much can they make? After all, these two are only county-level enterprises, but facing the disaster, Zhao Shanhe donated all the money without reservation."

"As far as I know, Zhao Shanhe has already paid in advance the orders from the factory. What does that mean? It means that Zhao Shanhe didn't think about anything else at all. Even if the money was paid in advance, he would donate it to the disaster area."

"Shouldn't such a person be awarded the honor of a great philanthropist? If he is not worthy, who else is worthy?"

The whole business hall fell into silence.

Now everyone knows the greatness of Zhao Shanhe, and no one thought that Zhao Shanhe, who has always been very low-key, would be so unreserved when he started charity.

Even a hostile person like Huang Fangjun was convinced now.

Shen Ziliang was also speechless.

What else can you say?What else do you want to do to people?As long as you stand up and say another word of disapproval right now, you will become a public enemy and be hated by everyone!

"Mayor Yang, if you say that, Director Zhao deserves the honor of being a great philanthropist. But we also want to know, why didn't Director Zhao come to accept the award?"

Suddenly someone asked a question.

"Good question. At the beginning, I was also very surprised. Why didn't Zhao Shanhe come to accept the award? After all, this is a great honor, which many people dream of."

"Later, I learned from Comrade Li Qiuya that on the second day after the flood broke out, Zhao Shanhe had already rushed to the front line of flood relief with relief supplies."

Yang Shoucheng said earnestly: "Comrades, while we are talking here, Comrade Zhao Shanhe may be carrying sandbags on the embankment, saving people in the village, and helping transport the wounded on the road."

"He has already donated so much money and goods, and he has fulfilled his due obligations, but he still ignored his personal safety and went to the front line of flood relief as soon as possible."

"You say that an entrepreneur like him, isn't it the pride of our Handong City? Shouldn't he be commended in the newspaper? Shouldn't he be honored as a great philanthropist?"


"Director Zhao is a pure man, I obey him!"

"In the face of the disaster, he donated 500 million without blinking an eyelid. Director Zhao deserves the title of a great philanthropist!"


clap clap!

I don't know who took the lead, and thunderous applause broke out in the venue. Those who hesitated just now clapped their hands extra hard at this moment, as if trying to make up for the applause just now.

Everyone started to admire.

Li Qiuya was happy listening to these words of praise, Shanhe, did you hear that?You've earned the respect of the group and they all say you're a hero.

This is how the fundraiser came to an end.

"Mr. Li, do you want to stay in the city for two more days? The city is going to hold a commendation meeting for you." Yang Shoucheng asked Li Qiuya who had already set off to go back.

"A commendation meeting?"

Li Qiuya shook her head, said with a smile: "Mayor Yang, let's forget about the commendation meeting, I'd better go back, there are a lot of things going on at home. Why don't we talk about it after Director Zhao comes back?"

Yang Shoucheng thought for a while, nodded and said, "You're right, all right, you guys should go back early."

"it is good!"

After watching Li Qiuya get in the car and leave in a hurry, Yang Shoucheng's eyes flashed with admiration.

"It is said that Zhao Shanhe is powerful, but the woman standing behind him is not simple."

That's right, after today, the whole Handong City will know her demeanor Li Qiuya.


And on the way home, Li Qiuya dialed Zhao Shanhe's phone and told the whole story of what happened just now.

Then, she said cautiously: "Shanhe, will the 100 million I donate affect the normal operation of our factory?"

"will not!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly. To be honest, he didn't think about donating the 100 million.After all, the money was going to be spent in the factory, and it was unreasonable to say that Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing were in trouble for donations.

If that's the case, donations will become a burden.

But since there was an accident at the fundraising meeting, and since Shen Ziliang insisted on provoking it out of nowhere, then donate it.It's nothing more than tightening your belt and getting through it for a while, so it won't affect the normal operation of the factory.

Besides, there was no way for him to go there. If he was present, it would not be as simple as donating 100 million. He would directly donate until Shen Ziquan vomited blood.

Numb woman who dares to provoke me, you can seriously decide which green onion you are.

You dare to bully Li Qiuya wantonly while I'm not here, don't you know that I'll only live for Li Qiuya in my life?Li Qiuya is my Ni Lin, if you dare to touch her, you are declaring war on me.

"Shen Ziliang, that's fine. I didn't want to be as knowledgeable as you, but since you have done this, if I can't tell you how to do it, if I don't slap your face hard, you won't know it hurts."

A cold light flashed in Zhao Shanhe's eyes.

"Qiu Ya, you go back first, be careful on the way."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe slowly said a word to Li Xiangyang who had been waiting by his side.

The moment Li Xiangyang heard it, his face changed slightly.

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