Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 308 What a ruthless move!

"Listen, don't worry about whether Lin Chaoyang did this right now. I will investigate this matter in the future. Before that, the most urgent task is to solve the upcoming investigation." Zhao Shanhe said calmly and decisively.

"I dare say that this survey will definitely come to our branch factory, because if it doesn't come, the carefully arranged overall situation will be meaningless."

"So listen to my arrangements now." Zhao Shanhe began to issue orders with a serious face.

"First, Xiangyang, you should immediately contact the county magistrate Liang Xuefeng and tell him to find a way to delay Mayor Yang's arrival, at least buy me an hour!"


Li Xiangyang turned around and walked out of the warehouse.

"Second, Wang Jianshu, I'll give you four or ten minutes to count all the chewing gum in the warehouse immediately, and find out all the problematic boxes. Is it possible?"

Zhao Shanhe asked calmly.


Wang Jianshu gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice, "When Lin Chaoyang came over, he was driving a van, which means that even if he wanted to frame him, he couldn't say how many boxes he brought over."

"And a lot of our chewing gum is pre-packaged. It is impossible for him to open those. All he can do is to mix the problematic boxes into those bulk goods."

"So instead of four or 10 minutes, I can count it in half an hour!"

"Then do it quickly!" Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.


Wang Jianshu immediately started the roll call, and the warehouse managers who were called took action on the spot. They directly bypassed the packed boxes and went straight to the bulk cargo area.

"Thirdly, Han Chunming, you also have three or ten minutes. Your task is to check. You have to check all the places where Lin Chaoyang might go."

"Although he may not have time to do things, in order to avoid trouble, you still have to check carefully."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "The production workshop is the first! The restaurant and the dormitory are the second! Listen, don't make a big fuss to check, so as not to cause unnecessary commotion."


Han Chunming turned around and went to work.

After all these people left, Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly.

He could understand Wang Jianshu's hesitation just now, but he was afraid that he would think too much.

But if Lin Chaoyang really did this with a grudge, Zhao Shanhe would never let him go.

And based on what he knew about Lin Chaoyang, it was really possible for this guy to do such a thing.

But what is the motive?

Just because I fired him?

Impossible, just because of this reason, Lin Chaoyang may not wait until now to act.And even if he wants to do it, where can he find so many counterfeit chewing gum?

And where did that van come from?There must be a mastermind behind this matter, someone instructed him to do this?

Then who is this person?

Could it be Luo Qian'an?

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth.

Luo Qian'an is very suspicious. After all, not everyone can cause Yang Shoucheng to come down to investigate, but Luo Qian'an should have this ability.

What's more, Luo Qian'an also came here this time, accompanied by reporters. These things are not normal, and they all show that this should be a well-designed conspiracy long ago.

Some people may say, can this crush Zhao Shanhe?


Really don't think this is a trivial matter, after all, for the food industry, quality is too big.

As long as the news about Yile chewing gum being shoddy and quality problems is exposed today, Shanqiu Foods will face a wave of returns tomorrow and will be targeted by the market.

And knowing that this matter was exposed in front of Yang Shoucheng and investors, the nature is even more serious.

What a tough move!

It was fortunate that Wang Jianshu's eyes were poisonous enough to discover this in time.Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe felt a chill in his heart.

"Lin Chaoyang, if you really help the evildoers, I will kill my relatives righteously!"

"Luo Qian'an, if you did this, you and your honest food are waiting to bear my wrath!"

"Also, is anyone else involved in this matter?"

Zhao Shanhe stood where he was, his brain spinning at high speed.


At the county boundary of Nanjue County.

After receiving the call from Li Xiangyang, Liang Xuefeng was slightly stunned.

You must know that according to the original plan, the first stop should be the branch factory of Shanqiu Foods. After all, it can be said to be a pilot in Nanjue County, and it is the most promising place.

But Li Xiangyang said to let himself procrastinate.

"Director Li, are you sure you want to do this? Did something unexpected happen?" Liang Xuefeng asked with raised eyebrows.

"County Liang, I won't be able to explain this matter to you for a while, so you should do it first," Li Xiangyang said.

"Okay, then I know, but Director Li, I will definitely go to Shanqiu Foods, after all, your list has been submitted."

"For me, I can only go to the nearest textile factory first, and the second stop will be yours. In terms of time, one hour! Is it enough?" Liang Xuefeng glanced at his watch and asked.


"That's it!"

After hanging up the phone, Liang Xuefeng had some doubts and guesses in his heart, but he didn't have time to think about it, and the research team from the city came.

After seeing this, he shook his head, put these messy thoughts behind him, and walked towards the convoy.

After the simple greetings, Yang Shoucheng smiled and said, "Major of Xuefeng County, I heard that Shanqiu Foods' branch factory in Nanjue County is developing well, why don't we go over there and have a look?"

"Shanqiu Food's branch factory is indeed developing well. Of course, we can go there to have a look, but before we go, Mayor Yang, why don't we go to the textile factory first?"

"After knowing the news that you are coming to investigate, everyone in the textile factory is looking forward to it." Liang Xuefeng said with a smile.

"A textile mill?"

Yang Shoucheng pondered for a while.

"Mayor Yang, I think we should go to the Shanqiu Food Branch first, and we can also go to the textile factory after we go there." Luo Qian'an suddenly interjected at this moment.

The moment he said this, Liang Xuefeng looked over subconsciously.

After all, he is an old fox in the system, some things can be ignored, once you think about it, you will know that something is wrong.

Thinking of Li Xiangyang's phone call, seeing what Luo Qian'an said, and thinking of the previous fight between the two families, Liang Xuefeng realized that there must be something wrong.

Could it be that Luo Qian'an did something wrong?

If that's the case, Luo Qian'an, your status is too low!I know that you have conflicts with Zhao Shanhe, but you can't say that you are using Yang Shoucheng's research to make a fuss. Aren't you making it clear that you want to borrow a knife to kill someone?

Are you not afraid that Yang Shoucheng will be angry when he finds out?

Thinking of this, Liang Xuefeng noticed that Yang Shoucheng seemed a little moved by Luo Qianan's persuasion. He rolled his eyes, and then he said something that made Yang Shoucheng make a decision on the spot, and the first stop was to go to the textile factory.

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