Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 34 One Spit and One Nail

In less than an hour, Zhao Shanhe came with the money, and the next step was to sign the contract.

When signing the contract, Li Xiangyang was more thoughtful. He asked Li Xiangdong to come here without saying anything, and asked Li Xiangdong to bring a lawyer and a notary from the notary office.

After following such a set of procedures, even if Wang Changyun wants to go back on his word, it will be useless in the future.

When all the procedures were completed, Wang Changyun let out a sigh of relief.

"Boss Zhao, from now on, this ice factory will belong to you, I hope you can carry it forward and make persistent efforts to create greater glories.

"Factory Manager Wang, with your good words, I will!" Zhao Shanhe cupped his hands and said.

"There will be a period later!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Changyun walked out of the conference room, and at this time standing in the corridor were workers from the ice factory.

To be honest, they haven't realized it yet, and the good ice factory just changed hands.

"Brothers and sisters, I am very grateful for my company in the past two years, but from now on, I have nothing to do with you and the ice factory. If you have anything to do, go to Director Zhao Shanhe Zhao."

Wang Changyun waved at everyone, turned around and strode away.

When he came to the gate of the ice factory, a somewhat sad expression appeared on his face, and he muttered silently:

"Ice Factory, if we leave today, I'm afraid we will never see each other again. I hope you can really make a fortune in the future."

In the conference room of the administrative building.

The place is now full of workers, all of them craned their necks and looked forward, waiting for the new factory director, Zhao Shanhe, to speak.

None of them thought that the man who had been coming to the ice factory to buy ice cubes would suddenly become their new boss.

"You said that this ice factory is about to close down. Why did Zhao Shanhe buy this?"

"I don't care what he does, he has to pay me anyway."

"That's right, as long as he pays the wages he owes us, he can do whatever he wants, and it has nothing to do with us."


In this whispering atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe glanced at the audience, "Dear workers, I believe most of you know me, because I have been picking ice cubes from our ice factory all the time."

"Now, our relationship is one step closer. I bought this ice factory and became the new director here."

"Director Zhao, do you mean what the new factory manager and Wang Changyun said? Will you really pay us the wages we are in arrears?" someone asked.


As Zhao Shanhe said, he took out a bundle of "Great Unity" from the leather bag next to him, and put it on the table, the people in the meeting room suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.

"I, Zhao Shanhe, keep my word. If I spit on a nail and say that I will pay you the wages owed to you, I will definitely not renege on it."

"I calculated that there are a total of 200 people in our ice factory, and the monthly salary is 6000. In this case, if you owe two months, each person should receive [-] yuan. All of you add up and you should receive [-] yuan. [-] yuan."

"Am I right?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled.


"It's fine if it's right, and I'm the new factory manager anyway, so it's impossible to say that only the arrears of wages will be paid, and this month's wages will not be paid."

"July seems to be over, and you haven't paid your salary for this month. In this way, I will also pay your salary for this month, so that each person will receive 300 yuan, right?" Zhao Shanhe said loudly.


"Director Zhao, are you serious? You even paid us this month's salary?"

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true!"

Zhao Shanhe pointed to the bundle of money on the table, and said confidently: "The money is here, can it be faked? Xiangyang, come on, you pay the salary, and let everyone who receives the salary sign and stamp it .”

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang stood in front of the bundle of money, looked at the excited crowd, and said loudly: "Brothers and sisters, have you all seen it? Director Zhao is very kind to us!"

"Just after taking over our ice factory, we paid three months' salary in a row. Go out and ask, how many factory managers are there like him? Should you all follow him?"


"We must follow Director Zhao!"

"Brother Li, you said that we are all old people in the ice factory. If we can continue to work, who would want to leave!"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, for our factory director Zhao!"

"Clap clap clap!"

This group of smiling workers applauded Zhao Shanhe from the bottom of their hearts.

People's hearts are full of meat. They don't know that Zhao Shanhe can continue to renege on his debts, but he doesn't.If you want to do this, you have to win the favor of others.

Looking at such a picture, the smile on Zhao Shanhe's face did not stop.

But his heart was dripping with blood, and now he was back to before liberation.

The 5 yuan earned from selling shaved ice was given to Wang Changyun 1 yuan, and another [-] yuan was paid for this trip, and the remaining [-] yuan was not enough to pay off foreign debts.

Because of this foreign debt, I owe a full 5 yuan!

I said that Wang Changyun was willing to sell the ice factory to me for 9 yuan. If calculated in this way, he would have to spend [-] yuan just to buy this factory.

But even so, Zhao Shanhe has no intention of shrinking back or being timid. For him, being able to win the ice factory and owning a factory that is completely his own is the most important thing.

Get this done, and the rest is to hurry up and produce new products.

As long as new products can win consumers and win the market, the funds can be turned over.

Those who are in the industry are most afraid of spending money, and what they are most afraid of is not spending money.

After everyone got their wages, Zhao Shanhe said loudly: "Today is Friday, I am the master, you should rest at home for two days, and come back to work on time on Monday!"

"it is good!"

After the workers left happily, Li Xiangyang walked over with a sad face.

"Shanhe, this is the remaining 1000 yuan, and it's all here. The 9000 yuan was sent out of my hand like this. I feel so distressed when I sent it. How much shaved ice do you think it takes to sell it back? "

Li Xiangyang shook his head and clicked his tongue.

"It's enough to count on selling shaved ice for a while."

Zhao Shanhe looked at the 1000 yuan bill with a smile, but he didn't intend to take it.

"Xiangyang, you're too busy giving them money, but you haven't even received your own salary, so you should collect the money first!"

"This... this is too much! Just as much as you want."

Li Xiangyang took out 500 yuan from the inside, which was the salary owed to him by the ice factory, and he took it with confidence, and he didn't want the remaining [-] yuan, and stuffed it into Zhao Shanhe's pocket without saying anything.

"Shanhe, can you tell me now, what are you planning to produce? If you don't hurry up to produce, I'm worried that the situation of the ice factory will get worse." Li Xiangyang followed up and asked.

"That's right, brother Shanhe, what are you going to produce?" Li Xiangdong also asked curiously.

For Zhao Shanhe to put up such a big battle, it would be impossible if he was unprepared.

After all, 5 yuan has already been poured in. With so much money, even if it is in vain, you can hear a sound.

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