Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 353 The Most Unbelievable Voice

"Tell me!" Yang Shoucheng took a look.

"Mayor Yang, it's like this, you've seen it too, Mr. Shen did this, so shouldn't he be awarded the title of great philanthropist in today's fundraiser?" Huang Fangjun rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

Shen Ziliang was refreshed.

That's right, I have spent so much money, so I should get this honor.

Really, if you exchange 330 million for the title of a big philanthropist, it is worth the money.

After all, with this honor, it can be regarded as something to gain, at least in the future to do business in Jiangsu Province, the corporate image will be much higher than others.

Sometimes that's all you need to do business.

Having such a name is a kind of brand effect.

"This sinking self-esteem is really about to become a great philanthropist."

"Let's become it, whoever makes people donate the most today."

"Exchanging so much money for such a title, Shen Ziliang's business will lose money no matter what."


"The title of great philanthropist?"

Yang Shoucheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

As the host of this fundraiser, Yang Shoucheng naturally knew what this title was about.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a kind of honorary status given by Handong City, and the way to get this status is very simple, whoever donates the most will get it.

It seems that Shen Ziliang is eyeing this title.

But Shen Ziliang, I'm afraid you will be disappointed again this time.

"Director Huang is right. Now is the time to issue the honorary certificate of a great philanthropist." Yang Shoucheng said with a smile.

Shen Ziliang immediately waited with his head held high.

In his opinion, this honor can only be his.

Of course, in the eyes of others, this honor should indeed be awarded to Shen Ziliang.


When Yang Shoucheng picked up the certificate of a great philanthropist, and when Shen Ziliang was about to walk over to get it with his head held high, a scene that surprised everyone happened.

They heard the most unbelievable voice.

"According to the rules we said before, this time we are raising funds for Suzhou Province, and the one who won the honor of great philanthropist is Zhao Shanhe, Director Zhao of Shanqiu Food!"

"Because Director Zhao was not present, please ask Ms. Li Qiuya to collect the certificate!" Yang Shoucheng looked at Li Qiuya with a pleasant smile, and took the lead in applauding.

There was also some applause scattered in the venue, and many people applauded hesitantly, looking at Yang Shoucheng with puzzled faces.

"Thank you, Mayor Yang."

Li Qiuya came forward with a smile on her face, and took the certificate from Yang Shoucheng.

She said with a gentle expression: "Thank you for the city's recognition of our Shanqiu Foods. I am here to say thank you to the city on behalf of Director Zhao Shanhe. Thank you for the praise from the city."

"Our Shanqiu Food will continue to carry forward this selfless spirit in the future development. Thank you again!"


When Li Qiuya and Yang Shoucheng held the certificate trophy together, reporters started taking pictures early on.Such a big event, of course, must be published in the newspaper.


At this moment, Shen Ziliang, who suddenly woke up from the surprise, rushed to the front, stood in front of the reporters, and shouted angrily: "Mayor Yang, I don't accept it!"

"Why are you dissatisfied?" Yang Shoucheng asked calmly.

Holding the trophy certificate, Li Qiuya also looked at it expressionlessly.

"I don't agree with your award just now!"

Shen Ziliang pointed at Li Qiuya and shouted angrily: "I don't have to ask for this trophy certificate. After all, donating money to the disaster area is something I am willing to do. This is also the heart of our Sifang Industry."

"But I want fairness and justice! Everyone has seen this, right? Sifang Industrial donated 330 million. Shouldn't the honor of this great philanthropist be ours?"

"How can you award it to Zhao Shanhe, Mayor Yang, under the watchful eyes of everyone? How can someone who didn't show up get such an honor? Just because of the 120 million he gave out?"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

No one accused Shen Ziliang this time, because they didn't know what was going on.

The donation of 330 million is more than 120 million. This time Yang Shoucheng went too far.

You can't say that you let people sink their own weight and lose their wives and lose their soldiers, right?

"Mayor Yang, I think Mr. Shen's question is right. Why? The honor of this great philanthropist is not awarded to him, but to Zhao Shanhe? Didn't you say that before the fundraising meeting? Who gets the donation?" If you have more, give it to anyone."

"If Zhao Shanhe donated more, we would forget it, but now everyone knows that he only donated 120 million, so why give him this honor?"

Huang Fangjun chimed in with some indignation.

"We also want to know why."

"Mayor Yang, please explain to us."

"Doing things in the city must be fair and just, right?"


When everyone began to question, Yang Shoucheng acted calmly, without the slightest sign of panic. He calmly swept the audience and said slowly, "Do you all think that this honor should not be given to Zhao Shanhe?"


"But I think Zhao Shanhe deserves his name as a great philanthropist!"

Yang Shoucheng said slowly: "What you saw was Zhao Shanhe's donation this time, but the previous one? Do you know that Zhao Shanhe had already started donating on the first day after the report of the flood in Suzhou came out."

"The first one was donated to the Red Cross Society of Handong City, 200 million! This money has been transferred to the relevant departments of Jiangsu Province through the Red Cross Society, and it has been used for the resettlement of the victims."


After Yang Shoucheng finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

Everyone showed a surprised expression.

Even Shen Ziliang was dumbfounded.

real or fake?

Has Zhao Shanhe donated money once?And donate 200 million at once?This is not a donation in a fit of anger, but a donation from someone sincerely and without any selfish motives.

Seeing the surprised expressions of everyone present, Li Qiuya felt flattered.

Especially when she saw Shen Ziliang's blushing face, she felt extremely happy.Shanhe, it would be great if you were here, you could see their faces.

"Then this is not enough." Huang Fangjun muttered in a low voice.

As soon as he said this, he regretted it and wanted to slap himself.Am I crazy?What are you doing with this extra mouth?No one else said it. Didn't I invite Yang Shoucheng to bear his grudge?

Besides, Yang Shoucheng said that Zhao Shanhe deserved his name, so it must be more than the 200 million!

I really owe it.


Just when Huang Fangjun was full of remorse, Yang Shoucheng looked over with deep eyes, and said unhurriedly: "It seems that some comrades have a lot of opinions on the decision in our city, and the opinions are quite big."

"But it doesn't matter, I will explain it clearly, and I will save you from thinking that the city will make jokes about the big philanthropist."

"Mayor Yang, I didn't mean that, I..."

Just as Huang Fangjun wanted to explain, he was interrupted by Yang Shoucheng raising his hand. He looked over indifferently, and what he said afterwards caused an uproar in the audience.

Everyone looked at Li Qiuya with admiration from the bottom of their hearts!

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