Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 309 Look at Some People's Faces

"Mayor Yang, our textile factory in Nanjue County just completed a small-scale restructuring two days ago, and the effect is not bad, so why don't you go over and have a look?" Liang Xuefeng looked at Yang Shoucheng with a smile.

These words made Yang Shoucheng immediately excited.

We must know that any system reform is very sensitive now, and we are crossing the river by feeling the stones, which cannot be ignored.

Liang Xuefeng dared to say this, which meant that the restructuring of the textile factory should be good. This is a good experience, and he must go and see it.

"Then go to the textile factory first." Yang Shoucheng waved his hand and smiled.


Hearing what Yang Shoucheng said, Luo Qian'an could only shut up, he couldn't say that he was against Yang Shoucheng.

But it doesn't matter, you Liang Xuefeng wants political achievements, so if you set the first stop at the textile factory, then I will give you political achievements.

After the textile factory is over, it's time to go to Shanqiu Food, right?As long as I go, I can shoot Zhao Shanhe to death.

The convoy headed for the textile factory.

Liang Xuefeng's hanging heart slowly relaxed. He didn't say to go back to his car, but followed Yang Shoucheng to the minibus and saw the investors.

"Magistrate with academic style, let me introduce to you, these investors are all from other places, and each of them is a very powerful big boss."

"If they say they can come to your Nanjue County to invest, I guarantee that your economic development level will definitely be greatly improved." Yang Shoucheng said with a smile.

"Then I welcome you warmly!" Liang Xuefeng echoed.

"County Liang, I heard that Shanqiu Food in your county is developing well. We must visit it later." After a short exchange of pleasantries, an investor named Dong Xiangbing suddenly said.

It's Shanqiu food again!

What does it mean?Is it right with Shanqiu Food?Why did Luo Qian'an mention it, and this investor also said it?Could it be that these investors have something to do with Luo Qian'an?

It's fine if you don't know about this matter, once you know it, you will think about it wildly, this is about people like Liang Xuefeng, he answered without hesitation while thinking secretly in his heart.

"Sure, let's go to Shanqiu Food at the second stop!"

"Then tell us about Shanqiu Food." Dong Xiangbing said.

"it is good!"


Shanqiu Food Warehouse.

Say half an hour, that's half an hour.

Wang Jianshu returned to Zhao Shanhe sweating profusely, and said out of breath, "Mr. Zhao, we have checked all the boxes in the warehouse, and we found four boxes with problems in total."

"These four boxes have been checked, and it is confirmed that they are all counterfeit Yile chewing gum."

"What about the rest of the boxes?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"The rest are all produced by our factory and have not been opened, so there is absolutely no problem!" Wang Jianshu said.

"That's good!"

Only then did Zhao Shanhe's hanging heart drop.

"Put all these four boxes of counterfeit and inferior chewing gum away!"


Wang Jianshu immediately went to do it.

"Factory Manager, just received the news that the research team has come to our side, counting the time, it will arrive in about 10 minutes." Li Xiangyang put down the mobile phone in his hand and said.

"10 minutes?"

Zhao Shanhe pursed his lips and looked to the side.

"Chunming, is it over with you?"

"It's over, everything has been checked, and everything is normal." Han Chunming said.

"Then let's go, let's meet the research team and take a look at some people's faces." Zhao Shanhe's eyes were icy cold, he was really disgusted by Luo Qian'an.

Plant entrance.

The convoy of the research team arrived soon, and Yang Shoucheng walked over surrounded by Liang Xuefeng and the others. Zhao Shanhe went forward with a smile on his face and greeted him warmly.

"Mr. Dong, let me tell you, this is Mr. Zhao Shanhe Zhao of Shanqiu Food that you all want to see. It is under his hands that Shanqiu Food has grown and grown."

"You are all talents in the business world, so you can communicate more." Yang Shoucheng waited for a brief introduction, and then introduced Zhao Shanhe grandly.

"I didn't expect Mr. Zhao to be so young!"

"That is to say, he is really young and promising."

"It's okay to be able to work hard to create such a career at a young age!"

A few investors looked over and said innocuous words.On the surface, they seemed to be praising them, but everyone could feel how perfunctory they were, and they didn't take Zhao Shanhe seriously at all.

Dong Xiangbing curled his lips even more, and said casually: "Mr. Zhao, we followed Mayor Yang to your Nanjue County for investigation this time, in order to inspect the investment environment in your county."

"Before Mayor Yang came over, he kept praising you Shanqiu Food, saying how outstanding you are, young and promising, seeing you today, you really deserve your reputation."

"In this case, you can take us to visit your factory."

Zhao Shanhe was alert in his heart, and said with the same face as before: "Since Mr. Dong is asking so earnestly, I will take you around. Mayor Yang, this way please, let's go to the production workshop first."

"it is good!"

Yang Shoucheng began to visit under the leadership of Zhao Shanhe.

To be honest, it is also the first time for Yang Shoucheng to visit Shanqiu Food.

Although it is said that this is just a branch factory and not the headquarters, these are not important.

Because Yile chewing gum is produced here, and Yile is unique in the whole country today.In the chewing gum industry, although there are brands like Green Arrow, who dares to compete with Yile?

Didn't you see that Green Arrow was beaten to lose his temper?

"This is the production workshop of our Shanqiu Foods, and all Yile chewing gum is produced from here." Zhao Shanhe pointed to the production line that was running in front of him and introduced.

"very good!"

Yang Shoucheng smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

"Mine, these should be mine!"

As for Luo Qian'an, who saw this scene, he was unmoved on the surface, but in his heart, the eyeballs he had envied for a long time were about to fall out.

Nima's Zhao Shanhe, if he hadn't spoiled my good deeds, I could have such a foundation!

And you must know that this production line was originally mine, but it was taken away by Zhao Shanhe in a clever way!

Mine, all mine.

But don't worry, I'll have you all back soon.

After the group came out of the production workshop, they came to the nearby warehouse area. Seeing the mountains of boxes here, Yang Shoucheng's smile became more gentle.

"Mr. Zhao, have all these chewing gums of your Shanqiu Foods been sold? These products won't be said to be unsalable, right?"


Zhao Shanhe shook his head slightly.

"Mayor Yang, you are really worrying too much. All the products here will be delivered within three days. That's not counting. We have a huge number of orders, and it's already a month away."

a month later?

After hearing this, Yang Shoucheng was full of surprise, and then smiled heartily.

But some people are very sad, so sad that they want to cry.

Then he acted.

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